NT16 Raildex

The preview is out and it's long this time. If you missed it, a link to the preview and a detailed summary by our resident rune magician can be found here.

It's really weird, isn't it? Element doesn't seem all that intimidating. This is a city where even a magic god, who was nerfed but still all-powerful, did not last longer than an evening when he actually started slinging shit around. Why should a few strange creatures reduce AC to a wasteland?

Do you guys think this might be a dream/hallucination? When the summary first came out, quite a few people were saying it was going to be all in Mikoto's head. But now, it kind of seems like it really might be all in Touma's head.

What do you make of the dream/hallucination theory? If you agree with it, what do you think might be happening in the real world?

yeah, yeah, I know, "wait for spoilers", "js06 hasn't translated yet", "the novel isn't fully out" ect ect. I just really want to have a little fun discussing this "dream" theory for a little while before js06 starts translating and we get spoilers

>it kind of seems like it really might be all in Touma's head.
>rekt and passes out from crab Element's scissor attack
>in his head

So, what happens?

Basically a bunch of strange but not-very-threatening creatures have attacked Academy City and turned it into a wasteland because they've jacked up the heat

When the summary mentioned that Touma thinks about Mikoto randomly 3 times AND someone pointed out the dream theory, for some reason my mind connected it.

What if Aleister or someone working for him has put Touma in this dream state to effectively get him out of the way so that he can kill Mikoto without worrying about failing because of Touma saving her?

Of course, it's doubtful this would be done supernaturally because of IB. So he's probably been pumped full of drugs.

His "random thoughts" about Mikoto could be the Sisters or even his own brain knowing Mikoto needs help and trying get him to suddenly wake up.

I know it's out there and probably not even close to what Kamachi will give us. I've got a feeling what Kamachi delivers might even be crazier than this

Isn't it supposed to be out September 10th? Why are the previews and cover revealed already? I thought they waited a month before the release. Or what, it'll be out August 10th?

Yes, it'll be out August 10th in Japan, which is ahead of US by 13 hours, so spoilers for us will be on the 9th

Maybe Element is the power/pet project of someone in Kamisato's harem and he's trying to lure out Yuiitsu.

As for why Aleister hasn't bitch slapped Element yet is Yuiitsu basically has WR at his throat and wants this apocalyptic hell yo happen for some reason?

>Yuiitsu basically has WR at his throat and wants this apocalyptic hell yo happen for some reason?
If the heat is so bad it's cracking roads and fucking with the power, wouldn't it destroy the deep freeze facility that her teacher is in?

*As for why Aleister hasnt bitch slapped Element yet, maybe it's that Yuuitsu

I shouldn't type tired

What if Kamisato is behind the weather and Element is a counter from Aleister/Yuiitsu?
Kamisato doesnt seems like the guy who cares for AC wellfare and maybe thinks he will lure Yuiitsu out with the heat

I can see why people think it's a dream/hallucination, it's definitely weird that Element is just casually wrecking shit around, but I really don't like that theory. The whole "it's all a dream" thing feels cheap almost all the time. I've yet to come up with a convincing theory as for why Aleister is letting this happen, but I hope it's something more crazy than just a dream/hallucination.

Yeah it might. Maybe it has and that's making her rage harder which could be another reason Aleister's kinda bowing to her for the moment?

Perhaps Kamisato randomly WRing the magic gods or Yuuitsu stealing it caused the phases to get shifted out of whack and we're back to NT9 style world filter fuckery.

About the only reason I could think of would be Yuiitsu is threatening him with WR. I can think of about a dozen reasons Aleister might want Touma incompacitated for a while, though

Oooooh. I like this one. Only thing is wouldn't Touma know even if no one else did? I don't even think there'd be a way to stop Touma from knowing he's in a different phase

Plus, Othinus may be powerless, but I think she'd be able to tell if they were suddenly in a different phase.

I do like the theory but it doesn't really hold water unless Kamachi introduces a higher level/more advanced system of phase fuckery that can fool even IB

Touma isn't as familiar with AC's tech as the readers, so he might not have thought about it if it was subtle enough, Othinus is a bit of a question if that were the case though. Either way I doubt it's the "normal" reality for the setting.

He has seen the power suits, the mach planes that carve up cities, the five overs and the TTGL drills. He has some idea that this city has ridiculous firepower I would hope.

No I mean...Touma would know something was off with the world if he was carrying Salome in a normal AC and then suddenly was standing on a roof in apocalyptic AC

Forgot to include; it's possible they do know, and the preview chapter didn't reach the part where they start discussing it after they've secured the means to survive while they figure shit out. During NT9 Touma had the benefit of Othinus trying to break him rather than kill him, this time they possibly don't know why the phases shifted.

It's not a dream or different reality. They're just shitty dark matter monsters that will promptly be BTFO by the AAA and the real enemy will show itself immediately afterwards.

Actually that could be interesting. It would explain why Touma was just rolling with it. He knows something is up and could be trying to fix it

So i just came back from the military so i am behind in everything.

Why the fuck did raildex get a 2nd novel series?

Can someone make a summary how index LN ended and whats been happening in the new LN series?

Where'd you leave off

Where did you stop? Also, it got a new series to reset the count because going to a store and seeing >To Aru Majutsu no Index volume 41 would scare off new readers.
It did work for a while, seeing how the first few volumes of NT sold.

Touma dies

It's just a continuation of the story but with a new name.

This is a silly funtime dream for Touma while they try to kill Mikoto

C'mon, Sexy girls everywhere in swimsuits? Pseudo-zombie apocalypse? No school? Fukiyose being dere?

A teenage boy's dream come true

He keeps thinking of Mikoto because she needs help.

My money says he'll realize it's a dream and get his "powerup" like everyone has been whining for, get his ridiculous shounen battle with lucid dreaming, and finally awaken when he recalls Mikoto on a certain bridge crying for help crossed with her crying for his help in the waking world.


Why does he have to get a power up? I do agree one possibility of what's happening is they've knocked out Touma so they can kill Mikoto and probably do some other things that Touma would stop if he was conscious. I don't think think they'd come up with this scheme JUST to kill Mikoto, I think they likely have a few other objectives to accomplish too

Illustrations of Mie-chan in a swimsuit or we riot

Not a real one

If it's a dream it'd be OK for him to just start breaking out stupidly broken late shounen ultimate-secret-dragon-hidden-powers-of-destiny-legendary-heroicmode

Aleister likes running Xanatos gambits

Even one part of this fucks up, it'll still move the plan forward

The closest thing to a power up Touma will ever get is if he eventually snaps, says fuck it and starts cutting his arm off (or destroying it from the inside out like NT13) whenever there is a problem. He wouldn't exactly be able to continue his hero role anymore though.

This. Kamachi can't keep getting away with it.

While I don't exactly want him to get a powerup, I wouldn't mind seeing him go a bit crazy and getting a LCP from Accelerator and/or Hamazura.

According to spoilers, Gunha is running around playing Superman & Accel is giving LO a piggyback ride while deflecting everything in sight

Element is the dumbest shit I've read in all of NT.

i wonder when his batteries are gunna run out since the power to the city is fucked at this point from the spoilers

Spoilers aren't out yet

>Accel deflects some of the UV light
>Doesnt even breaks a sweat literally

>He doesn't know about HOMEWORK

It's too early to judge, but hopefully there is a good excuse for these shenanigans being allowed to go on for so long.

Nothing beyond the preview is out yet and the summary provided by Styil didn't feature Accelerator of Gunha

>Not mentioning the darkest of the dark side groups and the pinnacle of edginess known as DETENTION

>another retarded irrelevant threat to the City

When will it end?

i wonder are there only a few elements or are there a fuckton all over the city?

Are the children even allowed to see their parents?


There'd be hordes of kiddies from around the world going "mummy, I'm scared. I wanna go home"

These creatures thrive in darkness

So why are they crossing rooftops during the day?

I think that there are four types of elements, and AC is divided in zones were these elements dominate the territory.

Rain, snow, hail, sun

Long ago Academy City lived in harmony, then everything changed when Element attacked

Why is swimsuit with scarf so sexy? It shouldn't make sense.

how many epser do you think can take out one of the elements that is not level 5

Hard to say when we don't really know how resilient they are. They can be destroyed by IB but that doesn't say anything since it can range from weak as hell to universe buster. They were distracted by concrete blocks and things like that but that could just be it moving and reacting on some programmed instinct. Until it is damaged by something other than IB we will probably be able to determine how much bullshit it is that these things hijacked the city.

hopefully more stuff comes out soon

Yoko from TTGL

>jacked up the heat
Sounds like a job for Uiharu


>we'll never get to see the Etzali stalking fiasco from Biribiri vision
>we'll never see the fake date from Biribiri vision
>we'll never watch Mikoto vs Hound dogs from Biribiri vision

>Mikoto vs Hound dogs
Wait, when was this again?

Same time they went for Accel, some of them ended up going after Touma when he saved LO from them.

Uiharu is the aquaman of Raildex

At least she acknowledges that her power is lame as hell. Actually, her power is far more convenient. I'd kill for the ability to keep my computer from overheating.

Uiharu is incredibly useful and her value doesn't come from her power. The city just won't use her talents for whatever reason.

But where's Misaka?

The only stuff they'd have for her outside of Judgement work would be shady as hell and I don't think she'd go for it.

Touma pls

probably later will show up in the volume when touma leave his school

I swear if misaka isn't Nuit in this volume im going to be so fucking pissed

She'll save Touma from AAA girl. Or she is AAA girl.

>not being in the safe zone
user, ore wa.

How many people are dead so far?

Resisting Nuit's mind control and hoping for her prince

What does that mean and what does that have to do with user hoping for Nuit?

>hoping for her prince

She's going to have to wait in line.

She went back to Tokiwadai and weirded out Kuroko & Misaki more than normal

Why did you post Gunha's future wife?

Sorry if I sound like a jaded faggot but this apocalypse-esque scenario would have been perfect for volume focused on Hamazura and some other /k/ characters affiliated with him like Stephanie. I would have rather had this saved for later than wasted on a swimsuit pandering volume. He's been banished to irrelevancy in general too.

At least his supposed replacement knows what she's doing.

Oh. But I her worldview and experience with AAA is something that's lasting. We'll have to see how it affects her in daily life.

fake/real spoilers when

In this new, apocalyptic AC, Frenda is alive.
She stays alive at the end.

I would kill for Dark Matter Frenda.

The #6 appears in the AAA

>I don't think it has anything to do with Aleister. Also that thing is an organic.

>The thing in the pic is 'Fire Element' Orchid Mantis class one. It can spew flames from its arm and look like IB works against it (IB can make the Element disappear, but he can't get close to them).

>Touma was attacked by a class two Crab-Element when trying to save Fukiyose.

>Touma worrying over Misaka
I can't wait to see his reaction to a blood covered laughting Misaka

>Index learning construction
She can't learn how to cook but she can learn how to build?

All the more suspicion for the dream/simulation/phase theories.

This confirms that Mikoto isn't Touma's dreamgirl

I hope Mikoto goes on an angry rant about him spitting on her feelings and just tells Touma to go fuck himself

I'm not sure I get that theory. How much of all of this is the dream then? Just when he was knocked out? The whole element shenanigans?

>her feelings

i mean its not touma fault for wanting a stalker

That would be so damn unreasonable but I could see it happening with her developing insanity and all.

That would make less sense than blaming Touma for Frenda's death

And then she makes out with Misaki over Kuroko's dead body.

We never really bothered thinking that far yet, but the whole situation is far too suspicious.

>>Fukiyose comes by and says Index is a fast learner and helps out a lot with construction, Index looks proud as she pats her on the head
Who is getting headpat and who is doing it?