`Prove to me there is a God. Geopolitical climate is outrageous`!
Prove there is a God
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G-d does exist.
I don't give a shit whether or not you believe. My soul is saved either way.
The value of the cosmological constant. It means either that God exists and created everything, or we live in an infinitely expanding multiverse with infinite parallel universes.
>or we live in an infinitely expanding multiverse with infinite parallel universes.
Which would still have to have been created by something. Existence makes no sense without an origin point; i.e. God. And even then it doesn't make sense that God existed without anything to birth it.
It's probably the gayest question you can ask of someone to prove to you.
>using backticks as quotation marks
>punctuation outside quotation
>trendy meme cartoon fanart
>atheist shitkicker
you seem like an intelligent and interesting person with nuanced views on a variety of topics
Get out fedora cuck
If you are talking about experimental evidence, then no
but from the principals that we use to approach/study the world we can. For example, There are two other "Universal Laws" that we see demonstrated in everything we examine in the world around us.
1. There is no new mass/energy coming into existence anywhere in the universe, and every bit of that original mass/energy is still here.
2. Every time something happens (an event takes place), some of the energy becomes unavailable.
The First Law tells us that matter (mass/energy) can be changed, but can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law tells us that all phenomena (mass/energy) continually proceed to lower levels of usefulness.
In simple terms, every cause must be at least as great as the effect that it produces—and will, in reality, produce an effect that is less than the cause. That is, any effect must have a greater cause.
When this universal law is traced backwards, one is faced again with the possibility that there is an ongoing chain of ever-decreasing effects, resulting from an infinite chain of nonprimary ever-increasing causes. However, what appears more probable is the existence of an uncaused Source, an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, and Primary, First Cause.
How very Christian.
hundreds of people much smarter than me have pondered this and written extensively about the subject, so I would suggest turning to them if you really want logical arguments/proofs of God.
However what I haven't seen much of, that I think is as equally as important, is the utility of belief. It leads to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. It promotes good values, good habbits, and treating your fellow man well. The belief that an omnipotent being can speak to you and loves you and wants to give you advice helps tremendously for those seaking self improvement, and is a very humbling and beneficial thought process as even if that voice in your head isn't from God or the Holy Spirit, it forces your mind to look at things from an outside, and objective, perspective. The belief in a loving God is also good for self esteem and confidence, and helps everyone reach their full potential because somebody is believing in them, even if it is only an imaginary.
And in the end, isn't that proof that God exists? even if it is all imaginary, it has a real, observable effect on the world.
If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent Him
astrophysicist here.
Shit makes no sense when you look at the universe at a really small level. Things will casually break the laws of causality and physics and its impossible to explain (see quantum tunneling and delayed choice)
Only brainlets are gardcore atheists, they have yet to explore the machinations of the universe. Im christian, but if you are not atleast agnostic and cant understand that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than your realize than your just a sheep
Prove to me that there is no God
God doesn't exist. There is no proof that some personal God cares about us, and frankly, the idea is laughable.
Sometimes Christian athletes pray at football games and shit. LOOOOL. Like God would care about some stupid football game?
God doesn't exist. I can prove it too. It doesn't require that I know the universe and everything. It's rather easy, actually. We're talking about ancient old stories from the Middle East. They have a 0% chance of being true.
God doesn't require you, or your belief in him
what a presumptuous concept, that Gods existence would need to be proven to you, who have not made any personal effort to find him?
Isn't it more likely that you will face the consequences of the things that you know you have already done? Like ignoring the proof that exists everywhere, including the fact that you already know he exists?
Here is a better question:
What future do you desire and how do you reshape society to achieve that future?
>Remember to see people as what they are and not what you think they should be
The idea that God cares about you is bullshit, if you knew real (Orthodox) Christianity you'd know that you have to serve God all your life for him to even consider helping you
God is a word, used to describe something.
"Rock" is a word, and its purpose is to invoke your imagination to conjure up "the meta rock", which is something like a collection of all the rocks you've ever seen, the properties most general between all of them, plus perhaps some added imagination on what rocks you haven't seen might look like.
Which is what the word "God" is there for; think small-scale for a moment; pagan gods.
If i say "Aphrodite", the goal is to get you to envision meta-love; all instances of love, the good, the bad, the things to avoid - the things that crush people, BUT with a face; it's anthropomorphised - as a human being that you can negotiate with. It comes to you and says "I'm going to fuck your shit up in a couple days"
And you can ask it "why?" (by thinking about it), and it will answer something along the lines of "because of this collection of shit you've not done/dealt with", and you can go "well what if i dealt with those things?", and it goes "okay, maybe i'll fuck your shit up a little less then".
And that's what "God" is; you MUST stop trying to take it literally, because that's stupid and childish, there are no magic men and women in the sky, but what IS there, are a bunch of undeniable forces out of your direct control, that you can keep an eye on (like a really powerful human that occasionally does insanely negative shit), that you can negotiate with, learn the personality of deeply and make sacrafices to in order to avoid the fullest depths of its wrath.
"God", is a description of this category of forces, plus our awareness of them.
Emphasis on awareness.
Be succinct. Thermodynamic destiny.
Damned if you preach, damned if you mind your own. What to do.
>astrophysicist here
How violently did you finger your asshole after posting this shit?
There doesn't need to be, only for society to believe there is one, whether they take God to be literal or metaphorical. A society without religious unity will morally fragment, and it's people made vain and over confident by the selfishness that inherently comes with discarding established wisdom and manufacturing their own moral compass based on what they believe is right only for them. That or they join their own neo-religious ideological groups, as seen with the extreme Socialists and Communists in university campuses across the western world.
God is not provable, and if you take the idea of God literally, very likely doesn't exist, but religious structure is necessary for a cohesive society to function.
>Like God would care about some stupid football game
This is the dumbest argument against God ever and is simply propaganda to slowly wittle away the West's self esteem and sense of importance so it is easier to crush us with suicidal policies and cultural shifts.
>this tiny blue dot in the vastness of space and we all fight and kill over this insignificant speck
For one, if God did exist and was omniscient, it would be entirely within his ability and character to care about even the smallest most "insignificant" football game. Secondly, even if God didn't care and we are just some tiny dot who gives a fuck. We are still more important than everything else we've ever encountered. Jupiter isn't more important or significant than earth just because it is bigger. That line of thinking exists solely to erode our sense of self preservation and pride in who we are an where we come from. it is retarded.
>Posting gay as fuck rick and morty picture
>American flag
Here is the evidence of our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of all things, for everything that He created was by Him and for Him. The Lord set boundaries on this reality that we live in, proving we live in a digital universe and not a analog one, they are these: that the universe is NOT infinitely big as scientists use to believe, and also there is a limit to how small things can be before losing locality, i.e Planck time, Planck length.
If the universe is made of indivisible units then this is all a subset of a truer reality, which is what the Lord has brought to our insight through His holy Word
but isn't infinity-1 still infinity
I mean if all effects are lined in a potentially infinite sequence of infinities then the second law makes no sense, at least if you conclude from it that thing will eventually stop occurring
>I don't care if it takes 9 seasons
>the absolute state of rick and morty fandom
I like the ironic and unique perspective of Rick and Morty. the answer to the question is without God there is no Superior authority, everything we do is subjective. notice every time rick is asked why he does a thing his answer is all-ways something evasive of hedonistic and self absorbed. this is why he is a drunk, he doesn't know how to handle his deeper terrors and instead uses his superior intellect to have a metaphoric game of chess with himself trying to create a purpose in his life.
TL;DR God exist because we didn't do this ourselves.
> Prove to me there is a God
> Prove to me there is no God
You can't prove either... so why are Atheists so angry all the time?
>Your response - kek - big bang moron
> My response - kek - where did materials for big bang come from? What created elements which formed big bang? moron
Why do you care what others believe? Why do you feel so smug and superior when you don't know either?
>lacks an intelligent argument
>looks at flag
>makes sense
Stop posting and get back to beating your wife patty
You're alive.
That is God.
Religion was created to satisfy man's fear of death. If there in fact is a god, he/she/it has a really sick sense of humor.
>ignores centuries of philosophical discussion to ask on a korean image board one of the most complex questions ever conceived by the human mind
The US education system does suck.
Why does it matter? Focus on real stuff, user. Sort your life out.
>If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent Him
This does not mean what you think it means.
Universe and life exists
This is actually a representation of what God is. God is not a old man with a beard sitting on a throne. It literally geometry that can spin incredibly fast and can be used to generate fields of gravity. Thats how ancient ET's came to earth and breeded with earthlings to create humans (the bible is EXPLICITLY clear about this.
Fortunately theres no afterlife
Prove to me he doesn't.
Even if someone proved it there would be another excuse for not bending the knee. You should hope there is a God.
>Two rabbis spend an entire night pouring over scripture trying to prove the existence of god
>By the end of it, they both agree that there is no way that god exists
>The next day, one of the rabbis sees the other on his way to morning prayers and asks "Why are you going to morning prayers? I thought we both agreed god isn't real."
>The other rabbi replies "What does the one have to do with the other?"
I suppose my point is, in what way does the answer matter? If God doesn't exist, the fringe benefits of belonging to a religion tend to outweigh its costs; barring extremely restrictive religions, even then. If God does exist, would that genuinely encourage you to change how you operate in the world even if it was inconvenient?
Focus of making God happy, do what he asks of you, ignore what judgement of the people
Benefits of belonging to a religion
>costs money
>get laughed at
>get ostracized by community
>never get hired because they think your a nutjob
Everything that is in motion is moved by something else. This cannot go on forever because if it did there would be no first mover, and consequently no other mover as well. This is because second movers don't move except when moved by a first mover, just as a stick does not move anything except when moved by a hand. So a first mover which is itself unmoved by anything else is necessary to explain motion.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
I am god, nobody will ever find out and nobody will ever care
I've lived this life a thousand times but i can only remember parts every once and then
>Costs money
Likewise, you often obtain a safety net.
>Get laughed at
You're on Sup Forums.
>Get ostracized by community
Once more, you're on Sup Forums, but even then
>You get ostracized by the left and now belong to a community
>Never get hired because they think you're a nutjob
Good point, it's not like a network of thousands to billions of people won't help you find work. Or that safety nets from communities don't help find work. Or that genuinely having some sort of stable life or family doesn't help find work.
Still though, you do realize that your argument is
>It costs money to belong to a religion
>People think you're weird
>you're on Sup Forums
>Once more, you're on Sup Forums, but even then
>Good point, it's not like a network of thousands to billions of people won't help you find work. Or that safety nets from communities don't help find work. Or that genuinely having some sort of stable life or family doesn't help find work.
And I'm sure Wallstreet executives, Accounting firms, and Mega-law firms will be filled with these billions of people just waiting to hire other Christians, oh wait...
>Still though, you do realize that your argument is it costs money and people think your weird
Considering everything you do in life is aimed to towards the goal of increasing your social status and wealth its pretty fair to say those are two great reasons.
Everything is God. Nothing exists separate from it. Humans like to divide and classify reality cause of survival evolutionary pressures. God maybe beyond survival pressures, it maybe beyond everything but also everything...or in some sense infinity.
>You're on Sup Forums.
The only people who would ostracize you for being in a religion are people who would ostracize you for being Sup Forums. Most of those people are also generally not helpful.
>And I'm sure Wallstreet executives, Accounting firms, and Mega-law firms will be filled with these billions of people just waiting to hire other Christians, oh wait...
Well, maybe not CHRISTIANS...
But seriously, being in the same room with someone who has the power to enrich you is helpful. Most of those people do actually belong to formal churches, this is also why virtually every president, congressman, or senator belongs to a formal religion.
>Considering everything you do in life is aimed to towards the goal of increasing your social status and wealth its pretty fair to say those are two great reasons.
For what purpose? If the purpose is to reproduce, then you're much better off in a formal religion where you can meet people with family oriented mindsets. If the purpose is to be happy, then you're much better off in a formal religion where you can belong to a community as social life is essential to happiness. If the purpose is to acquire wealth, you probably still are going to be better off belonging to certain religions.
>All I care about is getting hired and making shekels
Claim you're Jewish. Go Jew it up. No one will ever check it unless you want to marry a Jewess.
It's not the 90's anymore. You fuckers have been spouting your shit for the past 30 to 40 years already. At this point I don't give a fuck if you rot in hell. The only thing you get from me is a fist to the face with christian greetings.
>The only people who would ostracize you for being in a religion are people who would ostracize you for being Sup Forums. Most of those people are also generally not helpful.
Thing is you don't go around expousing your Sup Forums beliefs
>Well, maybe not CHRISTIANS...
Exactly, so being part of an organized religion like Christianity is retarded because try getting a job at wallstreet while saying PRAISE DA LORD
>But seriously, being in the same room with someone who has the power to enrich you is helpful. Most of those people do actually belong to formal churches, this is also why virtually every president, congressman, or senator belongs to a formal religion.
True actually
>For what purpose? If the purpose is to reproduce, then you're much better off in a formal religion where you can meet people with family oriented mindsets. If the purpose is to be happy, then you're much better off in a formal religion where you can belong to a community as social life is essential to happiness. If the purpose is to acquire wealth, you probably still are going to be better off belonging to certain religions.
Not true, because you need to make a LOT of money in order to impress someone to get them to be your girlfriend and marry in the first place
>claim your Jewish
I'm converting in a few months.
ITT: Christfags make up their own reasons on why God exists and why things happen a certain way.
You are no different than people who believe in bigfoot.
>My soul is saved either way.
How do you know this?
>Thing is you don't go around expousing your Sup Forums beliefs
True, but the point is, if the left has neither wealth, concern for you, or shared values, why do you care that you're not invited to their poz parades?
>Exactly, so being part of an organized religion like Christianity is retarded because try getting a job at wallstreet while saying PRAISE DA LORD
It actually does help. Churches are essentially social clubs. You should probably not use your religious beliefs to impose on others, or do. Whatever works.
>Not true, because you need to make a LOT of money in order to impress someone to get them to be your girlfriend and marry in the first place
1. No. You really don't.
2. As compared to secular women? kek
>I'm converting
I honestly wouldn't bother if I were you. If you're not going into Orthodoxy, you're not really converting.
If you're really converting, you're going to be up shits creek if you don't actually believe in it.
> if the left has neither wealth, concern for you, or shared values, why do you care that you're not invited to their poz parades?
They do have all the wealth and power
>It actually does help. Churches are essentially social clubs. You should probably not use your religious beliefs to impose on others, or do. Whatever works.
Not for wallstreet executives and CEOs
>1. No. You really don't.
>2. As compared to secular women? kek
You actually do. I make ninty thousand dollars a year now and i can't get a girlfriend im hoping for a promotion to a manager position where i will make around 130 thousand and hopefully then it will be enough to impress someone. Money is all that matters really
>If you're really converting, you're going to be up shits creek if you don't actually believe in it.
I do really believe because I believe in a God, but not Jesus or any of that new testament. Judaism is essentially that.
Nobody needs to prove to anybody whether a creator exists or not. You just need a lot of Autists to prove that the values Islam gave us are the best values for human progress. Everything else is just an excuse.
G-g-get It? Now that said christians are closest by values to islam
Don't cut yourself on that edge, faggot
Not an argument, faggot.
stop being edgy.
what moves the cosmos?
what brings makes the worlds turn like a cog in a clock?
u dont know what it is. so u cant say what it isnt
>u dont know what it is. so u cant say what it isnt
who says what it isn't?
Tell me what atheism is.
The seven deadly sins
The Ten Commandments
The evil elites worship Satan
>Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)"
good day to u, aspie
I like that you dodged the question. I'll help you out, faggot.
>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
So tell me, who's saying it isn't again?
Can't prove neither disprove. Just like ghosts, fairies, bigfoot.
You can't prove there's a god you dumb faggots. All religions are based on faith in what you cannot see or touch.
>It's another "user sees the void at the heart of belief and he mistakes it with his own ego" episode.
Oh look wannabe Jordan Peterson
Try Kurt Godel's ontological argument:
Read it and weep, atheist lackbrains.
Got it: replace the word "God" with anything else in that expression. Now good luck disproving every other nonsense thing you can't disprove.
Atheists say there isn't intelligent design, faggot
Proof God exists:
You will always be a goy, buddy.
There was a guy named Jesus and at first he was dead and a few weeks later he's alive and posing in a picture getting an award for his act of bravory that stopped a guy from killing more people in Las Vegas
Where do I get a complete translation like this?
Way to shift the fucking question, you silly dope.But i'll bite; they're not believing you based on assertions. Do you have proof for your claim? No? Go fuck yourself with a fist, sir.
Do you have proof there's no god, faggot?
Burden of proof, you absolute idiot. Is this your first time thinking these things out?
>everything has to have a origin
>except god because its magic
I'm not an atheist, but all ontological proofs are word games.
Go back to r/atheism. This is a Christian board.
No it's not, Sup Forums isn't a fucking echochamber faggot. kys.
The burden of proof is on you, my closeted homosexual friend. I've never heard a single argument for atheism, just "I can't see it so it doesn't exist"... Pathetic
So, I started watching the show after seeing some clips floating around. It's not bad. It reminds me of early Family Guy episodes except with a heavy sci-fi bent. And I've noticed that the aethist/nihilism meme is overdone. Rick obviously cares for morty his family at times and at one time when he's about to die begs god not to let it happen. Rick is kind of like your typical Atheist in that they try so hard to break free of traditional means of coping with the human condition only to return to those tried and testing methods. And the show doesn't really disprove God or the supernatural, it just elevates the boundaries of what's possible rather than eliminate all possibility of all things in a way that does not include a God in the traditional sense. The problem is that as a species, humans desire for something to replace the unknown and as long as man remains a limited being, it will always retain this desire.
he believes, doesn't know, he doesn't lose either way
going to church is a waste of time though unless you meet and marry a qt trad waifu there
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
thats why its called faith, retard. some would say its instinct
>dude ghosts exists
>show me one
>they're invisible, impossible to percieve or measure. But the burden of proof is on you to disprove the existence of ghosts.
Again, you fucking retard, there exists a burden of proof due to the fact that people like you love to just throw assertions out without evidence. I'm sorry you're too fucking stupid to understand this, unless you want to prove bigfoot, allah, and all the other assertions that have been written about. Do you have proof for your claim a God exists? What's pathetic about it? How delusional you are in your assertions that some middle easterner walked around and some other middle easterners wrote a fun fictional read.
he does lose either way. There's thousands of Gods, just because he picked one doesn't mean he doesn't lose you dope.
Let's ask ourselves a serious question: If there is no god, why do we have a word for it?