European Union is against Catalonian independence

>European Union is against Catalonian independence
>Spanish corrupt government and parties are against Catalonian independence
>International Monetary Fund is against Catalonian independence
>NATO is against Catalonian independence
>Angela "Rape Europe, please" Merkel is against Catalonian Independence
>Donald "le Sionism" Trump is against Catalonian independence
>Every single banker in Spain is against Catalonian independence
>Even the Vatican and the nigger-feet-kisser-Pope is against Catalonian independence

>Sup Forums sides with them against Catalonian independence

Honestly, guys, I don't understand you.
I am able to see that siding with Catalonian corrupt government would be also equally stupid, but why the fuck do you support those who are against the independence of the Catalonian people?
I'm not even Catalonian but if I were, I'd rather support some provincial politicians than (((those))) who oppose the independence.

So please, give me your reasons and try to convince me on why I should be against the independence of Catalonia.

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It's stupid

Elaborate, please.

I support all decentralization.

Also if they really are commie like leftists, then it is better for spain to get ridd of them. I'd say the reason their goverment is so against it is because they want to keep their tax slaves on their plantation.

They get independence and then what? They just go hurr durr gib independence. Why? For what? Economical reason? That's bullshit. They just like kid who scream and cry he wants a candy. Fuck them

>All the world its against the catalonian independence except people with mental disorders.
Face it faggot, its over.

>All these groups are for breathing
>Therefore you must be anti breathing
Thats how stupid your argument is.

Sup Forums has become the establishment and it's time for us catalans to fight them


There are separatist movements in my country damaging the territorial integrity of my country.

And even not people in these movements but in those autonomous regions they want regionalist parties (including separatists) like in Spain (including Catalonia) mimicking them - something forbidden by the constitution of my country. 20 years they will cry out as SJW Catalonians fighting against the "opressive, fascist Portuguese govt.". They already cry, despite getting some additional gibsmedats and one archipelago has special fiscal zone.

Catalonia could make a chain region thorught out Europe.
>inb4 LIXOboeta or centralist with Iron fist
Conimbricense here

Most commie catalonians use the red star flag, OP.

You are going to fight? the people who love be the victims in the media? the little nu-males who cries and scream like babies for some policemen? are you sure? hahaha.

You play like victims or you play like agressors, but both its not going to work, especially when you are not victims.

If you give a shit about historical accuracy, responsible use of democratic rights, social order, sound economic development and political stability (both on a national and a regional level), then I see no reason why you’d want to support those entitled crybabies over the central government (as much of a corrupt p*ssy as Rajoy is).

Besides, it’s ridiculous that you’d complain about Joos and globalists given that Catalonia is one of the most left-wing regions in the whole country.

The difference is that all these groups are for pic related.
The Catalonian commies and liberals may be in favour of more refugees too, but once the region becomes economically unattractive for them because of independence, every refugee and outsider will want to move to a richest country.
In addition, a free Catalonian state would not be part of the EU, so they wouldn't have to adopt the refugee quotas that they impose to other member states.
This is what happens to EU members when they refuse to take immigrants.

Catalonia without Spain and the EU its going to be fucking destroyed economicallye, not only the outsiders will want to move, the own catalonians will want to. You cant undertand that without the economy help of Spain and the EU you cant do nothing? (and lets just not talk about the debt and the 0 recognition of any relevant country...)

And are you dumb of what? the EU quotas it would be nothing compared to a tubofull open borders that its what the commies want to apply.

So what's your proposal? Be part of the decadent "European" Union and die out gradually while more and more wars erupt in Africa and the Middle East and myriads of people invade the Union seeking for economic stability and welfare state?

Why do we need to be an economically relevant EU country, appealing for the immigrants, when we can become an ethnically clean nation-state?

Easy question: would you choose your blood or (((their))) money?

Amerimutt detected.

> but once the region becomes economically unattractive for them because of independence
If that happened you also would find the region unattractive and you'd become one of them, duh.

Why are you being such a nazi when the Catalonian people are the first to want more immigrants? You people make no fucking sense.

Catalonia's secessionist movement is based on nationalism and the ethnic desire of the native catalan people to hold the reins of their own future so it's no wonder why the globalists support their puppet Spain and take the side of immigrants.

High to medium class = native catalans
Medium to low class = spanish immigrants
Low class = the rest of immigrants

The ones who would suffer the most during an economic crisis would be all immigrants so that's what we need if we want them gone. Also, since they're immigrants they're the ones voting leftists and shilling for more immigrants.



>Soros donated money to independence groups

I was not 100% convinced about we needing an army in the future. Manolos made it obvious, we'll need to be able to defend european iberia from the moors

Ok, that's some nice assumptions, but anyway, so you're only doing all this because you hate a handful of immigrants? Is that why you're willing to dilapidate all your alleged riches and your future? Seriously? Cause it appears to me that you didn't think this through at all.

If you want le indepenadance you will have to fight for it, waving antifa/israel flags and begging isnt going to do the trick

t. subhuman with an iq of 50
Can't you read and see that Soros donated 27k € in 2014 to a conference done in Barcelona about euroscepticism and migration? How does that has anything to do with the independentist movement?

Catalans support independence for the same reason Scots do - to elect a socialist government to get more gibs and import more shit skins. We're trying to save you from yourselves, you ungrateful piece of shit.
The only reason Catalans and Scots think independence is feasible right now is because they think they can replace their current national government directly with the EU, and will support even strong EU federalism, i.e. they want to be even more cucked than they are now.

Fuck. You. Commie. Scum.

We'd lose GDP because we'd lose population but our per capita richness would skyrocket since we'd get rid of the lower elements in our society. Very worth it imo.

Hi, I'm a separatist Catalonian.
I just want to say that this ilegal way is not how we should proceed. The constitution is here to protect individuals against government arbitrarity.

Arriba España.

And companies. And ways to generate richness. You'd literally become a banana republic, a country of servants whose only reliable source of income is a bit of tourism.

Are they the californians of spain, only dumb enough to actually separate?

United Spain only Spain, screw the rebels. If Catalonia tries to declare independence Spain should send in tanks. Also If I was Spanish I would enlist in army.

Cool story, bro.

Franco edition:
Reminder that United Spain is ourguy. Pol needs to be on side of united Spain
Catalonia is full of Commies. They supported republicans etc.. Thank God republics lost. Republicans wanted to forbid religion and build communism and killed priests. Had Franco not won Soviet union would have another ally against west in cold war and who knows what would have happened.

Get rekt commies

Here is a list of Heroes on nationalist side:

So Greece?

Not really. But anarchists aplenty.

pretty much
implying I'd ever visit and independent communist shithole

*with no history

m8 you can´t compare regions (in your country or whatever) with nations... catalonia has a different language and history it is completly different.

You make no sense. Why would catalan companies with most of its clients in Catalonia leave when Catalonia would be richer and with lower taxes than its neighbours?

Don't be a faggot Catalnon

>catalan companies with most of its clients in Catalonia
Catalan companies heavily rely upon the spanish market.

>Catalan companies heavily rely upon the spanish market.
And also in the europeana nd world market, like many spanish and foreign companies rely on the catalan market. If you think Spain will cut out trade (or even that it can do it) with Catalonia you're clueless.

Good luck in the european market with no EU membership and being considered a pariah by its most relevant economic powers.
Good luck trying to compete with the Chinese on your own.

Well, it's not certain we won't be joining the EU, we'll have to vote first

You don't even know how the EU works? That's so sad. Go read a book, for fucks sake.

That's just politics, they'll change how they work if they want to

Again you're extremely clueless about how the real world work. People with money and the politicians they control don't give about borders, if Catalonia can't trade and that means they'd lose a few bucks you can bet they'll do the impossible to put Catalonia in any kind of trade agreement.
Only a few butthurt Manolos who don't matter want to punish Catalonia, none else is going to move a finger for it.

Joining the EU requires unanimous vote from all member states.
Which means an independent Catalonia will join the EU whenever Spain wants.
And they won't want to, FFS. What makes you think the EU can work without UK but will be desperate to invite Catalonia? You guys are deluded as fuck.

Ancaps side with Catalonia

Catalonia has literally nothing they can't find elsewhere and cheaper. Sorry.

Do you really think that Merkel and EU leaders will just sit there if Catalonia can't trade and becomes bankrupt while dragging the rest of the EU in the process? Get real. What Spain wants doesn't matter, what some manolos in Sup Forums want even less.

>if Catalonia can't trade and becomes bankrupt while dragging the rest of the EU in the process?
The fuck are you even talking about now?

>whenever Spain wants
Meaning whenever EU wants

Oh they will work with UK.

Sorry this comment was for .

>when Ireland thinks you're being too uppity

Sup Forums acks don't have a legitimate ideology, they are just boot lickers who worship authoritarianism rather than true nationalism.
This is why they side with outright leftist spain over vaguely nationalist catalonia or neocon putin over nationalist ukraine.
If bavaria decided to secede, they would claim that bavarians are communists and germany is actually based and fascist for not letting them.
I wish you could dismiss it as shilling but it's just lazy meme politics.

>Honestly, guys, I don't understand you.
Allow me to help: being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is stupid and needs to be rooted in logic.

This, and also 1/3 of the spanish youth are NEETs so their shilling is very noticeable.

No, it means whenever Spain wants. Because
>Joining the EU requires unanimous vote from all member states.
Learn how to read and go learn how the real world works, for crying out loud. Being a delusional fuck will lead you all nowhere.

Man, you're delusional.

Companies have been leaving every day from Cataluña, and not just by registering to another territory, but fiscally as well.

Entitled separatist commies can fuck off. Where can i volunteer for the Spanish Civil War?

And Soros is pro-independence, see I can play that game too.

Suck it Ramon Llul

Are you unironically saying Spain has some power on Europe? You'll say what most of the (((EU))) wants you to say, as always.

>European Union is against Catalonian independence
Implying Merkel doesn't have a hand in this situation

This level of delusion.

>Sabadell pulls out
>Santander pulls out
>Gaz Natural pulls out

There won't be anything worth saving if you become independent.

It does, yes. Especially when it comes to a voting that requires UNANIMITY.
Also, it's hilarious that you think Spain has no power and yet you believe that a region of Spain that only amounts to 19% of its GDP would have any power at all.

Catalonia will ultimately become independent one day. Spain will collapse like Yugoslavia and the USSR.

The whole point of moving the social office is to not have to move capital. You like all Manolos are very retarded and clueless about everything so you talk without knowing how anything of this works.

LOL. You're so naïve it hurts reading your shit.
I'm sure the EU will cherish and independent Catalonia so separatists movement all along Europe flourish again. I'm sure France is desperate to recognise catalan people some kind of right of self-determination, knowingly of the consequences within its borders and territorial order. I'm sure Germany will scold Spain once article 155 is on the table, conveniently forgetting Spain copypasted it from the German Constitution and that the German Federal Constitutional Court has recently forbidden independence ballots. I'm sure Italy will ignore Lega Norde claims and won't be worried about separatism rising once again, given the delicate political situation they have in there. I'm sure Spain will make good terms with a Catalan Republic, aware this will ignite the basque problem once more.
I'm sure any country in good terms with Spain will be glad to stab us in the back for a few laughs, ignoring than our market would still be bigger than yours.

And don't forget that, while Catalonia heavily relies upon EU market, EU members (apart from Spain) don't rely on you. In fact, international investors are alredy 'en garde'. All they need to do in order to avoid losing their money is push the "sell" button.

>why isnt Sup Forums siding with EU loving communists and muslim lovers creating the nation the nation with the biggest muslim population in europe
While Sup Forums and EU share the same goal the reasons are largely different.

why would you side with something just because someone else is against it?

Because cuckalans seriously believe everybody shares their partisan views.

>that communist star on the flag
This is a fight between different brands of communists and globalists. No matter the result it's bad for you.

As you've said the EU opposes Catalonia's independence because it would bring unstability and for this same reason if it really happens the EU will oppose anything that brings more unstability, so there won't be any punishments for Catalonia nor we will be out of any trade agreement.

And everyone relies on everyone else in the current world. France would take a hard hit of their trade with Catalonia was cut off overnight.

You can't even last more than a week independent, no one cares about your useless chimpouts if you can't back them up.
>8 seconds
>9 hours
>3 days

Why do you seek for Sup Forums's approval? They're just edgy kids who like to be against something so obvious so they can think they're smart.

Catalan politicians are going to get outed by Switzerland and Andorra next year, they want to get out befre that.

You did it

Are all cucktalans as retarded as you?

We're irrelevant but we support you tho

Either you're a shill or a bona fide retard.
France will never support an independent Catalonia.
France won't tell the rest of Spain to fuck off, because if they are to choose whether they keep trade with Catalonia or the rest of Spain, they will choose the rest of Spain.
France won't recognise no catalan people right of self-determination because that would allow their catalans to have such a right, wich would mean every separatist movement there would claim it as well.
You don't seem to understand french politics nor politicians very well.
You also seem unable to understand that the rest of the world doesn't share your views and hatred towards Spain.

You're not irrelevant in Catalonia these days, I can tell you that

Because you don't have any complaints other than redistribution is unjust (which it is) because the money doesn't stay in Catalonia (but not because of this).
So you don't argue from principle and thus you don't have a leg to stand on.
You just want to be able to enforce an unjust instrument yourselves because it is affecting you. There wouldn't be a whisper about this if you were the main receivers of taxes.

Are you retarded? Read that article again subhuman.

You're changing the subject on purpose. I know none supports us, but what we were discussing is if Catalonia will be left out of the european economic zone, which won't happen.

Can't wait for independent Inquisitor Castile

>not even Puchi's wife people support Puchi

>all these Manolos arguing amongst themselves in English calling themselves nationalists

No me sorprende que los británicos les hayan quitado las colonias

Que dices tu de quitado, una cosa es perderlas y otra es que te las quiten, asqueroso mestizo comepalomas.

>El PeruANO no sabe que este board es exclusivamente inglés
No es nuestro problema que no sepas inglés, tragapalomas de mierda.

Yes, it will happen.
How can a State join european economic zone if no country in Europe recognises such a State?
If you secede, you are on your own for a very long time. Deal with it.

>Because you don't have any complaints other than redistribution
That's a lie, inform yourself

I hate communists more than anything.

>That's a lie, inform yourself
Please do and have a good laugh.

The shills are among us.

Again you're basing all your arguments in the idea that everyone wants to punish Catalonia but only you want. If leaving us outside of the EU economic zone means it will bring even a bit of unstability and economic loses it won't happen.