What could we do to stop the spread of this incurable disease?
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The Guardian is satire.
legalize aids
He's Jewish, what a surprise
(((Wikipedia))) conveniently avoids this fact
I wish it was user
Walk it off.
answers itself
How about you stop eating unhealthy crap and start to work out you fat piece of shit?
A bunch of fat people don't know how to manage their weight, but the majority is just too lazy to do something about it. I know what I'm talking about, I've lost over 20 kilos in the last years to get in shape.
These niggers try to find excuses for everything.
I feel bad for this guy, to be born with such a horrific disease
My hands just keep shoveling food into my mouth, it's involuntary you bigot!!!
>t.lard ass american
that Godfrey Elfwick guy actually is a satirist who trolled the Guardian into thinking he was being serious.
these poor people!
Stop eating. Incurable my arse
I think the nazis had one or two ideas about that.
>genderqueer muslim atheist
maybe i could i see it. but what does that description even fucking mean
I'm so glad that this God-awful paper is dying
CA ahead of the curve!
>implying you won't fuck this fat woman
When are we gonna stop arresting opioid addicts???This is a deisese and locking them in a cage doesn't work I should know.Plus this is mostly a white issue so I really wish something could be done to help these people..
I always wonder, with people that fat, how long could they go without eating anything at all? I remember reading that a normal person go for about 3 weeks without eating, but surley these hambeast could go on longer right, especially when their metabolism adjust to not getting any food, right?
This cant be real.
It's a troll thankfully
WTF. This article actually exists.
Maybe he should travel to venezuela, they seem to have figured out a cure.
I think so user, you'll have to kidnap a fattie and find out.
Probably works like drugs. They are adjusted to this much food and they get cold turkey when they dont eat
But they could survive longer i think on the fat reserves
>This review, conducted by Dame Carol Black, has already pre-empted its conclusions: eight times it describes obesity as “treatable”. Really? How? It will consider the case “for linking benefit entitlements to take up of appropriate treatment”. Are Cameron and Black proposing that benefit claimants will be forced to undergo surgery? Or will they be pressed into a useless and punitive dietary regime? These proposals look to me like a transfer of blame for the disease away from food manufacturers and advertisers, and on to those afflicted.
>If you can treat obesity, how come people are still obese??
Send them to California where they can legally get on the incredible weight loss program called AIDS.
I'm 6'3" and weighed 280 in 2010 when my ex wife left me for dead and had the courts remove all parental rights from me (even while admitting that I"d never laid a finger on her--don't get married goys).
I was in a state of mental shock for weeks and couldn't feel anything--including hunger. I didn't eat anything for 35+ days. I began to snap out of it at the 35-40 day mark and then started eating a banana every other day until about day 60.
Ended up at 202.
ps story is happy ending with me realizing my potential and making great money, getting /fit/, and expanding my talents in both music and getting laid. After many years and tens of thousands of dollars, I was about to buy justice, and the kids are actually here now getting dressed to go to the local carnival at the catholic church.
Godfrey is a topshelf troll that's been around on Twitter since at least GG;
actually happened, though. They took him seriously and gave his persona a fucking platform. The audacity of the left.
so basically 60 days and and only lost 80 pounds..fatten up anons winter is coming. unless you're some degenerate southern hemisphere user.
>Muslim atheist
>jewish atheist
You're confusing fat with T H I C C, faggot. Also, sauce?
"jew" isn't a religion because there are atheist jews
"jew" isn't a race because there are turkic/black/semitic jews
The most accurate definition for what "jew" is that of an international criminal conspiracy.
We need a new Hitler. But now he will gas Arabs and Obese people
It's whichever is the most beneficial in any given situation, you stupid goy!
>You're confusing fat with T H I C C
a lot of truth there w/r/t/ my situation. that much height can stretch a lot of weight, and desu, I'm' just sort-of built like a smaller version of a linebacker--thicc, but I also had some man-tits that I never miss.
being married fucking drains a man.
It can be cured with a hike through pakistan.
all the intermittent fasting blogs talk about some medical case study in the 60s where a 500lb guy ate nothing but multivitamins and coffee for 385 days and got down to like 180lbs
Just give them a pack if cigarettes and they'll be skinny in a month.
Tie people’s tax bracket to their Bosy fat percentage. I.e. a person with 20% body fat pays 20% income tax
lol wot, that has to be a fake
>Checks on the web
Is there even an attempt on their part to ensure any standard of quality?
Journalists are cancer, they think they are entitled to not earn a shitty salary in an age were internet is making journalism more obsolete by the day.
Because obesity isn't a disease. It's a disorder.
You don't have a cure a disease if you just kill the people with said disease. :^)
That's not how disease works. Most disease can survive in the host for extended periods of time after death and be transmitted by scavanger animals.
Holy fuck. That's it, I could handle the 485 gender meme but this is lunacy. Has to be fake. This is fake. No one is that retarded. Just a larp.
Whew, close one!
A big pharma anti-gluttony pill, funded by the govt, of course. The medical-victim industry is far more corrupt than the war industry.
But it's true that simple calorie restriction doesn't work for hardly any fatties in the long term, which is a problem since virtually all diets are based on that. Sure you lose the weight, but then various metabolic and hormonal changes cause you to put it back on, plus maybe more.
tl;dr = DO INTERMITTENT FASTING, it fucking works and is way easier than you probably think. Jason Fung does a good job of explaining the science. 24h+ fasts are good for healing too, because they upregulate autophagy.
See, even the leaf gets it.
The human body can survive a fast provided you get water and nutrients enough to keep your brain from shutting down. I watched this one documentary where this bitch sat on her niece and killed her, she lost like 160 pounds a fucking week when they put her on a diet because they wouldn't give her any actual food any more, being that she clearly didn't need it.
>Sure you lose the weight, but then various metabolic and hormonal changes cause you to put it back on, plus maybe more.
Hormones break thermodynamics? If you're putting the weight back on, just eat less.
That's pretty fucking amazing.
Pinnacle jej.
Tell that to Africans.
Watch the videos for why that doesn't work FOR FATTIES (it can do for marginal cases) in the long term. Humans are not car engines, homeostasis is a thing.
I am *not* saying it's impossible to lose weight, (I just lost a stone,) rather that simple calorie counting is a shit way to do it that fails in the long run for 99% of fatties. That's not my opinion, we literally have huge medical studies conducted over decades that prove it.
>rather that simple calorie counting is a shit way to do it that fails in the long run for 99% of fatties
See, the thing is, physics doesn't change. Ever. We've been trying our level best for as long as we've known, and at absolute best, we just find a new way to play with physics. It really is THAT fucking simple. Just stop eating. It's got nothing to do with hormones, or genetics, just stop fucking eating. If you cannot do that, the problem is you.
I appreciate you, user.