Be a YouTube star

>be a YouTube star
>have 5.5 million subs
>best known for constantly using the words, in conjunction, "nigger faggot"
>insults fags, trannies, and SJWs every chance he gets
>literally rips a Quran in half that someone sent to him on video

How can this madman keep getting away with it?

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When you don't give a fuck and everyone knows that you don't, their normal weapons of criticism no longer hold power.

Idubbbz is one of the few GODLY jewtubers left

he is probably jewish and his parents are probably influential. i love em but there has to be reasons he gets away with shit that gets everyone else untubed.

Can I tell you guys something. Me and my friends in highschool (girls/boys) some "5 years ago" saw this incredible event;
It unironically made us research NAZI rallies and romanticized HuWhite unity and fascism/far right. Our school is a tad "diverse" (about 70% HuWhite), but shit like this has triggered some tribal pride within us (and this is in a school in SoCal) even more... I can't imagine how it also triggered fellow young folks like me in other parts of America. The future does look really bright. We shall return to pre"Immigration Act of 1965" levels. Only if you guys knew how much of us are hiding our powerlevels (particularly, big cityfags and folks in Demo(n)cRAT States). And yes, my parents disgust me (politically).

Pewds and edups are one of few based people on YouTube

>literally rips a Quran in half that someone sent to him on video
can i have a link of this moment pls?

He is based as fuck I am slo glad he keeps exposing these fucking trash tier youtuber like Ricegum who have a huge negative influence on millions of kids that watch them with their pride, ignorance, and just flat out asshole behavior fuck them.

It could also be that he gives zero fuck's and has no job/not part of an organization, so there is no leverage on him.

Most people stay quiet not because it is against the law to speak out, but because of the social repercussions.

She's got some nice jublees.

he hangs out with that H3 kike and his heeb mail order bride

His content is stagnant, uninspired and boring.

quite literally the most based professional youtuber

His real name is Ian Carter. He is anglo to the bone.

>stagnant, uninspired, boring
Some of his videos have literally destroyed the careers of other YouTube personalities.

The rest of his videos are supposed to be uninspired. He just acts like a fucking faggot retard and it ends up being pretty hilarious.

Its probably that he's just open with his views. A lot of people don't realise that if you are honest about how you feel about something then no one can really hold it over you. Even if you live a normal life and work a regular job.

I know Americans have it fairly shitty regarding employment rights etc but I work for a very large multinational bank and because I was open about my political beliefs and idea they tried to fire me for "being against the ethos of the company". I took them to court and won, I kept my job and received a settlement. Again a few years later, I felt that I was being held back from promotion, took them to court and won again.

Its really easy to use the system in place against companies in Europe if they try to force their beliefs upon you at the expense of your job.

Idubbbz wins

can i get the quran ripping video

This. They pounce on weakness, good and well-meaning types who are likely to buckle under the pressure of public social sanction. If you prove you genuinely give no fucks, they have no power over you.

He met his match via ricegum.

Satire vs Stupidity

Because everyone secretly wants to be doing the same but can't? All those people are forced to exist vicariously through this guy's videos which explains all the subs and views.

Pretty sad story thou. Having to constantly go to court to be treated equal. Right wing is the new coon.

>>literally rips a Quran in half that someone sent to him on video
What? Can I get a link?


>comparing idubbz to pewdiepie/jontron
Just stop caring that's all you need to do
The moment you try to "defend yourself" it's over

Not ripping the book in this one, but it's still pretty funny

who is this qt

I've heard so much "I'm not a racist but..." from whites in particular white women so much more these days.

(((They))) hate that phrase sooo much. It's like proudly wearing a redpill armband and not even knowing it. It's is the sign of the rights useful idiot base growing. We're absorbing the middle.


Who is that? She's pretty cute.

sorry lads I don't know


>literally too stupid of a person to roast
It's amazing, isn't it?

Check her insta

What's he done wrong?

Defending yourself means you think they're right to them. The left only understood power and violence. Christ showed everyone to shitpost the fuck out of them and give zero fucks.

white women probably dislike niggers more than white men do. why? because we are men and can handle aggressive coon behavior better and the black bitches hate white women anyway.

Thanx to "white guilt", far left disruptors, redpills, FBI stats, reading about the cons of marxism (and it's derivatives) & "Culture of Critique", God Emperor Trump (pbuh), internet, documentaries (especially " The Greatest Story Never Told"), (((Cohen)))incidences (ala "Every. Single. Time.") and so much other revelations, are really activating HuWhite folk's almonds.

it's boring

Edups is the only jewtuber i look forward to. Shame the niggerfaggot does a video every 2 decades.

at one point he ate a cake made with his own hair, there is nothing you can do to idubbbz as he genuinely gives no fucks

Cut the shit Ian, we know you lurk

>Most people stay quiet not because it is against the law to speak out, but because of the social repercussions.

This is less the case in the US, but I've heard in Sweden this is particularly bad, worse than anywhere else.

idubbbz has the blessings of the Jewish community. But even that has its limits (see Harvey Weinstein)

I hope this Jew gets burned.

The best part of this is the triggered niggers of you tube posting reaction videos.

and his m8 maxmofoe was bog posting on twitter

max with faceless, ian, joji and pewds need to make a redpill video together

How the fuck is he not sick from all the shit he eats off the ground?

thank you lads.

>"Rape is good"


most obvious jew I've ever seen

he survived cancer and learned that giving a shit is for faggots

This. People don't know how to respond to people living outside social boundaries. Terry Davis calls niggers niggers to their faces and is still alive and unharmed. You can fuck with strong but few people want to fuck with someone who just doesn't give a shit.

He just uses these terms for shock humor. This used to be the norm on Sup Forums, before all you fucking cancer white supremacist and MAGA faggots came on the reddit bandwagon and destroyed this place further than it already was.

Jew privilege

Nigger haha I'm gay hahaha nigger faggot hahahahahaha


I miss geopolitics

who is this?

>it's a stormfag whines he didn't get hitler for president episode again


To add to it, if I had to put one particular skill to Idubbz just from watching his content cop and other "personal" videos, it's that he viciously and precisely picks apart moral hypocrisy. Anyone who's drinking party koolaid and tries to hit him on ANYTHING will have their asses dragged down, beaten, and humiliated in front of millions.

So chrome gaiz

"Ian Carter"

So Jewish. Dumb faggot.


>Never really post anything of value
>Hang out with big youtube stars because you're edgy and willing to debase yourself
>Now claiming to be some moral/quality vanguard

All youtube is a cesspit of pointless bullshit for children, but idubz is especially serpentine and cowardly.

what did he mean by this?

being a weak liberal faggot isn't cool anymore.

This "pewdiepie is based" meme is enraging
>he lives in Brighton, the degenerate capital of the UK (more so than London)
>dies his hair
>is a vegan
>said he "totally didn't see the brexit vote coming"

fuck off

>dem bouncing tits

A woman at my mothers place of work lost her job for speaking up, what she said was very mild. In Sweden you basically have stasi after you if you say anything against muslims.

>literally who?


also, Ian if you lurk here
you need to drop more redpills in your vids

He is modern day Diogenes, but instead of philosophy his shitck is social commentary.

what a stupid fucking post

the amazing atheist does the same. when you dont give a shit, its pretty hard to do anything against you. you just have to never cave and never give them an inch

>is a vegan
>literally did a video of him cooking and eating swedish meatballs a week ago

squeekadeeks, she's a tumblr cosplayer

>the amazing atheist
the fat gay banana man?

Heil Britler!


idubbz should talk more about niggers
Of course, that's taboo
but If Jewtube hasn't censored him, then I guess he has some connections

using quorn, which is mycoprotein, which is mushroom.

There was other people's hair in the cake too

He went from being a nobody playing rabbit games on his channel to where he is now, he has nothing to loose and is autistic to the core

It was beautiful how he destroyed that little 40Kg chink that acts like a hard ass street nigga. Maybe the best 30 minutes on youtube.

he literally makes fun of the fact that people call him that tho

He isn't vegan but Marzia is vegetarian because of her stomach problems so he eats vegetarian food sometimes.

I agree, chinks shouldn't be acting like niggers
this cumskin was also playing the nigger here too, don't know what to say

Don't put too much trust in the fucker. Said you don't know what's in someone's heart, but then during the Content Deputy, he mentioned how PewDiePie making Videos 10 Minutes and putting Ads in them was shitty. Even though he had JUST done a collab with him. Although, maybe he had made that Collab before the whole Nigger situation. Speaking of Swedeman, he dropped a topic video about Weinstein.

Some people think he'll say anything for shock value but he's actually quite principled with his words.


Pewds and this idubbz are just a bunch of kids pretending they are niggers.

I saw this growing up in the 90s. Some peopel ought to redpill them.


he doesnt talk about politics, this guy follows some of /ourguys/ on youtube but he never mentions anything to do with politics. thats the key.

twitter i should have said

that's basically why trump won the presidency. his behaviour would have been considered unacceptable for any other candidate, but trump built his whole persona around the "no fuck given" concept so no matter how outrageous he was, guilt-inducing criticism wouldn't work

guilt inducing criticism did work.
It's basically the entire campaign shillary ran and she got more votes.

Gay Retard (formerly known as Niggerfaggot) most probably has some terminal illness.
Guy went into the sewers to review pickles and crawled around AIDS ridden water with a cut on his foot. Now either he had all the vaccines known to man injected into his bumm while preparing for it, or he has some disease he knows will surely kill him.

BTW, him and MaxMoefoe and Filthy Frank are just immitating Jackass, but since all the people watching Youtube are 12, as are most of the users of Sup Forums, nobody remembers Jackass or MTV or TV for that matter.

His greatest virtue is not parroting PC bullshit and calls out things for what they really are. However with all the crazy ass shit he actually does pull beside that makes me really suspicious why his channel hasnt been completely deleted yet. He must have some sort of inside connections because projectile vomiting into cake-mix, eating it, then projectile vomiting again would get me deleted INSTANTLY before the video even got fully uploaded.