This whole affair will be swept under the rug in a week. The elite will keep doing what they do. Pizzagate will be laughed at, more conspiracies come to light and will be laughed at. I feel like we've lost and there's no going back
They can't keep getting away with it
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They will say everything ended with weinstein, and all is good now.
The whole thing is rotten, from Washington to your next door neighbour's house. You don't want to open Pandora's box. It may actually cause more suffering than it would alleviate.
What's going on in this photo? Did Emma really get bageled by that fat kike?
This whole scene seemed to be about displaying and humiliating her, pic very related, so draw your own conclusions.
what. the. fuck.
the absolute madman
I don't have it saved, but as they're about to drive away there's another where a female "handler" in the car is grabbing her leg and pulling it up, so the paparazzi can get a lewd shot of her legs. Emma looks dazed and out of it, possibly high.
Honestly I feel like it's getting bigger. Lots of female celebs coming out with allegations of abuse. And not small timers, A-List celebs like Ben Affleck, George Clooney, and Michael Walhberg.
What we need to do is support those coming out and give them a platform to tell their stories. Maybe rile up some feminists and organize a feminist march against Hollywood to protest all the sexual abuse to really get this stuff on the MSM.
>inb4 ben affleck
What's really needed is for someone new to make accusations about the rampant pedophilia / pederasty. The current allegations at least all involve adults, and in most cases it's clear that they could have walked away but chose to whore themselves. DailyStormer have advanced the theory that maybe this is a sort of "limited hangout" to provide a smokescreen of distasteful but mostly legal behaviour for if these more serious allegations surface.
i agree op
those poor jews need to pay far lower prices for their prostitutes
think 100$ per fuck, not a movie role worth millions
They already have all the high-class whores they could want on demand, this is specifically about the thrill of debasing white goyim women. They even admitted it in the judenpresse:
I legitimately don't give a fuck. The Weinstein story is to distract us from the inconsistencies in the ongoing Vegas investigation. The only people who care about Weinstein probably use Facebook and twitter (govt propaganda outlets)
Maybe, but the problem with this theory is that the Las Vegas investigation resembles
(((Hollywood))) represents too much power for the left to allow it to fall. The left will force SJW's defend rape before it will how their big (((Hollywood))) donors accountable.
ain't no thrill worth millions
Not this time. This won't be memory holed like the Franklin abuse scandal. Not with the internet. The villagers are sharpening their pitchforks and lighting their torches. The vampires are scurrying but they feel it in their rotten, fetid bones-we're burning them out.
Bump for Rosie.
hello newfriend
When you're famous they let you do it.