ITT: write any anime plot in the shittiest way possible and let other anons guess it
A girl living in the closet of mc and deals with spooky things
ITT: write any anime plot in the shittiest way possible and let other anons guess it
A girl living in the closet of mc and deals with spooky things
Boy and mom kill everyone, but not really.
A salaryman turns into spooky dungeon b0ss
two dudes try to kill the same dude to avenge their dead fiances
girl kills herself to win mc over
CLEARLY bleach
Of which you should consume generous quantities if you thought that was a shitty description.
A duck likes a faggot but then she likes another guys and they dance and write stories and shit.
An autistic guys imaginary friend is really strong
Jojo part 3
Vroom vroom
Heracles! Heracles! Heracles!
Not Big Order
guess: Some Kyoanus shit.
Looks like despite hating them you know pretty well their farts
It's not red riding hood and when they're powahs combined, they becum maho shoujo ARCHER!!! even though 2/3 of the MCs are boys. Also monster of the week, and Fred of megatokyo fapps to it because texans are dirty pedos.
Pink girl is sex. Elves take over the world while flithy humies are dying. Bread can bleed, and chickens commit sudoku John Woo movie style.
Comrade Stanislav thinks anime was a mistake. Ayyy the penis monster wins!
>Not Big Order
The WELCOME TO THE BATTLE DROME part inspired some scenario in a SaGa game. Latest arc is mars. Author really should let it die already.
high school boy is sexually harassed and blackmailed into doing embarassing things
The manga that i stopped reading after a few pages
Come on, this one's too easy.
Princess Tutu
As for mine: Pathetic nerd observes god get eaten by abnormally large amphibious fauna
German dood is totally not gay, and hooks up with some pretty boy. Leaves pretty boy not for butthurting reasons. Pretty man fucks up and darklord now. German and some nagger survives darklord's purging. German hunts demons bla bla bla. Oh shit, darklord is pretty boy again except so much more. Prettyman defeat allahu snackbars hindu edition. The worldu is saved!!! Or issit? Plotwist::: nice boat and moe witches will save anime from idol master.
Knights of Sidonia
Correct desu
Passable answer.
Dude is not gay until he realizes that he's hooked up with a guy. Gets scolded for almost dropping ice cream on his car seats.
funny dude tries to impress a girl and fails miserably, goes into deep depression skips school returns with an AA12 to play Killing Floor with his classmates
Boku no Piccolo
Guy gets trapped in his car.
Here we are...
Born to be kings,
We're the princes of the universe!!!!
... zombie edition, with some fat shit who fucks a little grill even though he had a waifu. Pig digust amirite?
Wow... So for two entire series now, 26 episodes mind you, one horny boy has rescued, what, SEVEN helpless damsels in distress? Some more than once? Yeah, thanks for the positive role models, Japan. Most of these girls are fairly strong-willed, but can only have their problems solved for them by a vampiric, lolicon, incestuous, horny 17 year-old walking penis. Bravo, cis-male cumbuckets!
Jintai 2ez
Maybe if this was an Japanimation of Harry and Hermione (who should totally have gotten together; and who, in my shipper fanfics, regularly do), and not some half-arsed attempt to trick innocent viewers like me into watching it thinking that they're getting something magical and delightful, instead of just dismal and annoying, I would think it's great. Really, what would it take to make 7 complete series of an animated Harry Potter instead of this rip-off poody that tries to gain an audience simply through tricking them into watching. I wish the author died. Kek.
Wrong but close.
Ah've gotta say that Top Gun is one of mah all time favorite "hot boys" movie. Evah. It's got Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Dr. Greene, Sheriff Jimmy Brock, that Lt. from Starship Troopers, Tim Robbins and Meg Ryan. I'd do any one of 'em. Ah'd especially like to get them all in a big tub of cherry Jell-O, with a couple of containers of Cool Whip. And a whip. Oh, and one of them Japanese schoolgirl prostitutes with a cute little vibrating Hello Kitty cell phone. Mmmmmmm, delish!
What is love? Baby dun hurt me. Dun hurt me, no moar.Italians suck at being oniichans, that's fucking what. Fucking yuro trash. Fucking italy should get multienriched by snackbars.
Boy falls in love with a girl. Girl is BOMB! Well almost. They fuck and cum inside AT THE END OF THE WORLDDDD!!! It's all american's fault. Girl saves boy. Boy is last living human on earth. Nothing to cum inside of. Muh benis is sad.
Buff guy with shades kills people cause he's a massive dick. Everyone dies. The end.