Okay, so the Jews are behind cultural marxism, immigration, degeneracy, everything, ok

Okay, so the Jews are behind cultural marxism, immigration, degeneracy, everything, ok...

So what's their final goal? Don't tell me they're "fucking up things" just because they're jews. Why are they doing this according to you? What goal that advantages them?

Which type of society are they wanting to create? Why is it worth combatting the supposed coming of that society?

How would they organise the world? Just tell me, cause you're just going full bullshit theorists where you come to say why the Jews are behind X

Tell me what the futuristic jew society will be like.

Other urls found in this thread:


Israel will be run by gentiles in 3 years

There will be peace in the middle East

Nah jews arent to blame, they be called zionists

Learn the diffrence

Yeah, but why are they wanting war since the beginning?

sure thing

We are the goy. They push islamic refugees into western countries to create hostility amongst the left and right. The end goal is total world domination. If we become so divided that we go to war, there will eventually be a One World Government, borderless, raceless and cultureless. Jews have thrived in cultures with diversity. And its not like every jew is in on this...its the zionists, the ones who run the central banks, the IMF, and every major financial institution. We have created a debt based world economy fueled by a cultural acceptance of consumption. The next new thing will be the thing that makes you feel complete as a human. I know it's hard to fully grasp their plan, but just know that sovereign nations are their biggest enemy. I'm not some Alt-Right, white supremacist...the fags on here who rant about white power are retarded, and I challenge any of them to provide concrete evidence as to why the white man is above any other race. Get redpilled, but don't let it poison your view of your fellow man.

Military industrial complex

>a One World Government, borderless, raceless and cultureless

This doesn't seem bad in itself, does it?

> Jews are behind X
- High average IQ
- Strong ethnocentrism
- Have self interest
That's all there is.

It's just their philosophy, I don't think there are much alterior motives besides having major way with the politics of the world and making huge ammounts of money.

To create a low iq, mixed race lower caste to serve the globalist jewish elite.

Which faction among the Jews are you talking about?

Why Netanyahu Hates George Soros So Much
read more: haaretz.com/us-news/1.800990

Netanyahu accused of supporting antisemites over Soros campaign


in theory, no. but in practice, it's been shown that humans will always find differences to divide themselves on.

>/pol unironically believe in jewish conspiracy bullshit

you guys are fucking retarded.


Read the fucking Talmud....



>So what's their final goal?

To "heal" the world.

That means taking their rightful place and ruling over an Earth filled with hate-free mongrel slaves.


I agree but you can't ignore that a particular peculiar set of myths about themselves drive them and what they do.

To fulfill their Talmudic prophecy of global domination, by having a mixedrace middleclass too stupid to do anything but manual labor ruled over by a jewish elitez

"The jews are human beings but the nations of the world are not human beings, but beasts"

"cultural marxism" is not a thing.

Marx did not come up with it.




>This doesn't seem bad in itself, does it?


It all started looong ago...

Israelis are not only NOT Semites at all, but are the biggest anti-Semites in the whole world for their massive land theft of Palestinian land and genocide against Palestinians. And despite this stark reality, top Khazarians immediately accuse anyone that criticizes them or Israel of being anti-Semites – an obvious fallacy.


>Why are they doing this according to you?
They think that only jews are human beings. So they want to eliminate all goys.

>What goal that advantages them?
World domination benefits them a lot. But they don't want just domination.

>Which type of society are they wanting to create?
Society where on the Earth remains only one million people. Half of them are jews, another half - their slaves.

>Why is it worth combatting the supposed coming of that society?
Should I even answer? Isn't it clear from the beginning?

>How would they organise the world?
Already answered.

>This doesn't seem bad in itself, does it?
fuck off you filthy kike

Anyone else really like Jewish people?


why do jews always fuck things up as if they just want to die

The reason this choice by King Bulan failed to become a permanent solution to the Khazarian mass sociopathy was because he himself never really accepted or practiced only Orthodox Torah Judaism and merely displayed a phony outward appearance of such.

Instead, he learned the black arts of Babylonian Talmudism and practiced the secret occult rites of Satanic demonology to gain more power, wealth and status.

King Bulan’s secret worship of Babylonian Talmudism (Baal worship, Satanism) was well-disguised by his phony outward presentation of Orthodox Torah Judaism as cover.

this is what jews think about you

How is that working out for Paris?


t. jean lennon


They are the synagogue of Satan promoting a new world order.

People need to dust off their bibles and start reading.

We need to reach an unified world by elevating all races and countries naturally, moving away from capitalism and debt-based economy.
A world of mongrels artificially dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, ruled by an eternal ruling caste is horrifiying.

The truth about the gas chambers

Yes, the whole world is getting informed fast about this Khazarian problem, the world’s biggest problem, and has just about had enough of the Khazarians’ abuse and inhumanity. It’s almost a certainty that the Khazarian City of London private Rothschild FIAT World Banking System is going to soon be eliminated in the coming months.

This alone will decapitate the Khazarian command and control and power base worldwide. Doubt this then do some basic research on BRICS, AIIB, Silk Road System, Shanghai Gold Exchange, and the recent erosion of the US Petro Dollar system with Saudi Arabia accepting currencies besides the USD.

Khazarian Kingpins always hold their timeless, inter-generational grudge. The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge against Russia for its destruction of Khazaria in about 1250 AD.

Approximately 80% of the Bolsheviks were godless Khazarians who raped, pillaged, tortured and murdered over 100 million non-Khazarian Russian citizens. These Bolsheviks did the same thing to Germans when they entered East Germany at the end of WWII. It’s a fact that Bolshevism was Khazarianism in disguise. Same for Maoism.

America has been infiltrated and hijacked by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, which is dead set on destroying the Christian and Deist Heritage of our Founding Fathers, along with our economy, borders, language, culture sex roles and marriage.

Khazarians have become the destroyers of society and everything that occurs naturally, that is, the natural order of things.

Unless Americans and citizens of the world wake up and displace these Khazarian Kingpins from their high positions of control that they obtained by hijacking, bribery, blackmail and human compromise or murder, America is doomed and so is the whole world.

>Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now

They exist to realize their ethnomyths. It's just part of the eternally recurring show.

Get Shoah'd? See, Jews are superior. That's how their sick brains work.

So says George Soros. Khazarrian Leader

We are running propaganda for them to keep the middle east's genocidal impulses in check. Jews are actually too cowardly, too degenerate, and too arrogantly convinced of their own reasoning to survive in this world - they believe in outgroups the way they believe we believe in outgroups. Yet they're also smart and organized, so whites want to redeem them and bring them into a common civilization. It will never work if the Middle East realizes that Israel is just one nation aptly characterized by its exoteric description. Better to let the mudslimes and the jews believe in a fantasy world of Jewish supremacy that they're inclined to believe in anyways than to let Israel fall to genocide.

complexe militaro-industriel
Si celui qui vend les armes est aussi celui qui les utilise sans pour autant être celui qui les paie il a des intérêts à ce que la machine continue à tourner comme ça.
Ce qui les intéresse c'est accroître leur pognon et leur influence c'est tout

George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent





Stop anthropomorphising jews or niggers or women. All subhumans share the same trait : they live in the now.
The future and the past are abstractions they are incapable of comprehensing on a genetic level. There is no goal, there is no plan, only short-term schemings where instant gratification reigns.

Fuck off kike

>So what's their final goal?
they already stated it 100 years ago in the protocols of zion moron

they want europe to bow down and LITERALLY present a crown to the king of israel, who will rule of the world

Oden Yinion plan

Of course it's bad, when the majority of alledged humans are niggers, indians and chinks.


Jews are a larger community than Sup Forums would like to believe. Altogether there are 16 million full blood jews in there world, so there is never going to be a coherant set of beliefs. Jews are like christians with a worse persecution complex, except they are significantly smarter and smaller in numbers which leads to ethnocentrism.


>Why are they doing this according to you?
I don't believe it's just the Jews but immigration is to destroy national identity so that there is never agreement on political policies so elites can use ethnic/religious issues to D&C to create a world-wide totalitarian state. It's mostly Jews though

lolocaust fairytales

lolocaust fairytales 2

Its just stupid conspiracies.
Jews are not behind everything. Sure they might have some influence here and there but jews are mostly unimportant.
Macron = Not a jew
Swedish PM = Not a jew
Tony blair = Not a jew
And all of them got majority of votes by white population. Its home traitors and marxists that are behind western fall. Jews are like what 15 million of world population of who many live just normal lives in Israel.
Also most Jews today are genetically European. Israel is like colony of Europeans. Israel also supported many far right(Anti-muslim) movements across Europe

You do realize that orthodox jews are significantly dumber than european ashkenazis? Talmudic jews do exist, but they have no power or influence.

Bobby fischer is a full blood jew, he just went off the rails later in life.

Have you ever been to Israel or you are just fed by what the media tells you. Go out of tel aviv and you will see mostly red pulled jews from Arab origin

Pilled* lol

>Its just stupid conspiracies.
>Jews are not behind everything
>they might have some influence here and there but jews are mostly unimportant.
>most Jews today are genetically European

Your tactics don't work here you repulsive piece of shit


No whites
pedophiles and homosexuals seen as normal thing world wide

Famous people's quotes about the vermin parasite jew


wow good argument.

Add Valerie Plames tweet to this. Bonus points, she's CIA and part Jewish

Also heild

Who told you that?


Wow, you're not smart.

kikes not welcome here, get out


>Don't let it poison your view of your fellow man

Unless he's a kike

A lot of people use "the jews" as a stand in for the corporatist oligarchs that seem to actually run everything...because they disproportionately happen to be jewish. And the fact that you're not supposed to call out a certain group for having marxist/destructive ideas like open borders and general degeneracy, yet strongly oppose the same for their own ethnostate, just leads to people like us wanting to call them out on it more.

What is their end goal? It is chaos, and poverty, for the vast majority of people. Their (corporate interests, globalists) ultimate goal is to run the entire planet how China seems to be run. A massive dirt poor, beaten down, submissive underclass who will essentially work as slaves/indentured servants in order to afford a tiny 8x8 room they share with 16 other people. At the same time, they want us to recklessly consume enough to make it profitable for massive corporations to keep churning out useless shit.

JFK exposing the jew.
Well that didn't work too well for him

their endgame is global communism with them being the leaders
the EU is their first step and is developing more and more towards a collectivist ideal

God I wish I was at home to post all my red pill race images. Ethnic nationalism is the only valid system, and it only survives on pride in ones race. The differences in intelligence, in culture, in achievements, between the white race and the collective of ALL nonwhite races combined is insurmountable at this point.

Why the fuck didn't we listen to Ben. Why the fuck didn't we listen.

Not all races are equal in ability, its dysgenic





They want segmented (divided) societies world wide which they will control and more easily extract all the wealth, hoard it in kikeland. Eventually they hope enough conflicts will cause the end of the world - this is the "second coming" to sociopathic, "useful idiots" like George Bush.

According to their "its old and must be right" shit books, global conflicts must arise before global peace can be wrought. Thus they will kill us all at the hands of an army of floppies (Rhodie term for niggers) just for the small chance a weasel, dickless kike 'warrior King' will step forward. Of course weak kikes will run to the next place that will take their virus if enemies are really at Israels heels. Dumb fucking kikes have such a hard on for bullshit "muh old=true" prophecy bullshit they will happily kill us all.

Bobby Fischer's father was a German non-Jew. His mother was almost certainly just as much European as Semitic.

Making Bobby Fischer mainly European with some Jewish ancestry.

Jews like to call him Jewish though, because of his Chess accomplishments. Same with Niels Bohr.

Global communism
Israel is to fall too

any prior to this post who try to make an equivalence between zionism and communism/marxism are muslim/commie shills/wokeniggas and should kill themselves

nice post

Their goal will always be to keep the goyim wrapped around their finger to prevent Hilter 2.0 from rising up. Get them to destroy themselves and their culture and once in destitute, they'll be there to offer loans at high interest rates.

The Grand Mal Sacrifice. A world population of 500 million. Several gigadeaths.