How do you escape the horrors of a millenial workspace?
How do you escape the horrors of a millenial workspace?
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Only one good answer: go live in the woods.
Get a real job.
Hahaha, look at then fucking neck beard on the right.
I am not a savage
What do Italians do for "real job"? When I was in Florence all the manual labor was done by blacks.
Hack your leg off in a "work accident" and claim welfare
Look at the flag again faggot. If you want a real job, stay away from all the IT shit.
Do construction. Learn a skill. I work in new construction and there is not one liberal faggot millennial at all
poisoned coffee
Literally? Hide in the toilets.
take a gun to work and shoot targets in your lunch hour.
Apparently it's not horror if you are an asian or white nu-male.
Millenial and american workplaces seem insufferable. So happy... wtf
they all disgust me
Go to , or make your workspace Vegas
>all those filthy dogs
Reminder that dogcucks that hate cats are beta numale effeminate pussies.
>them Hitler digits
Holy fuck cat Chads confirmed master race.
Dogniggers all get the rope on the day of gas.
lmao dogcucks btfo will they ever shiggy my diggy?
Welfare, weed and vidya.
>yfw you realize meme magic confirms the superiority of Catfriends
Oh, so potato fields? I thought you import people to do that.
It’s a fucking shit show. As an iOS developer in a company like this I have to keep my head down every fucking day. I swear these SJWs can sense your power level. It’s not enough to say you’re “neutral”. You have to be enthusiastically anti-Trump. It’s fucking madness.
My friend(also an iOS dev) got fired from his company in NY because he told a male co-worker that this female they both work with is a “dime”. He said this outside of work. The next day, the beta he told that to reported him to HR and they fired him for sexual harassment despite the female in question never having even heard the alleged harassment. It’s fucking insane. They seriously fired him for being attracted to a girl and expressing it to a co-worker outside of work.
Honestly I’m glad Cali is burning. It’s much-needed. My company is about to go public and I have enough equity to be set for life. I’m going to devote my time and energy going forward to ensure that all of these SJW companies suffer. I’ll fund every decent competitor to YouTube and Twitter. I’ll do anything I can to burn these companies down (metaphorically)
working for a small company. family owned is a plus, but i have a feeling family fallout is about to ovcur.
ive met some folks that have been here 20+ years. since joining theyve hired about 2, perhaps 3 25 year olds, rest 30s, mid 30s.
crew appears tight. tighter than any business achool classroom.
By not working
Farming is unironically comfy and a great job for 13-21.
Used to help out on a dairy farm. Got paid and all the milk, eggs and potatoes I could eat.
>countryman bringing the bantz
potatonigs are richer than us nowadays
in this shithole only decent jobs are in the IT
its the only reason why my life is not utter shit
A job is an economic transaction, come to work, do your job and go home. It's not that hard.
You don't have to like people or be friends with them, just because you work together. In the picture you posted, people who think ike me are probably not in the picture doing their job.
Get a job that cannot be done by a 4 year old.
As bad as it looks, blizzard isn't that cucked desu
Look at this trailer, not a single nigger in sight and even overwatch is a nationalistic heaven where every culture is preserved
> Got paid and all the [...] potatoes I could eat
you are not really helping the stereotype m8
Don't work at a video game company
You don’t
I joined a Chinese company
Everyone is soulless drones. But at least the women are all attractive secretaries and everyone does their job.
No fun/weirdness is allowed. We do overtime sometimes
It's like working in an office in the 1950s but there is computers.
I recommend it.
I was a software engineer a few years back. Worked in fucking SF and was a god damn nightmare with someone for my views.
>Work places flooded with numales
>all the women there are either; A.) Ugly as shit and know what they're doing or B.) Hot as shit and are only there because of diversity incentives.
>each "Startup" competes with eachother to see how much diversity they can get
>everyone loves this
>segregate white males
>"PoC codez lawl we can do it too xdddd" meme made me left. White people are treated like animals there.
I literally sold my shit and moved back to Michigan. I now work from home as a free lancer as well as do some farming on the side, i live in the middle of nowhere and my wife and i are happy.
I suggest you do the same, at least get out of startups.
Avoid “startups” and get a real job
Work in Finance-IT, all they give a shit about is making money; it's a meritocracy; no one gives a fuck where you are from, or what your beliefs are - as long as you deliver.
Made me leave*
Just woke up, i am tired.
I went to lawschool. Been with one firm for 2 years and another 6 years now. Literally nothing but conservatives.
Become a truck driver.
God fucking dammit why do they all make those stupid fucking faces?????
>only 1 black
blizzard is racist
spread this
Kys nigger
Too bad HP Lovecraft has it wrong. To call a dog or cat inferior or superior we will need a model of reference. Without such we cannot contrast the two in any meaningful sense. Truly H. P. Lovecraft was beaten up by a dog owner at one point or several during with youth. Poor emo fuck.
There is an Asian, though.
Work for a Boomer or GenXer, I guess. I used to work for a GenXer, but got a promotion and now report directly to a Boomer. Feels a bit weird to work for a guy older than my dad.
>nigger comprehension
Ireland was a shithole in 14th century
Most places around here won’t even hire millenials, both my current boss as well as the guy who owned the last place I worked at said exactly the same thing: they’re lazy, entitled and always want to take time off from work and are unreliable and sometimes don’t even show up. I don’t blame them either if I owned a business I would never ever hire a millennial
Good reasoning for not hiring blacks, either
>Feels a bit weird to work for a guy older than my dad.
Probably a lot worse for my 50 year old secretary and the 40 year old 'paralegal' working for my 32 year old ass.
What the fuck is this thing?
My current workplace is 100% white. The last plac I worked at we had one black guy but he was actually a pretty decent worker. I’d personally rather hire a black x’er than a white millennial though
filthy peasant hiding among nobles
Start your own. Seriously
No wonder WoW gone to shit.
That qt in the black dress with flowers on it tho..
>Have education
>Have job
>"d-d-damn millenials"
That's what you get for skipping school serbian faggot
Find the 7th dog.
I work in building maintenance. No millennial garbage here.
>manual labor
Tried skilled labor.
She contrasts a dog and cat using specific criteria. Meaning is derived from their intrinsic differences and conclusions were drawn that made sense.
>resorting to ad hominem at the end, attacking her character instead of her arguments by implying she's afraid of dogs and an emo
Wow. Why?
I had a Muslim girl threatening people on Normiebook. She had it all public and was shit talking managers.
Reported it to HR and they came back a week later and said they had a nice talk with her and they were certain she wouldn’t do it again.
> tfw a white guy would be fired immediately and they give a woman poc a free pass to be a psycho online
I’m still a student but my brother did contract work with other twenty somethings and he would bitch about how stupid and faggy his coworkers were every time I saw him
Get a job that actually adds value to society. Produce something, be a teacher or something like that. Millenial fucktards tend to do jobs like leisure time management or interior design
A lot of the Nu-Males are FtM Trans. They are more numerous and organized than is commonly thought.
>Not a single black person.
It's not that bad, desu.
I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I also have a filthy rich girlfriend, has a literal castle.
I spend my days mocking death on supermotorcycles. I'll die any second now.
> will probably be a TEACHER
you could fund nationalist groups, but you instead chose to be a faggot.
Kys you toxoplasmosis ridden cuck
But I love doggies and kitty cats.
Start your own business
I work at Tesla and it's mostly white males.
name of company?
Just avoid the tech industry and you will be fine.
That's why WoW has gone to shit.
Do IT and work from home most of the week
What about the fat beardo on the right with the adventure hat?
I work for a major video game company. I'm the only person with my natural hair color. Everyone (including the guy's hair) is either purple or pink.
Some I know are legit Antifa and protest Trump whenever they can and never do shit. They go on Twitter and tweet at Trump and Ann Coulter all day long. It's fucking stupid.
is it a verizon call center?
How and why did videogame development get infiltrated so deeply by feminists, SJWs and numales?
That beta should have the absolute shit beaten out of him.
This is peak degeneracy/decadence.
There are better developers Tico-user
That doesn't really narrow it down there, bro.
Hes got a Lord Of The Ringsy thing going on
Women mainly.
Fug that looks like a reddit meetup
>How do you escape the horrors of a millenial workspace?
be a stay at home dad
i found by ignoring them and never giving them the time of day works. millenials like this are always so joyous and nieve, i actively work to make their innocent sheep life dark and difficult. im a millenial myself, i hate how faggy this generation can be
Ho ho ho ung jedi
Millenials as a group are widely known to be lousy employees. If you are not lazy and show up every day it’s easy to get a job as a result.
Fucking this. Only absolute mongoloids and rednecks want a filthy dog. Cat is a true patrician's pet. Dogs are the niggers of animal kingdom.
>Hahaha, look at then fucking neck beard on the right.
What one?