This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things libertarian - private system of government, natural law, laissez-faire economy, and sovereignity, as well as organisation, tactics, and long-term strategy. We encourage debate, so long as all parties recognise that property norms are inherent in each civil exchange between multiple consenting individuals. Communists explicitly reject property norms and as such will not be respected. Discord server: /H67dt7G Pastebin link: >Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right” (PFS 2017)
Videos/podcasts: >What Must Be Done by Hans-Hermann Hoppe - >For a New Libertarian by Jeff Deist - >Radical Agenda by Christopher Cantwell with Morrakiu - >The War on Terror by Augustus Sol Invictus - >Libertarianism's Ultimate Logical Conclusion by Christopher Cantwell - >The Leftist Invasion of Libertarianism by Christopher Cantwell - >Attempts To Reach The Left: An Unmitigated Disaster by Christopher Cantwell - >Individualism and Group Interests by Christopher Cantwell - >The Truth About Libertarianism | Immigration and Borders by Christopher Cantwell - >In Defence of Capitalism by Christopher Cantwell -
Oliver Myers
Recommended reading: BOOKS >The Law by Fréderic Bastiat >Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe >Ethics of Liberty by Murray Rothbard >Theory of Socialism and Capitalism by Hans-Hermann Hoppe >Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant ARTICLES >Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property by Llewellyn Rockwell - >A Realistic Libertarianism by Hans-Hermann Hoppe - >For A New Libertarian by Jeff Deist - >Nations by Consent by Murray Rothbard - >Race! That Murray Book by Murray Rothbard - >Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature by Murray Rothbard -
Easton Ramirez
Media: PODCASTS/VIDEOS > - Tom Woods Show > - Radical Agenda / Letters from a Charlottesville Jail / Cantwell & Kessler / LIVE from Seg! (Christopher Cantwell) > - Steben Bolynu :DD > - - Morrakiu > - Augustus Sol Invictus ARTICLES > - Mises Institute > - Lew Rockwell > - Property and Freedom Society
Aiden Bell
I'm a socdem populist (although i dont think we are ready for democracy - i know it's a contradiction) but try and convince me to return to Libertarianism with arguments that address the prosperity of all people with in a nation. What keeps foreign investors and then foreign exploitation of a native (in the sense the people who already live there - not the actual natives explicitly) population?
Kevin Green
My friend claims the humans will always have a master and slave relationship with each other, whether it's between the government and its citizens or supercorporations and their economic slaves. What makes a libertarian/ancap society better than an authoritarian one?
Nolan Sanders
Define exploitation, please. If a Chinese industrialist decides to move his factories to Portugal and employ our workers is that exploitation by a foreign investor?
Ryder Kelly
>What makes a libertarian/ancap society better than an authoritarian one?
First off, don't confuse tyranny with authority. We're against tyranny (power with no consent of the governed), but we certainly do welcome authority (power + consent of the governed). Simply put: we're against the power of the state since it does rest on a master/slave dichotomy, but we're not against the authority of parents over their children, of churches over their adherents, of the elderly over the young, etc. as long as it is voluntary.
Justin Wilson
if they can find workers who will work well below nominal wage and ship them in on temp work visas it is. and what restricts companies from forming a monopoly (or a group of companies) selling all you use and owning your houses? then all you make goes back to them, that in an abstract sort of way is communism. your governments will cater to those companies, like they do already and that is definitely exploitation.
Jace Ross
Let me also add a H O P P E W A V E section to the pastebin
Those workers only work voluntarily. Labor is a scarce resource and the market will force companies to provide benefits to workers as a means to secure their employment from each other.
>and what restricts companies from forming a monopoly (or a group of companies) selling all you use and owning your houses? The absence of any barrier of entry into any line of production save for the resources you will need to set your business up. Monopolies form because the state regulates the market and essentially brings up the costs of setting up new businesses, so existing ones are consolidated and their power increased. Also they couldn't sell your house since it's your property and you either signed a contract to it or built it yourself.
You need to read some Hoppe. I'd recommend A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism first.
Jose Gutierrez
>Labor is a scarce resource in aus there are 100's of applicants for every job 1/5 young men are unemployed
Luis Foster
Bumping for Raw Paw.
Andrew Morris
Are you seriously implying labor is not scarce?
Carson Hall
Everything material is scarce, my dude. Regardless of how many people are available.
Ethan Evans
labour is people, there are heaps of qualified people for all positions
Jaxson Cooper
i dont get what you mean scarcity as in there isnt enough? there are plenty of people qualified, if anything is scarce it it the job opportunity
Bentley Myers
If they cannot apply themselves in 'stralia and complain about it, they should move to Somalia.
i.e. there is a finite number of skilled people in the world, hence companies will have to fight for those people to join their companies by offering higher salaries, compensations, insurance, etc.
Kevin Wright
so a libertarian society would have to be globalist? that sounds pretty similar to commie rhetoric theres an over abundance of skilled workers here and no positions available
Adam Sanchez
>Murray Rothbard >Murray Rothbard's parents were David and Rae Rothbard, Jewish immigrants to the U.S. from Poland and Russia, respectively. >Both Jewish
Robert Martin
He's been accused of being a racist, sexist, bigot, reactionary self-hating Jewish Nazi if it makes you feel better. Read the rest of his Wikipedia page to see the kind of people he hung out with.
Adam Wilson
Nah. Once you have a huge unemployed population, you will realise that importation of chinks is bad for your country.