Should Women Be Reduced to Breeding Stock?

In my opinion this is the only possible position for women after modern science (not to speak of their modern freedoms) has revealed them for the natural prostitutes and soulless beasts they are.

In my opinion women should be raised separately, not taught anything but the most rudimentary language, and then be groomed to be breeding stock. The best females will be bred by the best males: these best specimens will be chosen by a special eugenic council of men like myself, of good taste. Additionally I will choose from among men the most impressive specimens as "studs" to breed the female population at large and thereby improve the race.

It is true that under this scheme most men would not be fathers, but most men do not desire this anyway; they would, in exchange, get plenty of free sex, which is better than they can say for themselves now.

The noxious influence of women not only in politics and public life, but also in the culture, in the arts and letters, will be eliminated and the biological quality of the race will be improved under the direction and foresight and good taste of men like myself.

What do you think?

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I came here to save that pic

Artificial wombs

God Damnit


It's literally all we're for.

This won't need to even happen because of techno eugenics. All eugenics can be done in a Petri dish or test tube.

This is good because you won't have to deal with jealousy towards men who breed all the women. Still encourage monogamy and good racial hygiene, but for the most part it should be done using technology.

u re a fucking tool, burger
no, im for treating women like they used to do it in the first half of 20th century in healthy, european societies

That doesn't work either.

It can be said that we got this far because men didn't have access to easy sex, therefore, men had to invent stuff and increase intelligence to get the attention of women. Thus, leading to greater productivity

There is almost no ancient or pre-modern society that believed that men and women are "natural companions" that complement each other psychologically. The idea that a woman can be your friend or especially your "soul mate" or "your everything" is a modern piece of stupidity that you typically confuse for nature, when in fact it is just the conventions of your people in this time that have deemed it so. Even today, Arabs don't think that men and women are natural companions and in this they are correct.

Breeding stock is the correct position--not cherished wife or mother or sister, etc.; the idea that women are to be venerated is a Christian-Teutonic piece of stupidity that destroyed the West. They are to be chattel and nothing more.

"Even one's mother and sister are disgusting" --Pashtun proverb.


Monogamy, in being a form of sexual socialism, is the cause of the biological degeneration of mankind which has led to the modern man, a bug man worthy of extermination. Most men and women should probably not breed. The system I propose seeks to improve the quality of the next generation based on long-standing breeding practices; we have also been successful with dogs, horses, and so on. You would care that the next generation of farm animals be improved, but not care that human beings should receive the same attention?

let natural selection do its thing, it'll select the best males and females. Feminists that think dicks are disgusting will go away in the next generation and we will be better off. So we dont need to force it, it's already happening


did i say anything about feminism ?
it didnt exist before the first world war
i reject any form of feminism and gender equality

so ure basically for adapting islamic culture into the western white socities

btw post more of those pics

The unrestrained and hypergamous nature of female sexuality is actually dysgenic, especially when disentangled from those traditional social institutions responsible for sublimating it, thereby harnessing its energies and channeling it towards socially and biologically productive ends. The rise of the so-called love match, founded upon the ashes of medieval Teutonic chivalry and the courtly love idealized by Troubadours, has been disastrous for the west. Blind passion should never be allowed to enter into considerations of a purely eugenic nature, which must involve the purification of the familial bloodline through the amalgamation of the best available racial elements. This can only be done by means of a rigorous "scientific objectivity", meaning a relativistic objectivity by which numerous individual perspectives are synthesized and subsumed into a single underlying thread producing a more intelligible picture, augmented by a process of deep spiritual examination and introspection. Those who are dominated by instinct reveal their brute animal natures through their inability to participate in any ongoing reflective life, hence the subordination of passion as an element in breeding to that of relatively dispassionate observers acting in service of patriarchy.

Look at a state like Sparta, which followed similar policies and lasted for 800 years, much longer than any modern state you can name.

Half a dozen countries gave women the vote pre-WWI. The Women's Suffrage Journal began printing in 1870 in England.
Richard Pankhurst, an outspoken Socialist raised five suffragettes who changed the public opinion of Germany in WWI.
Mary Wollstonecraft, Barbara Bodichon, and Lydia Becker all died before 1900, all noted feminists.
Don't tell me this is a recent thing.

Where are the sources for these?

Only if men are reduced to manual labourers too.

I think that I've been here for long enough that I'm actually entertaining the possibility that you're being serious and I'm wondering if that should worry me.

no fuck off christard

Not Christian Teutonic. The Greeks and romans did not practice polygamy.

>Most men would not be fathers
So, worse than now
>They would get free sex
How, if access to semi-mong breeding stock is controlled?
Fuck off to r9k, this is not politics

That is some nostalgic illusion of grandeur right there.
Not only polygamy but faggotry and incest was rampant as fuck.
It is one thing to glorify those times but at least acknowledge what those times really were.

pretty sure most men already are we clean the shit women take advantage of everyday

The original post makes a serious case for the proper treatment of women, based on the historical record of the noblest peoples and on the conclusions of philosophy and science regarding human nature. Definitions may differ from society to society, tribe to tribe, city-state to city-state, but any people or nation that has wanted to become great has engaged in something like this, consciously or not.

"Rampant faggotry". Ok show some sources. Yes, faggotry happened when Rome started to degenerate band to act like it was "rampant" during the peak Greek and Roman times is fucking delusion.

fuck off chaim

Giving women the vote was the worst decision ever made in history.

Classical Athenians literally invented the Burqa, and Harem.

Orgies were a serious public problem throughout the Roman period. As in, people were so busy sucking slave cock in clandestine orgies that labor productivty lowered significantly.

This is fucking delusion you fucking kike. Post your sources then. Maybe a senator had a few mistresses or whatever but even that was looked down upon and harems were never the norm like they are in islam.

Basically yes.


*faps furiously*

>It's an /s/ goes to Sup Forums thread

heh, enjoy your ban

No fuck off with your obvious psychological issues making you think women are animals
sure, some of them are, some are total sluts, but a few are pretty decent people. honorable, even. theyre our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, and any punk bitch that thinks hes bad enough to do anything of the sort to my family, will be executed and dumped in a feral hog territory.
whats the matter faggot? never got pussy and now your seek for any way to get it? even by force?

Look at pottery and paintings and literature of those times. For fuck sake you as an American are glorifying other cultures and nations based on the fucking comic books you are reading.

I do not hate Greeks. Don't think that because of my flag. My family has settlements in the Aegean region. I live in the neighborhood your 300 comic book was based upon.


Daddy issues. What's your #



The psychological instinct of a skank who thinks her dirty smelly hole should be at the center of social life. I'll tell you this, living with a woman is as inconceivable to me as living with a dirty pack of gypsies or niggers.

Every healthy society has recognized that women are lower than animals. In the Orient, and I mean in Afghanistan, where the healthiest instincts exist, they laugh at the silliness of Westerners in treating women as anything other than beasts of burden and property.

I do look at the literature faggot. I've read the classics, and I know what the greeks thought, and what the romans thought. Spreading this Greeks and Romans practiced rampant faggotry and had harems is kike propaganda and is used to prevent people from looking into those times and studying the classics.

Most retarded shit ive heard in a while. First of all
>most men don't want children
Completely incorrect. Biologically, white men in general are programmed to love and care for their children.

>only breeding top males
This leads to a society where most men's genetic purposes are not being fulfilled, where the men are aimless and destructive. See: Muslim culture

>only teaching women rudimentary language
God no. Women should be taught to be entertainers and supporters of their husband, as well as taught important skills to be used as a metric for their breeding potential. They should also be taught their purpose in life, which is to breed, and how to best fulfill that purpose with child care and choosing the correct mate.

The future for men and women should be broght, and based on fact. Through the successful union and balance of our sides of the species, our Germanic race grew to dominate from a tiny peninsula that could barely support 1 million. We need to see that our women are our most valuable assets, and we theirs.

you dont make policies based on the few but the many, and most women arent capable of acting as adults

So you're argument to extreme whores is to be a nigger? What happened to removing voting power but loving the woman?

Lurk more you fucking child.

Why do you defend your ignorance so?

This. OP is a virgin

The only people who argue things like this, tend to be fat loser manlets who have never gotten pussy in their lives, and want to level out the sexual market somehow so they too can get a piece of the action.

It's not women's fault you can't compete.


Female slaves were sexual objects for Athenian men, all citizens had slaves, not just the rich. Women were expected to cover up and stay out of sight.

>dude you can't judge women just because 99% are whores
t. Roastie

The bitterness is strong with this one.
OP can't get a date.

I see you're handling the effects of sexual liberation very well.

you know the rules, incubator.


I agree, but it's not because women are pathetic. It's because it split the family vote, and wedged our civilization I'm two. Marriage, the nuclear family, that is the atom of western civilization that makes (made?) us so powerful. The vote should be taken away from single men and women and given only to legally married, monogamous couples, with children. Only those who reproduce can viscerally understand the mechanisms of life and society, because they have fulfilled their purpose, and want to see their children fulfill theirs too.

No, women are not lower than animals. They are to be submissive, and honorable.
Fucking jews man. they did this. they made women whorish skanky feminists, and now youre having a knee jerk reaction. Im not a mudslime and dont see it your way.
Also forget all the wars fought over women. The structures built to impress them. The vengeance taken for their deaths.

To the people who think that women and men make good EUGENIC choices on their own, I would ask you, do you have any historical examples to back this up? The age of supposed sexual freedom in choosing one's mate has led to a steady decrease in human capital by almost any measure; economic, intellectual, and I would argue also aesthetic, if you look at the walking abortions that make up most of the world, and indeed the Western world, today. As I said already above, Sparta was such a state that practiced similar policies and lasted for 800 years, much longer than any modern state you can name.

It is time to reconsider this important question again: should women be reduced to animals, not taught language, should they be beasts of burden and do all manual labor as is the way of the Afghans and other primitives.

Should women be pulled by the hair and have their faces pushed in the mud...

Put a collar and cowbells on them; put shiny necklaces on the nubile ones. Throw them in the hay in the barn, listen to their Banshee-like screams of pleasure and agony as they are bred.



Your stupidity is boundless. Please suicide pls.

>Additionally I will choose from among men the most impressive specimens as "studs"
and of course your fat smelly hairy ass will be one of them right ?

How to fix women:

>declassify them as people, instead classify them as a special designation of livestock. They do not need human rights because they already have the protection of a strong male figure.
>only educated in basic language concepts and obedience training, as well as basic household/child rearing tasks. A women does not need anything beyond learning how to be a mother
>are not considered for any decision making process, either in society or the family. A man's word is absolute, and only their word matters, because they drive society and the family, not women.

Basically, implement Sharia law in regards to women.

>skinny hairless ass drenched in perfume wants top-tier women


Greco-Roman antiquity basically invented Shariah. Muslims just copy pasta’ed.

That sounds like a good doujin premise

I think I found my soulmate, what do?

That's why we teach and guide them to the correct decision. Hold up men who are patrons of virtue as the most attractive, and women will believe that. Hold up virtuous women, and men will desire that. It's the same method of programming that has been used to destroy our society, and it works precisely because it is powerful. In the age of mass media, everyone is subject to influence at all times. We take control of that mass media and we can influence our people in the right direction.

Man has defied natural selection by taking initiatives, and must continue to do so in order to survive.

Mindlessly subjugating yourself to natural laws without personal responsibility makes you less than an animal, because the potential squandered by the acceptance of your current conditions is worse than an animal's unwilling ignorance controlling his fate. My point is you have a choice, and an impossible opportunity is better than a wasted choice.

no I am MGTOW.

In the US I might choose Brad Pitt or Dolph Lundgren to impregnate hundreds of thousands of nubile attractive girls ready for breeding. All quibbling aside, who can doubt that this would improve the race?

Some who post against me on this thread, I suspect, know full well they are lacking in objective high quality and would lose out under this system.

>no I am MGTOW.

>Sparta was such a state that practiced similar policies and lasted for 800 years, much longer than any modern state you can name.
I'm not interested in the longevity of states, but the longevity of nations. Sweden lasted 2000 years at least, the English have lasted 1200, Germans have lasted at least as long. All with the strategy of monogamy.

Yeah the amount of autism displayed in this post makes me wish faggots like you didn’t have access to the internet. How do you formulate an opinion like this? Have you spent your entire life surrounded by similar mouthbreathing dregs? They’re humans too you dumb cunt. ThInk with your brain not with your dick you fucking idiot.

Ok Adolf, good luck with that.

As I have already said above, monogamy, in being a form of sexual socialism, is the cause of the biological degeneration of mankind which has led to the modern man, a bug man worthy of extermination. Most men and women should probably not breed. The system I propose seeks to improve the quality of the next generation based on long-standing breeding practices; we have also been successful with dogs, horses, and so on. You would care that the next generation of farm animals be improved, but not care that human beings should receive the same attention?

/thread, and summary of all of Sup Forums

Spartans did not seriously practice monogamy. They fucked and impregnated sexual slaves all the time. Even if they were married to one woman, they would have many female slaves they fucked like rabbits.

Women don't pursue virtuous men. Some do, but the rule is demonstrated through the majority, and the majority of women can't help but be sexually attracted to ruthless predators instead of generous caregivers -- because that's the role of a woman.

How do anons with sisters feel about this?

Men are not natural competitors, but naturally indifferent to one another. This is the reason that men can easily form friendships, whereas it's well-known, and has been throughout history, that it's impossible to have a woman as a friend. Women are always in natural competition with each other, and when it comes to a man they always want something from him: namely, they either want to be dominated by him and to have him be their fucker, or else to dominate him and have him be their choreboy/beta orbiter/use whatever term you want. There is really no third option for women. Now, if you can have pleasant, conflict-free friendships with women, I will guess that this is because they're not attracted to you. I've never been able to be friends with a woman without having her chase me sexually, and this of course is incompatible with friendship. Once you refuse, you become a mortal enemy to her, the blow to a woman's ego is very severe; if you don't refuse, you become de facto her dominator and fucker, which is totally incompatible with friendship or with anything that rises above the level of a dog in the street. In general it's only betas that are able to be "friends" with women--although the women themselves certainly don't think of it that way.

Incestry was not rampant. It was even illegal at certain times. The ancients believed that the gods did not allow it as the children came out deformed. So to them, it was god punishing incest.
Faggotry yes. But it isn't directly analogous to the modern day. There were specific idiosyncratic beliefs that accompanied it.