Poland will save the west again

How many times do they have to do it???

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Until they have made up for the times they have ruined it.

not saying the information is bullshit,but why use such a shit source?

Haha, sources? Don't cherry pick now. Inb4 shady .ru facts...

The information is true, the ruling party has 47% of support right now.

No, Poland will not because all the young people left Poland and are getting braineashed in western EU countries. they'll return in the future and spread the same cancer, Poland will be flooded with black Africans before 2100.

Holy fuck, did you not read my fucking post? I'm not questioning the fucking poll.

I'm saying using RT is fucking bullshit.

No, this time we're not gonna save them.
I'll just sit back and watch as the West slowly falls because of it's own degeneracy.

as always leafs don't know shit

If not for Sup Forums, I would still be a nigger loving faggot. You're right.

I'm just confirming that it's not fake because RT is a shit source. Chill the fuck out.

Could we end this meme and stop calling PiS nationalists? They're much closer to Christian Democrats.

No. They're a weak country in the same way of Wales, Scotland, Ireland who have been traditionally dominated by surrounding powerful nations (Germany, Russia).

They're only able to act this way because the power countries Ive mentioned are acting as if their hands are tied. But that will soon change.

>poles leaving for poland

>How many times do they have to do it???
At least once more. Non of us have a population with the will to demand their government to do it.

exactly those degenerates will stay in shitty multicultural states and never come here again

And you somehow based this on my post as if you were trying to refute a claim that I said "fake news!!" Which I did not.
You dumb fucking Slav.

>poles leaving for poland
It's actually true. 75% of Poles moving houses are Poles coming back to Poland. 3 times more Poles are coming back to Poland than emigrating.


Mama Merkel immediately started groveling when Trump once passively threatened to pull our military from the EU. They have political clout in Brussels, that's the extent of Germoney's """power"""

Fuck off you stupid cunt. I just wanted to confirm your claim that the poll is real. I wasn't implying that you were saying that the poll is fake.

>burgers lol

Too many. Honestly why should we again?

Go get raped 3 times

...such as?

RT is pretty good, one of the only bigger media platforms that write articles about the negative aspect of 3rd world immigration.

Just don't trust them when it comes to Russia.

Polish language has a lot of accents which are USING in music.

t. Rozmowiam po polsku

>RT is pretty good
Get fucked. It literally 100% supported the leftist "occupy" movement in the US. It's a subversion platform for the Russian government.

wut? They seem pretty right wing to me

>Poland will save the west again
Poland never saved the West

Jesus, this is such a meme. You assume, that if Poland didn't, say, beat the Soviets in 1920, then Germans, French, Spanish etc. wouldn't do that

Poland is too small, too irrelevant and too weak to influence the West. It is the West that distributes wealth, scientific achievements and prestige. Eastern Europe is an offshoot of what happens in the West. A tail doesn't command the dog

I'm still here and I believe the west is gay and suicidal. PC culture is cancer.

Really great analysis, bud. I don't think you realize the Russians instigate both left and right ideologies, and some of what RT pushes is purely leftist anti-western nonsense
>I'm totally redpilled guys! Yuri bezmenov was right!
>wait what? Russians wouldn't do anything to harm the west, they are the last savior of the white race!!

You're arguing with a non-pole who gets his information from RT. Save your breath.

Not to mention the BLM protests, which they supported 100% after Ferguson even when one of their reporters got her camera stolen, always mentioning the "racial divide" in America over police "injustice". Hell, since the Syria strike, they adopted an official anti-Trump position, and you can see it right now, they're quoting MSNBC and CNN articles

>Poland never saved the West


Israel is even smaller. Are they weak?

All aboard the Visegrad Empire!!!!!

You really think Ottomans could control Balkans + HRE? Have you heard about such thing as imperial overreach?

What was No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadrons role in the Battle of Britain?
Who broke the Enigma?
What happened in Monte Carlo?

This time is you next time may be Russia or even Germany.
It is a honour to serve your people not a burden. Also if you will have success,which we all hope for, you and your people will be honored and it will gain relevance

Thanks polan!

Now give back clay plz

Pls. Israel is a truly independent country. They even produce their own tanks, jets, rockets. Besides, Israel is a very united country, because to be a Jew, often means to be a nationalist or chauvinist, and that's what creates close cooperation between Jews. Look at all those liberal jews, like Jeffrey Goldberg, David Brooks, Rahm Emmanuel, Elie Wiesel, Alan Dershowitz etc. They're all very cosmopolitan, but in the end fierce defenders of Israel and they or their kids served in IDF or elsewhere

>What was No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadrons role in the Battle of Britain?
So you literally think a one fucking squadron decided the fate of this war? Don't you think this is ridiculous and disproportionate? You think they were some demigods or what?

>Who broke the Enigma?
it was a cooperation of Poles and British

>What happened in Monte Carlo?

>Truly independent country.
They would literally vanish if it was not for U.S. They are not independent at all. Every year they must hope to their God that U.S. wont abandon them.

Looks like we have someone who doesnt want to question more. I get daily updates on syrian war and notifications when there is a live trump broadcast when our media only wants to talk about irrelevant distractions.

The west self-destructive phase is always the opposite to our self-destructive phase and vice versa.

Hes probably an immigrant. Nobody here gets that worked up about RT.

that's bullcrap. They're strong because Arabs are weak and retarded

I was actualy bluepilled until I moved to Germany. Now I think that the world wont know peace until every non european is not dead.

>Reformation in the West
>Reformation in E. Europe

>Enlightenment in the West
>Enlightenment in EE

>Marxism, Positivism, Nationalism in the West
>Marxism, Positivism, Nationalism in EE

You don't know history dude

which is never you dumb faggot

This is true, we give them $3 billion a year in (((aid))) and they still (((stole))) our nuclear tech

Wait, I thought France gave Israel the tech?

You're a retarded burger.

t. Russian

Unfortunetely it is true. Also if this party will win the few next elections it will finnaly prove that na-socism is dumb. You'll see why.