British empire

>british empire
>going on for 900+ years
>genocided millions upon millions

nobody cares

>american empire
>going on for 200+ years
>genocided millions upon millions

nobody cares

>german empire
>set up in 1871
>did some shitty colonization in congo
>killed a few niggers but nothing britain tier extermination or belgian tier mutilation
>did some shitty holocaust in poland
>killed a few jews so inadequately that their number actually and inexplicably was larger after ww2 even though they claim billions died


So what, an empire can kill as much people as they want as long they're not racially bigoted? Jesus fucking Christ you liberal millennial boomer faggots are so obnoxious.

truth does not matter, but victory
jews murdered 40million russians in the most bestial manner, yet this genocide is hardly even recognised today and no one knows it was jewish bolsheviks that did it

>belgian tier mutilation
Please explain

Leopold II and Great Nigger Wars

History is written by the victors, user.

Germany's sin wasnt in deeds but in abject failure.

the belgians enslaved people of the congo and made them harvest rubber and set unrealistic quotas, and would cut your hand off as punishment for not getting enough

Your use of the world mutilation threw me off.
>some people reckon 10 gorillian congoloid (dark black niggaz - congoloids etc.) we're kill
>Jews still bitch about their 6 gorillian

Look into something called the Congo Free State

word. fuckin piss.


This talk about Germans being autists is not a meme user. Stupid autistic germans fall on their own sword and take responsibility while perfidious Anglos always walk free.

>british empire
>going on for 900+ years
What the fuck?

>implying that killing subhumans is wrong
>implying that anyone with a functioning prefrontal cortex cares about muh genocides except for propaganda values against the enemy

We didn't genocide people, our colonists did, so we dindu nuffin.


Based Croatia

>jews murdered 40million russians in the most bestial manner, yet this genocide is hardly even recognised today and no one knows it was jewish bolsheviks that did it
source? never heard of this and it would make an explicit comeback for antisemitism

have fun looking into decade old fake news conspiracy theories for "explicit comeback for antisemitism" while half your national football team is arab

Look at his flag, the man's IQ is probably the same as his life savings

>October revolution
Is this your first time?

Stop trying to jew us you jew

You forgot
>german empire
>set up in 1871
Dead in 1918

Also eat shit faggots. Anglo's strong. Mess with the best, die like the rest

My IQ is off the scale just like your hanging pig skin you fucking nigger.

>can't win war without americans jumping in and protecting them while they bomb women and children because of utter inefficiency versus luftwaffe
>the best

Choose one convictislandfag.

Violence against the ruling class has always been portrayed negatively by that very class

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Even that very quote itself is divisive and has been attributed to some neo-nazi to try and bury it

Fuck the Jews

Congo was colonized by Belgium not us

The British Empire is only 900 years old?

in various states, when we were getting our shit kicked in we were still kinda maybe an empire, just not at best of times.

WTF are you on about? Americans never genocided millions upon millions. Nor did the British empire. SJW pls go.

but what about them peaceful indjuins?

>Nor did the British empire
they did if you believe the famines in india were caused by them

>america lets everyone else duke it out
>they run out of money
>America starts bankrolling them
>they keeping fighting until they're literally depleted of human resources
>Ok bout time for us americans to show up!
>zerg a depleted continent
every tiem

Was for

This. Historically every single Nazi and commie was worth 10 bitch tit Anglo fucks. U.S. would wait all the big wars out and jump in at the very end to kick a dead horse and STILL got their shit handed to you half the time by German novice recruits. Gooks were stone age compared to U.S. might and still retained their sovereignty against United States because they had balls between their legs.

>>british empire
>>going on for 900+ years
>>genocided millions upon millions
>nobody cares

Get your Ustashi out of Ante's ass, Hrwhat.

Winners write history.
Germany lost the World Wars and therefor the winners could do whatever they wanted. Now we see the consequences of the past (America 52%, Britain, France and Germany getting blacked).

Appeal to casualties fallacy.

It was a empire for about 100 years from 1815 to 1945.

Anglos created the modern world though so it balances it all out

That's right. Germans haven't learn the psy-ops from anglo jewlords and banksters.

Maybe Germans shouldn't be garbage tier at wars.
>B-but we were outnumbered
Tell that to revolutionary France, Napoleon, or Louis XIV.