Of the coming genocide,
You've been warned
Eww. Niggers are yucky.
I need this hambeast in my life, source?
>Nigger with a jerry curl
Post battle stations
Top of the morning to ya!
OP is a nigger.
We know nigger JQ, no thanks, OP
Considering 35% of Hispanics voted Trump, are you saying they get wiped out too?
God I wanna fuck Siri
Clean your room, nice PC tho.
that body was made for breeding
LV is gone man, wiped from ppls memory already. Soon as their narrative fell apart the news dropped it. Sad time in the USA.
I don't know why so many people are shitting on him, he's literally telling you what you people have been saying all along
>white good ol' boys are going to be the jews to america's new reich
he's 100% correct. You've already been dehumanized to the point where people, like the cbs executive he mentioned, don't even care about the victims of the LV shooting because they were attending a country music concert and that means they're probably "conservative" or "trump supporters"
he's right. So get ready
Why do nigs always record this stuff in their car?
Good thing the ordinary trump supporter has a fuckload of guns
who's with me? YEEEEEHAAAWWW
It's not just a nig thing.
I miss blonde Siri desu. She got so butthurt about people illegally downloading her shit she forgot there was a goldmine in doing custom clips
is that mal or did Siri get knocked up ?
>implying this cuck isn't a nigger
Mal. Siri had her tubes tied because she is a white genocide enabling THOT
fucking kek you have a point
I've noticed this too
>that snownigger belongs in the forest, too much sun there
Snownigs are nigs too
It's mal.
She's been pregnant multiple times now.
Her tits grew several sizes. It's pretty amazing.
Didn't siri ragequit cause no one was paying for her porn
god bless
How did her boobs become melons?
How do I find Mal online? No results on google
Mal Malloy
Try stuffersdb for most of her stuff or her subreddit.
get that landwhale on a treadmill, for the reich.