You are granted the power to stop time. A couple of other Sup Forumsaks are also granted this power, but they're located around the world.
How would you use this power in a politically-relevant way? Would you turn vigilante and hunt down criminals, or would you do political assassinations?
You are granted the power to stop time. A couple of other Sup Forumsaks are also granted this power...
Datamining and political assassination, possibly.
Disclaimer for GCHQ: This is a thought experiment. I have no intent to actually kill anyone in real life. Fuck off.
I would move to Japan and tuck girls skirts up into the elastic band of their underwear so they walked around all day flashing everyone teehee
Kill all muslims.
i would gather wealth and resources and take over the world only to get bored and let it divolve into chaos while i flee to the mars base i had my nerdvirgins build me with 1000 of the most pure aryan virgins
Kill all Jews.
Get a shitload of money and move to the outskirts of Norway. Enjoying the show while the world burns in the flames of tolerance.
>implying I don't first use this power to attain more knowledge than any other human to every walk the face of the earth
I would raid my local Hot Head Burrito. And then blow fish up with dynamite. Politics is relavent to both.
I'd go around for a few months carrying out acts of thievery, petty revenge and sexual satisfaction. Eventually after I get tired of this, start punishing SJWs, faggots and multiculturalists, assassinating Weinstein/Soros-types, stealing rich Jews' money and giving it away to more deserving poor folks etc.
Take pictures of every politician while they’re sleeping
I would join up with James O'Keefe and use my power to expose the lies of the left and media.
Grab phone books, Find everyone with jewish, muslim and nigger names.
Raid a museum for a SS uniform and a police station for weapons.
Let the holocaust begin!
Perform indecent acts of sexual gratification for a few days. Cheat on my midterms and pass them all. Probably squeeze more hours out of day by cramming all my homework and studying into one frozen time block so I have the rest of the real world time to dick around. Probably won't kill anybody, but I would get money from banks and gradually trickle it back into my account, maybe get some precious gems and pawn them off at places. Would be an easy and fast way to get my loans paid off.
And if you don't think I'll be screaming ZA WARUDO when I stop time you're sorely mistaken.
>Would you turn vigilante and hunt down criminals, or would you do political assassinations?
You said the same thing twice, just phrased differently.
I have actually killed a kike
>Implying this isn't my fetish
We need more people with experience here.
kek sure you did
tell story
I came here to post this.
>And this
Doing Gods work, user.
Time enough to read everything on my bucket list.
Before, during, and after my reading binge, I would use the timestop to study criminals and gather evidence against them. No vigilantism unless I came upon someone obviously presently in the process of being raped or murdered. My goal would be to sweep out organized crime especially, although I would want to target corrupt government employees as well.
No assassinations. If I can stop time, I have certainly power enough to change the world without killing people.
I would hunt the other pols....there can be only one!
I wonder how fast would you get bored of it, also would it work like timestop man?
>No assassinations
I would probably spend millions of years procrastinating.
What's the point of that kind of power if you aren't improving the world with it? Man should not always flinch from strife with one another, but power over time itself is power beyond strife. At that point one is assuming the role of judgment. I long for a world of deathless voluntarism; why should I be willing to become the grim reaper.
I would use my powers to stop time and rape the wives and daughters of politicians that do things I don't like. I wouldn't contact them or express my distress in any other way than just the rape of loved ones after any actions I disprove of. Also, I assume being able to control time makes me able to stop the aging process and become essentially immortal? Because I intend to do this for eons, until eventually my will is the law of the land through a vicious but effective program of negative reinforcement therapy. Also most of the world will be my offspring by then, from all the rapings of princesses and queens and all the bastards silently hidden away among the folk. I will also wear a flowing black cape, a mask, and wield a large heavy melee weapon at all times.
Plant cheese pizza on everyone I don't like and take pictures. Then call the proper authorities.
I'd molest my cousin and kill all smokers.
Wait, do you age normally while time is stopped? How long cab it be stopped?
1). Start using my abilities to create public messages that could only occur with the usage of my power
2). Use this to autistically communicated with other Sup Forumsacks around the world
3). Divide up labour to best combat threats to the occident
In particular
>Patrol US-Mexico border
>Maybe fuck up ISIS by siphoning all of their oil
>Cheat my way into one of the USA's or Europe's top universities
>Read extensively in my spare time, effectively metamorphosing myself into a god of wisdom
Just a few thoughts. Also this is hardly political, any mods here should relocate this thread to banter.
Basically I sold him what he thought was cocaine, it wasn't
I would grab a Camera and expose every dirty secret i could find, make tonnes of copies and drop them off at every news and police station
I already know a few places and names worth checking out and
>what he thought was cocaine, it wasn't
you tricked him into snorting his own grandfather didn't you
and then he died from shock when he realized he'd wasted his money, right?
I dunno but I tell you right now I'd be screaming ZA WARUDO every time I stopped time
>The absolute state of 1984 UK
I would kill all Jews while time is frozen. Of the two other Sup Forumsacks, one would kill all niggers, while the other one would kill all Muslims. You're welcome.
>How would you use this power in a politically-relevant way?
I would stop time permanently and live my life surrounded by statues.
I would impregnate every woman in existence and castrate all non white males.
Making me the most successful male in terms on natural selection.
It would save the white race.
It would bleach all shit skins.
No assassination. Only information operations to create or alter behaviors.
Only to preserve value.
Platform (nationality) neutral.
I'd stop time forever.
Grab as many hot women by the pussy as humanly possible
I'd stop time to endlessly wander the earth and just observing human interactions.
Poor fucking bong
I'd use it to kill off all the corrupted political fucks here, there
There's already a few leafs that would do the exact same things so i would wait until doing my coup
Except there might be some i won't wait for
I bet castrating the first 20 dudes would be the weirdest part, easiest and most disease free way of doing it would just be to get a gun and shoot a bunch of dudes in the dick while time is frozen.
Just imagine the news reporting on men around the world mysteriously having bullet wounds where there dicks once where lol.
>Be britbong
>Have to publicly apologize to police when posting something remotely dangerous
Arm the entire world with nuclear weapons and spark a world war. Result: world peace amd the end of all suffering.
Fuck all that. I would stop time and fuck all the girls i wanted to
I'd travel to every country in the world and kill al non whites (Including all the african ountries), if I see a white woman pregnant with a black man, I'll kill both the baby and her, always kill a traitor before an enemy
I would impregnate every single fertile woman on the planet.
You know all of those rulers, public officials, royalty, politicians, etc... I'm gonna fuck 'em all to death.