I loved this show, it's much better than SAO. What did you guys think? Also Akatsuki is best girl, Minori a shit.
Log Horizon
Second season's scrubs ruined it for me. Still, I really liked first season and commie talks
Season 3 when?
I agree, s2 somewhat dropped the ball but I think it came up a bit towards the end.
Pretty much this.
Should have focused more on MC's colorful crew instead of the bland kids.
when we are at volume 15 most likely.
I would love to see the West Wind Brigade animated at sone point too.
Season 1 was better than season 2. I think the big problem with Season 2 was that DEEN didn't really care very much about the series, whereas Satelight worked really hard to make it a good adaptation.
Scrubs weren't even that bad.
The first half with Akatsuki was worse because how pointless it felt.
The hunt was great though.
Scrub Squad best arc both seasons, Rudy best character in the series, Isuzu best girl.
The female-only arc in S2 sucked unbelievably hard though.
Am I the only one that finds this show so bland and boring? The characters are so generic, all the jokes are unfunny, nothing interesting or entertaining really happens. I know some people defend this anime by saying "it's comfy" but anything can be comfy. Doesn't mean it's good.
Also, I think people are just pretending to like this to be against the mainstream and shit on SAO.
Go back to a NIER, Pat
But Tetra is best girl.
>implying SAO makes sense
SAO gets shit on because it has an unlikable MC and a story that constantly breaks its own rules and makes little sense. It's just bad.
>guys, check this out - roads connect cities
>whoaaa, duuuude, for real?
The exact moment when I dropped it and never came back
Overrated shit with vocal circlejerking fanbase general?
Boring shit is shit.
Nah senpai, it's not an SAO general
Leave it to LH faggots to always bring up SAO like a bunch of insecure faggots instead of just talking about their show.
Must be a shit show if "SAO is SHIT compared to this! We swear!" is the only thing you faggots can talk about it.
Exactly. The people who like this show only do so so they can unite under one banner and have a hateboner circlejerk against SAO.
Would have like less episodes of Akatsuki's angst and more of China. Scrub team arc could have done with being half as long as well.
SAO for fedora tippers
I just brought it up because they have similar premises and SAO is popular. Sounds like you're the one who wants to hate jerk LH.
It also wasted too much fucking time on the stupid annual events in the city. It's not a fucking slice of life or romance anime, you don't need to have a valentine's day episdoe.
A thread about a show that is overpraised by its fanbase that is always vocal about it and always circlejerk around.
Sounds like Log Horizon threads to me.
I would love to see some other servers more often. It would be cool to see how other player communities are dealing with the Apocalypse.
[tax fraud intensifies]
Man, I'm so glad SAO is getting a movie and guaranteed 3rd season, not to mention Aniplex has announced that they will adapt the entirety of SAO into anime.
No need to suffer waiting for a 3rd season that will never happen unlike the fanbase of a certain show full of contrarian dipshits.
If by similar you mean there's a video game involved at some point then yes they're similar. Beyond that the details differ quite a bit. eg. the SAO cast have a clue as to whats going on, the LH not so much.
>contrarian for not liking a shitty show that's only popular because the MC is relatable to edgy teens
The author doesn't know where to take the plot or characters.
He keeps adding new plot points only to drop them later on to give new characters and the annoying brats more screen time while ignoring the main cast which made it good in the first place.
I agree, they share a premise of video game realities. They don't have to be exactly the same to be comparable.
Posting best girl
explain this meme to me senpai
Came here to post this
Contrarian because you always bring up SAO in your discussion.
Just face it you faggots only like LH to shit on SAO under the same banner. I've seen you pieces of shit throughout the years not being able to have a thread about LH without being all "HURR DURR SAO IS SHIT!"
I hope mamare goes into deeper shit than his tax fraud faggotry. Enjoy that season 3-Oh wait.
So he's just like Kubo?
Wow, what a hack. As expected of a tax fraud.
>Being this buttblasted at the mention of SAO
I can say good things about LH like the world building establishes rules for the likable characters to follow and rather than focusing on action, it focuses on the politics of a society and the challenges faced by people living in such a world.
>at the mention of SAO
Except you LH faggots do it all the fucking time.
>Hey guys, LH thread.
LH threads are just anti-SAO circlejerk. Not even .hack fans pull this shit but you LH fags do it all the time.
Blame yourself and your fellow SAO ADD-fuckwits that came into every LH thread to say how SAO was much better. This response was what resulted.
Does Crusty ever come back?
>Jew MC
Hitler dinudus.
He's on his way. He ended up with Kanami's group while trying to get back to the Japan server.
Personally, I really couldn't get into it. Dropped it after two eps so I can't really say if it gets better later, but It was very eh at the start.
It's more for people who desire more world building and social engineering/political maneuvering in their stories, definitely not for everyone.
Boring pile of shit. SAO is overrated, but it's better than this piece of trash. Not that it matters though because they're both bad regardless.
He ended up with the Greatest Party Ever? Fuck, I hope the hijinks can be animated someday.
Why do we have so many threads about it lately?
Regardless, I loved it.
>But so boring!
No, it's just not non-stop action/edgefest fantasy. It's the kind of "hey, I'd like to live there" fantasy that I'm never unhappy to see.
>But how come everyone's not miserable about being Trapped In A Video Game?
Firstly, that's not really the deal. Secondly, they are, temporarily. Unlike the standardissues anstagonist, they adjust. Thirdly, for the same reasons you wouldn't be all that unhappy about it.
>But the awful arc with the kids learning to dungeon crawl!
Was the best part, yes. Have you never played a co-operative video game? They hit the ball out of the fucking park, man. Minori in particular. Support learns not to be passive healbot, becomes credit to team? Yes. Thankyou.
>But season two!
Alright, you got me there. It was so much worse. Some great moments, but nowhere near season 1. I still liked it, but yeah.
How's that for liking LH for reasons other than "better than SAO"?
Kanami was best girl, really wish she had her novel properly animated.
Should be, assuming they do another season. They spent a lot of time on in the novels. There's also a spinoff manga as well.
From the scenes we got in the second season, she seems like a really bright and fun character. I liked her quite a bit.
Pretty big assumption there, if we were getting a sequel it probably would have been announced by now.
Cowabunga Ninja Frog and Chinese meido-farmer bot are my OTP.
Given that the previous series were both 24 eps, there's a potential issue with not having enough source material atm. First season covered the first five novels and the second covered up to nine. Ten was released a year ago and not sure an any past that.
Can a robot learn to love?
Can Akatski win the MCbowl?
Will tankbro ever figure out best girl's, pic related, secret?
Will the ScrubSquad ever get to the high levels like MC and friends?
Will MC get more then 2 episodes worth of relevancy in season 3?
Will the gang fly to the moon and fight the ayys?
Will Crusty reunite with his NPC princess waifu?
Will we learn more about that foxgirls plans?
Will anyone ever return to the real world?
Season 3 when?
>hating scrub horizon
>hating Rudy
But this isn't a Space Bros. thread.
Man, Rudy was truly the best NPC-turned-PC.
He and freckle-bard girl were also a supercute pairing.
>all these people reading/watching LH for the plot
>not for the great world building
Log horizon's main plot is just a fun little adventure to guide you through the world
the main draw is finding out more about the world and imagining what it would be like to live there
Alright, user. What would you get up too if you were a lo horion.?
It's the subtle things about Rudy that make him love him so much.
>same level as Tohya at the start of the scrub horizon antics
>at Minori's level at the end of their first dungeon
>find out he has an exp gimp because of NPC status when he becomes an adventurer
>start of scrub horizon antics in s2
>he's the highest level
Rudy is based, but not a fan of the dog gag between him and the bard chick. He's a sweet guy and deserves better treatment.
I would be a summoner with a chef subclass
I would open a restaurant and use my summons to help me run it
I always play games with the same people, and we would already have a guild at that point, and we could run it all and enjoy ourselves
Not too bad, the comfy life is the best life. Would you go for a human waifu or an npc waifu?
I think he's a pretty well done character. He has this balance of overconfidence with modesty that's pretty great.
No idea, i wouldn't be apposed to either
This show was really disappointing to me. The first half of S1 was great because it was highly plot driven. I expected the Goblin Army Arc to be the main point of the second half, but they ended that too early. The rest of the season after that seemed like a pointless slog. In fact I don't even think I've watched the final episode or last 2 because I completely lost interest. It's a cool idea but I wish it was more consistent with its plot points.
>akatsuki took half of the season just to find her bullshit powerup
>kaname, COWABUNGA and THE WALL only got 1 episode
No, they ruined everything.
Is mamare still in bars?
>Akatsuki got half a season of development
>Some much less relevant side characters got less
They had this awesome tree-guildhouse.
I don't like the heavy focus on scrubs.
I really don't like the one dimensional waifu bait characters.
Show would be 1000x better if it focused less on scrub squad and without forcing all the waifu bait characters.
I'd rather see what his old guild and the higher up guild leaders are doing. I don't care about level 10s dying to dumb shit that's obvious or waifu bait dreaming about cat dicks
But Nyanta-san is a nice gentleman.
Whats the age difference between these two anyway? I watched the dub so Nyanta's sexy black voice makes him sound like he's in his late 20's compared to the girl who looks like she's in her early teens.
Except that the scrub arc was, in part, about them trying to step up from being scrubs. You know, character development.
The other part was about what the other forces in the world were doing, including the intro of a new force.
When I said waifu bait characters I didn't mean only Minority.
I mean all of them including Akatsuki as well.
I remember arguing ninjas character height and thats it
She is probably between 13 and 14, and he is some middle-aged guy.
She's a high school student while he's old enough to have beta tested the game.
Sounds like Nyanta is the perfect self insert character then.
Second season was a fucking disaster.
They even fucked up the Best Party
Mamare returning to Sup Forums when? I want to know more tales of him and his imouto.
To be honest I blame it on the fact that they covered less material and ended up having to pad things out.
Nearly all of these were open questions at the end of S1, and none of them got answered or even noticeably advanced. God damn S2 was a travesty.
Henrietta should win.
>it's much better than SAO
You don't have to try too hard for that.
Time was spent more on some things than on others. In order from S2:
Can a robot learn to love? Ongoing, not going to be resolved quickly.
Can Akatski win the MCbowl? She's weeded out the competition and we're see it develop, but not much time spent on it.
Will tankbro ever figure out best girl's, pic related, secret? Not till it's been milked for all it worth
Will the ScrubSquad ever get to the high levels like MC and friends? Season 1 they were early 20's, season 2 they're doing the bag quest which is 45+ so somewhere in the 50's by the end of the road trip.
Will MC get more then 2 episodes worth of relevancy in season 3? V11 is more Kanami followed by thing going to hell for the Round Table so probably.
Will the gang fly to the moon and fight the ayys? The just found out about the fuckers in season 2.
Will Crusty reunite with his NPC princess waifu? Last seen in S2 travelling with Kanami. In the novels he's actually forgotten about her due to partial amnesia.
IIRC, he got released later that day or week, and it was just a misunderstanding on Mamare's part, that was quickly resolved.
Will we learn more about that foxgirls plans?
Season 2 showed that it isn't that simple with PH.
Will anyone ever return to the real world? That's the end game so of course it won't be in season 2.
Season 3 when? Definitely not till there's more material.
S2 was the biggest waste of time ever, Again I don't know if it was DEEN adapting bad parts or the source material is actually that bad but it was just so fucking awful.
Rarely anything happened, The new characters were fucking boring. Krusty was fucking missed when he was one of the best characters.
Such a shame.
>I loved this show, it's much better than SAO.
No question. SAO is angsty teen garbage, LH really resonates with an older audience. It's not just the MMO nostalgia, there's a lot in this series that appeals to folks who have grown up and realize it's not always about me-me-me.
There are too many best girls to pick, Isuzu a cute
Reminder that every single "S2 BAD DEEEEN HURR LOL" post is a guaranteed shitposter. Season 2 was absolutely fine, it's just a meme for people who desperately want to fit in.
>Will tankbro ever figure out best girl's, pic related, secret? Not till it's been milked for all it worth
This is more of a running joke, not a major plot point.
>Will the ScrubSquad ever get to the high levels like MC and friends?
This is a telling complaint because you basically want LH to be like SAO, full of powerleveling and "who is the strongest?" type irrelevant dickwaving. If you watch LH, you realize that level doesn't really matter a whole lot, every job is important in building their society and even the lower levels have a part to play. Hell, one of the biggest plot points of S2 was about how even an overpowered max level character had to learn that she couldn't do everything on her own and had to rely on and work with the group.
S2 was definitely below S1, but I wouldn't say it was because of the studio change I think the source content itself was just weaker.
>This is more of a running joke, not a major plot point.
Hence the comment on milking it dry.
This is how you sound like right now.
To be fair, S2 starts at a point where characters and actions diverge in various ways. Akatsuki's character arc and the gold of the Kunie arc occur in parallel but that's something that's difficulty to pull off well. The scrubs arc also served to expand on what was going on with PH and the intro to a new faction in the world, so kinda dragged on as a result. Things don't get back together until the raid at the end of the season. It was good point to stop S1 but S2 suffered for it.
Plenty happened, just not a lot of it was action. Most of it was world building and some set up.
It's fine if you hate it. You're entitled to your opinion, but making it a point to bark it out at every opportunity, every single time anyone mentions the series or wants to have an actual conversation about it doesn't serve any purpose.
S2 had some structural problems, as pointed out, but it wasn't "bad" overall. Its main problem was not so much the quality of the story but rather that they had to produce an anime containing plot threads whose conclusion wouldn't yet be reached in the story, and they had to release it while the name was still popular and profitable. What would make S2 great would have been merging what would have become S3 right into it, but the books weren't ready, and that's sadly the way the anime industry works now, release all the content you can while the title's hot, then drop it and move on to the next disposable IP, quantity>quality. It's the world we chose with our buying habits, unfortunately, and it causes great series like LH to suffer.
That said, it's still watchable, if a tad unfulfilling. I still hope and pray for an S3, even though it wasn't likely to start with and becomes moreso with each passing season. There's a lot more to LH than just a fantasy story about folks trapped in an MMO, in my opinion.
I actually read from somewhere that "breaking the rules with nothing but your own wilpower" is like an ancient Japanese trope, tied in with cultural values and shit.
Not an excuse for genuinely bad writing, but Kawahara clearly got it from that.
In fact, come to think of it, when you throw in rabid nationalism of Alicization, the whole series is really just a long love letter to "traditional" Nippon.
I want to romance a qt healer.
I prefer .Hack.