Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
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Her personality.
Her body.
Her smell.
He said flaw not things that make.her perfect.
She has no flaw
She isn't Rem
She's neither a half elf nor does she know how to make things explode.
Scenester hikikomori
self insert
Her tie is too long.
Her tits are too big for a loli and too small for a cow.
Tomoko is literal perfection.
Nothing Tomoko has no flaws
How did she get such a warped perception of herself?
she really thinks she looks like this
Let's be serious, in all regard I lvoe tomoko but her fashion sense is terrible.
Why does she wear a long skirt? Isn't that for delinquents?
By the way, how does Tomoko do in school? It seems like she never really studies, but they never brought it up in the anime. I can't picture her getting amazing grades either.
she's a degenerate, but I love her all the same.
Honestly I don't know who's a better waifu
no, this is what a delinquent looks like
She at least gets average grades, pretty sure they said this at some point in the manga.
I want them to fuck
And that is when she bathes. She has shown that she's willingly gone days without bathing before and definitely wouldn't smell good. She probably smells more strongly too because she stress sweats, which smells distinctly muskier than typical BO.
>didn't pay attention at 1/10 of pic let alone the source material
oh they will
That's a single story out of 100 chapters plus Tomomote. She's been shown to bathe and be told she doesn't smell more often than that and even that manga collage pic shows that she's aware of that during the recent arc with the new girls despite her still existing social insecurities. Asians also tend to smell less
tl;dr say no to dead memeing
Of all the things to be annoyed about, accusations of Tomoko being stinky really seem bizarre to me. That'd be the easiest thing to fix about her anyway.
Besides, you guys love her right? Would her smell really drive you away?
She's a normie
Not really. She's too young to really be categorized as a "normie" anyway. She still is required to go to school, so she can't be a NEET. She still wants to improve herself and make friends, but it's just not happening due to her mental issues. I'd categorize her as a proto-failed normie, because she has some friends, and isn't a total shut-in who shits in plastic jugs, and she still hold out hope that her life will dramatically improve. She will eventually transform into a full fledged failed normie after HS, depending on what she does after she might go full hiki mode or could possibly simply go through college the same way she went through HS and eventually settling into a long, lonely life of wage slavery.
I'd smell her sweat all over, twice, if the reason was this.
>eventually settling into a long, lonely life of wage slavery.
I can picture it now.
If she goes to uni:
>stays living at home
>walks to classes every day
>does okay, nothing special
>has the same issues with making friends as in HS
>probably makes no friends
>the way college is, she probably feels even more isolated (though I don't know how similar uni life in America is to uni life in Japan)
>eventually graduates, GPA is nothing spectacular
>gets a job somewhere
>lives at home for a long time, might move out but not til she's like 30+ her dad has retired
>becomes more and more of a recluse, especially if she ever gets to work from home
I imagine the same end if she doesn't go to uni. Working part time while spending a ton of time at home. She'll really become reclusive after all her schooling is done, since she won't have a reason to leave the house every day.
I want delinquent girl to bully me
>Tomoko will never greet you and then offer you her hand
It's be really cold, slimy, and she probably couldn't make eye contact with you. Overall it'd be a thoroughly unenjoyable procedure, a 2/10 experience at best.
Hello to you to.
You know Tomoko was born in 1994 in 2016 she about 22 year old or older.
Would you fuck sheep-chan?
Yes but she would beat me up.
It just right.
What month is Tomoko birthday?
8/18 next chapter.
Gross and degenerate.
Tomoko is cute.
>When this shit hits too close to home.
Me too .
Why don't you like Tomoko.
because she's not Michiru
Just get know Tomoko you might like her a lot.
but is she godtier
Yes and all her friends too.
I feel bad for Tomoko.
How many what if chapter?
>Why does she wear a long skirt? Isn't that for delinquents?
The long skirts of delinquents goes almost to their feet, while tomokos goes to her knees
And i have once seen somewhere that japanese girls actually shorten their skirts. In Tomokos case though, i think she simply ordered a longer one because she figured everyone would be wearing one instead of a "slutty" short one.
This remind me of Tomoko.
I wish they wiould do more chapter like but it stop at vol 7.
I have ask nico tanigawa on twitter if there gonna do new chapter like that for vol 10?
What tomoko gonna do when she get a boyfriend?
What the fuck is his problem?
Yuu wouldn't les tomoki fuck her all the time.
She's from a mediocre series that tumblrfags are obsessed with.
She want TomokI d but she can't have it.
What this about?
And what this about ?
What the fuck??
As can be seen from the title of " I How bad you guys be considered ! 's No Mote " , it is how to hold the hero also Koch 's very distorted thinking . But , you have a point that can be sympathy of some places excesses feeling certain things .
I hope it a second season.
Japan like watamote now because of ESL-KUN.
/r9k/ end your pain
just stop tomoko not a robot.
No need to compare Mokocchi with that trash
the fanbase is
A right balance of neither showing too little or too much legs.
>tomoko in a couple of years
much cuter than tomoko
Please be a second season.
How good is this ?
it no translate for it.