Why is no one talking about this...?
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Is that a casing sitting on TOP of his supposed suicide pistol?
where at?
circle it, user.
Dead guy isn't Paddock.
Erect if true
Crazy question, but how did he blow his brains out after firing all those rifle rounds and not manage to get ANY blood on top of the rounds, look at the pool, all of it is under the rounds like the rounds landed in it.
Gun is a Taurus model 850 CIA ultralite hammerless revolver. And that's definitely a round on top of it
Oops it's early still sorry
He isn't dead. He is just acting for the photo.
Ah, thanks for that, I was looking for the model.
is this some jargon or is this a CIA issued weapon? whats the story there
That's the name given by Taurus. Pure coincidence I'm sure. But it's definitely a round on TOP of it
That's so not Paddock.
I may have been wrong. It could be a Smith and Wesson
That poster is retarded, the actual gun used is a S&W 642
Look at the countour at the top of the grip
duh he's no taurus toting taco bell worker
At the presser yesterday, they stated that they found nothing wrong with his brain. So he didn't blow his brains out.
I've been talking about you imbeciles and your retarded theories quite a lot actually. Reality isn't an action movie and doesn't require any plot. If you talk in terms of taking the red pill or the blue pill you comically expose your own inability to differentiate between reality and fiction. If you want your brain to start functioning again you should take note. I doubt you will and don't much care if you do. The comedy is pretty golden after all.
Where did he shoot himself?
Looks like it was in his mouth, which usually means either brain or spine.
I thought the photo showing his legs with gun sitting on the bipod over his leg was weird. How do you fall under your own gun?
Explain the missing tattoo and cartridge on the suicide weapon and ill go home.
The revolver was a strange choice of suicide weapon. They recovered several more pistols at his home, no idea how many he had in the room. I understand using a revolver because of reliability, but why .38? Not the ideal round if you want to be 100% sure you’re dead. It obviously worked well for him, but the small caliber combined with the apparent exit wound out the side of the head makes me wonder why he did it the way he did.
When Lanza shot himself he put the gun behind his head and shot up into his brain stem and thru the top of his brain. He used a 10mm glock which is the most powerful practical handgun round available. The suicide was the most important part of the plan. That isn’t apparent with paddock and it’s one of the biggest mysteries to me in the case.
why do half of the only100 shells(That shot 500 people) on the ground still have the bullets in the shells?
WTF this is a cover up
They most likely moved the body to find ID
>Why is no one talking about this...?
because it doesn't fucking matter, whats your goal find the answer then get rewarded by being suicided? or your wrong and your wasting time
neither outcome sounds good to me
You're the idiot in this situation my friend.
>Hotel claims police timeline isn't accurate according to hotel footage
>Jesus Campos disappears before scheduled TV interviews
>Shooter's house burgled while under 24/7 police guard, no idea what was stolen
>Private security firm with badges that look like police badges guarding Campos's house
He was shot in the chest officially. He bled out from his mouth and was upside down so he has officially been moved according to the new narrative. The new narrative also calls him “the suspect” instead of his name
There's a gunshot wound to the chest
Those are what fired 5.56 casings look like, they have a neck.
Yeah. And the press conference yesterday said he had no damage to his head and was found shot in the chest. I’m not even sure they’re using he term suicide anymore. Shooting yourself in the chest to commit suicide has happened before but it is not effective and is very uncommon. Somebody shot him
So now they are crying about getting called out and only doing informative vs Q&A? Don't forget his handler always looking like he's going to rip his head off if he says the wrong thing. This dude can't even speak anymore without sounding like an emotional wreck.
holy fucking checked
feel like i just jumped timelines, legit stared at OP pic and didnt see anything until i saw this pic.
Honestly, the blood could of flowed AROUND the round/seeped into the carpet. the SWAT team guys could of just kicked/steped on the rounds by accident. The TWO door blasts could have moved the casings. Especially the second breach door blast to between the two rooms which I just heard about last night. Why are more people not talking about a second door blast?? The door between the two rooms was locked. This is huge...
put a AAA battery on flat surface and pour some milk next to it. does the milk flow over the battery, or under and around it?
>blew his brains out
its a 38 special not a 12 guage, if he used FMJ it probably made a clean hole through and through
the "tattoo" that looks like old man neck skin casting a shadow that only appears in one photo? the "casing" looks like the frame of the revolver to me.
these are all actually good points that hadn't been mentioned in this shitty thread yet
People are talking, but people keep shutting it down. Even Sup Forums has been infiltrated. Vegas threads get archived quick, but nonsense threads about nothing are allowed to go on and on and on.
>put a AAA battery on flat surface and pour some milk next to it. does the milk flow over the battery, or under and around it?
That's a dumb analogy mate, for a more accurate one you'd need to hold the milk carton above the batteries and blast a hole in it, then see if any splashed on top of the batteries.
That's because Paddock being the shooter is only an unproven allegation. All of the incriminating evidence could have been easily fabricated by an agency known by now to be highly corrupt and not credible. The dead guy isn't even Paddock.
Bizarre, contradictory, nonsensical scenario. The behavior of the "investigators" is contributing to all of these. They are the only ones who look guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt from the publics- and the victims' point of view.
Face facts, this guy was no pushover. Part of his plan was to leave no answers. He's probably been planning this in his mind since before the NSA even existed. Besides, investigators are really only trained to believe a mass shooter decides and then carries out the act within a 6-12 month period. The idea that this guys been slowly working toward this over a 30+ year period (that's probably why he has firearms in the first place, to slowly develop his skill) is unheard of. Given his age I'd say he was almost reaching the point of procrastination and he eventually decided that it's now or never. At that point it's clear he simply wanted to kill for the sake of it.
The broken out windows were in 2 separate rooms. He would have had to run back and forth between windows. If the door was locked, that is huge.
The guy shot up a bunch of people and then killed himself. What else would you like to know?
>people are water balloons full of blood
You're the one that brought the milk jug into it m8, I didn't start with that.
But if he did shoot himself in the head, there would absolutely be debris from his skull and splatter all over the tops of everything nearby.
did they release The Tape ?
I'll be damned...
That is literally a casing...
like this user said, I've looked at this picture a hundred times and never noticed that.
Good catch, user.
Could just be that they open with a keycard, and he had the keycard.
Why do all pictures look like a video game?
Why wouldn’t he break out the 2 windows on the corner right next to each other? He wouldn’t have to move between them. Also, if the door had a keycard, why did the police breach it with explosives? And if it were closed, wouldn’t he prop it open so he wouldn’t have to get his keycard out every time?
reread my post, one, and two, people's heads aren't filled with contact explosives that make them explode when a 38 caliber subsonic bullet touches them
this is spot on
The exist wound of any sort of head shot will always take chunks of skull and blood, it's just what happens.
nice try shill, but he only bought those firearms last year if we are to believe the sherrif/fbi
Yesterday night some "Vegas user" dud an ama, I managed to convince him to ask about the doors between 134 and 135, we should know the mechanism in a few days.
Never seen communicating doors have a key card entry desu, only know about deadbolts which can only operated on one side, which makes the narrative hard to keep up since Paddock would have had to leave 134 through the hallway at least once in order to lock the door between 134 and 135.
Grips can be changed out retard
Well according to local news, that WAS the last press conference in relation to the mass shooting
Why hasn't photo of full body been posted? Guy was 6'4". Carpet squares 24"x 24". Should be easy to verify height. Oh, and chest shot. My theory: guy trips, carrying rifle, misfires, shot lung, slow death. Bullet hole in ceiling.
There will always be mist and splatter from any sort of headshot, exit wounds in the head are huge and nasty.
>change the Taurus grip to a factory airweight grip
>implying it would even fit
I’m not the retard here
The police scanner shows first breach at 1:10:00 and second breach at 1:17:00
I don't know why this isn't bigger news. The retards in the youtube comments only reference and time stamp the first breach. I have been following this story pretty closely and this is the first I heard of it.
This means the door was locked between the two rooms! If it only locks from one side he would of had to lock it from the second room then run into the hallway passed Campos and the maintenance worker, access the suite and the suicide himself in the suite. If he can use his card to open it from both sides, he would have to take out each time. Why not prop the doors open?
Police scanner
The police scanner shows first breach at 1:10:46 and second breach at about 1:17:00
I'm not sure. For the rifle to be under his legs, he would have to be lying down. A gsw through the mouth would've left something noticeable in the blood, like a casing imprint in the blood, yet there's no evidence for that. Plus the theory that he was shot before the door was shot up makes sense given the whatever rifle casings were from after he died, not before
Search for any Taurus hammerless revolver or Smith and Wesson or champion arms and you'll see they all have different grips.
This is what I’m saying, his suite had windows facing both of the angles he needed, he didn’t need to rent the second room unless he had another plan.
I’m thinking he may have planned a major police ambush with the second room as a way to get behind them somehow. Especially with the news that as police cars began to show up he started targeting them, he had some kind of anti police idea in his head.
you're comparing high powered rifles to a snubnose 38 special, so you're either retarded or just shitposting
if he shot himself in the head while standing its concievable he crumpled backward and his legs straightened out in front of where he was standing, his left foot coming to rest under the rifle. not saying that's what happened, just that the leg being under the rifle isn't the damning evidence that some are making it out to be
Very good point.
Also, he supposedly sealed the stairway doors from the stair way side. He might have been attempting to trap the police in the hallway so he mow them down from the second room.
search for both, you’ll see that while you can find a Taurus 850 with a similar contour grip they are rare, and the airweight comes with it from the factory. Additionally the cylinder release (button/lever behind the cylinder) matches an airweight more closely in my opinion.
Not to mention the weapon was widely recognized as an airweight in the original threads where the images were being combed over.
It’s an airweight. Case closed.
OR the second shooter was using the second room and somehow escaped while campos & maintenance guy were huddled up in an alcove.
That bulging eye is caused by severe brain hemmoraging so I'm calling bs on the official story
> A gsw through the mouth would've left something noticeable in the blood, like a casing imprint in the blood, yet there's no evidence for that.
I honestly don't understand what you mean by this
the pool of blood would be from after he was on the floor, any spatter from the actual gunshot would be too dispersed to see clearly in this low quality photo
Just think, he had all those cameras set up. Body armor ready but he didn’t put it on because the guard supposedly accelerated his plan. He would have been able to see them all stacked up on the main door then bust out of the rear door bump firing away and possibly even made his escape. They would have had nowhere else to go.
LOL If we are to believe the sheriff/fbi. You're kidding, right? You ARE kidding. You've got to be.
Ding Ding Dingggggggg
Make them play Whack A Mole and "outrun" them. It's do-able.
;-) That would be telling.
that's the frame
Because he didn't do it and the real (((perpetrators))) are lazy/ have writer's block?
Well, he didnt live in a rural area, so he would have had to go to a range to shoot.
There should be employeesat that range who knew him if he's really learned to shoot.
hey op
why does the shooter not continue firing?
why not stand in the open window until cops get there?
why not effect the suicide via 100 meter fall?
to me, this is a much more efficient use of time.
Pardon? He was *in* the desert. They don't really need a designated shooting range.
What does this have to do with the sheriff/ fbi's behavior and credibility?
What the EFF David Blaine!
Stop making sense!
it is more of a curse than a blessing
-also checked
>Somebody shot him
Campos? Schuck (maintenance guy) was an unknown variable that fucked up, whomever the perp.s were, plans. effaBeye peeps become scramblin' men.
no one suicides via a chest wound
anyone who believes this narrative should
go get your pistoliver and demonstrate the self-inflicted chest wound hypothesis via periscope
Why don't fight till the death? He had ammanution enough left
You are a coward.
It's tiem to go back.
and start making flippy floppy
this is a suicidal killer
why stop?
-bonus- burgers are either sleeping in
looking at bbc+hillary nudes
fight the shills
Shill detected, with predictable meme flag.
>What is Lazarus sign?
Blood is viscous, it separates and coagulates...I don't think you are factoring that in. Blood does not have the properties of water.
Incase you guys are not aware.
One of the biggest DNS security providers blocked 8\Sup Forums without warning two days ago.
Either comodo knows something fishy is going on or the ((spooks)) just fired the first shot.
>pic related is the msg thousands of active users recived a few days ago
If you are one of these people. Remove the DNS proxy. Automaticly configure one instead. Or use another DNS server without censorship.
A guy lost his shit and decided to mow down a ton of people. He blew his brains out so we may never know why. I don't even care anymore. It was an isolated incident.
while I agree, it may just be that his left eye is more open than the right, and he was in fact shot in the chest, and all the blood around his head is from his mouth. since this is the most detailed photo of the two we have of the body there actually isn't enough evidence available to us to say definitively.
the sherrif probably sounds like an emotional wreck because he is, and it seems like he's been reading social media calling him a liar and given the circumstance it's understandable he'd be a bit defensive about that. as for the fed, he has a poker face the entire time. percieving more negative emotionality in facial expressions is a symptom of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, just saying
if the door was closed they would breach it like it was full of bad guys, locked or not