Brit/pol/ (Trip/pol/): Based Tony Blair Edition

>New ant-Brexit party hopes to capture UK politics centre ground

>Positive discrimination at the BBC, who knew?

>EU prepares to probably try and take the piss again with a bad deal

>First Brit/pol/ Ruddcunt victim

>Medical student convicted of indecent assault for grabbing Tinder date's breasts with 'excessive force' during sex

>Homes are not assets to be passed onto children says minister

>Barnier: Not enough progress in Brexit talks

Nonces not welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:

He wasn't that bad. He killed a good load of serb rats

Ferdinand was avenged

He should've let the Serbs kill the Bosnians and other Muslims first.
>Alan Partridge will be the BBC’s ‘voice of Brexit’ when he returns to the broadcaster for a new series next year, says Steve Coogan.
>Coogan explains that Partridge would have backed the campaign to leave the EU, and therefore will enjoy a revival in his BBC career.
>Explaining how it would be believable that the BBC would take Partridge back, Coogan told The New European: [..] “Alan would have voted Brexit for sure. Hard Brexit, given the choice. He’s a Brexiteer because the Daily Mail told him to be.”
>The spoof presenter will be returning to the broadcaster in spring 2018, after a 15-year hiatus which saw Coogan take him to Sky Atlantic and the silver screen.
Absolutely dreading this shit.

>Based Tony edition


can't smoke without adding drink into the mix anymore


Start buying guns.

Looking forward to being part of Greater Kernow?

just being ironic, but serbs are not in any way better than others in that region. arguably worse since they openly hate Western Europeans and even Russians, yet feel entitled to Western European society and Russian aid

Amri was particularly close to one of those charged in November, BOBAN SIMEONOVIC, a German intelligence official told CNN.

The informant said SIMEONOVIC and another member of the network "were in favor of that and gave him a place to hide."

Members of the Abu Walaa network also discussed driving a truck full of gasoline with a bomb into a crowd, the police informant told investigators, according to the documents.

In late 2015 and early 2016, SIMEONOVICtried through his contacts at a mosque in the northern German town of Hildesheim to arrange logistics for Amri to leave the country, according to the files.

According to the police informant, SIMEONOVIC repeatedly stressed to followers in Germany that there was a "state of war" in the country. SIMEONOVIC and Abu Walaa "deem attacks justified, desire attacks, and support attackers," the informant stated.

How's that for "Kebab Removal"


Serbs > albanians

checkmate albanocigan


Even the Haaaar'd Brexit would have given you the racial laws and mass deportation, so it's not that it matters really. On a bright side - not having a cuck stamp of a flag created by a disgtusting hapa mongrel Richard Kalergi is by itself good.
>European Union
>half of member-states are shitskins and flag created, anthem picked up by a non-Euro

Start buying Axes.

Was toying with the idea of getting an axe but ended up buying a gladius instead.

Start buying lamp oil, rope, bombs

I miss Rimmer's chelseaposting tbqh

Used to be on Vigilant, left just as roasties were coming in, said this would happen.

Fucking imperial scum. Suck more (((Thalmor))). If the fucking Imperials would grow balls they could support the damn independence of Skyrim and then allocate resources elsewhere. Blaspheming traitors to humanity and the cultures of men.


Lads, I think I just saved Britain
I was looking at party manifestos and realised that the Tories want only 500,000 immigrants instead of Labour's 600,000. Naturally I joined the Tory party and I am waiting for my membership card.
No need to thank me lads

Empire restored by Christmas then

t. General Tulius

What's wrong with them lads?


How old is too old to be taking the piss out of roasties online?

I've always sided with the Stormcloaks, never joined the Imperials. I just like Roman stuff.

What'ya gonna base your economy on? Being a useless shithole where superior Anglos go on hols

Stop LARPing.

>Consume endless anime and vidya
>Never been outside
>Doesn't even know what deodorant is

Imagine posting on Sup Forums past 2014


>imagine getting bullied off your board


go back to /r9k/

Please keep him


>Homes are not assets to be passed onto children says minister

Don't be a twat, bin that flat.

>Medical student convicted of indecent assault for grabbing Tinder date's breasts with 'excessive force' during sex

Don't be mean, bin that peen.

>delicious home-cooked food
you've got a good mum, user

>linking to a paywall
You couldn't find anything but the FT?

what about them pakis eh lads? fucking hate 'em


>All these new tripdogs

Back on the old juice bois, it's making my cough better...

>ahm a liteweit an ah am stickin....

>He doesn't exclusively holiday in British seaside resorts

Why are we having a cross over episode anyway?

See you in 15 years lad

you can keep /britfeel/ lads, full of PAKI LOVING BENDERS anyway

bin that comment bruv or its 15 years in the pen with Big Pete

I got bored so

>You'll never share a prison cell with hitchens while he slowly loses his mind and rambles about his time in russia and drugs

Threadly reminder:

I'll share a cell with you bumboy x

y even live chap

Just found out this place harbors right wing hate speech and VILE internet trolls.

Mind your language, son.

Threadly reminder:

What happened to Palvinposting?

Why are normies so worried about Brexit taking away workers rights for humans for them when the EU is nothing but cheap slave labour machine?


Driving the mazda down to the 'sco for some fridge raiders and pepsi max

its been a pleasure lads

because normies are mindless sheep and do not think on their own

>pepsi max
absolutely end of Rome right there desu

At least I'm teetotal

Because people think when we leave the EU the political elite will usher in a thousand years of death and destruction upon our isles.


Who here on a contract for a phone?

Tfw I'm going to get one and give into Jewish tricks


What happened to Chav culture from early 00s? I remember when they would be vilified in the papers constantly but it seems now that diversity and SJW shit have pretty much made them disappear, am I not wrong in thinking this?

>GoT posting without me

Most people use contracts for smartphones.

That's what I was trying to say, it's odd that he isn't already.


I'm not on a contract.

Chav culture was replaced with grime and minorities. The old chavs grew up, now have responsibilities, and realised that counter-cultural shit is bad. Grime is filled with minority enclave trash and a good chunk of the old trash hate minorities.

well r9ks fucking boring

Sorry for being ignorant user.

you tickled my sides with that

I have noticed how grime and grunge seem to be on the rise again. Lots of people wearing ripped and torn jeans

What the fuck.

Is Multicultural London English even worse than African American Vernacular?
Everytime I've heard some nigger speak MLE, it sounds more like West African Creole than it sounds like English.
African American Vernacular just appears to be niggers too lazy to pay attention to grammar.

Are you sure they're not just piss poor?

I've noticed it too. It's a new (((trend))). SKRRRRTTTTT

How very impartial..... oh wait.

>the anglo cannae hold his bucky
sounds aboot rite

Could be both, looking poor is considered pretty fashionable by the rich while pretending to be upper class is fashionable by the poor. It's all pretty ironic.

I turned myself into a School Idol Morty. I'm pickle honkkkkk.

>first for going on a quest to save Europaaa




you've got me in stitches lad, got any more?

Unfortunately no, check /wsg/

Alright, cheers. My sides are hurting.

I've not seen any change, skinny jeans still seem to be the hip trousers.

>want to get caffeine poisoning

>he lost at Suez

I never want to hear a joke about us losing to the VC ever again. Plus you were lied to by your PM. Britain literally had the same fuckup 10 years before we did

You good cunt?

I used to tan bottles within minutes, but then there's cunts like this

>tfw no gf
you lads watch any good anime recently?

merger time

The first and second half of your post are more connected than you think...

Learn some physics...
Take an IQ test...
Clean your room...
Try to get a promotion...
Take a shower and shave...

Sort yourself out, /brit/pol.

I wish this was an anime.