Why does this word trigger niggers so much? Nothing triggers a cat 5 chimpout as much as this word. Why is this?

Why does this word trigger niggers so much? Nothing triggers a cat 5 chimpout as much as this word. Why is this?

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just how they are raised, they are trained to be offended by it by thier shit parents who deserve the title but are too stupid to understand why

They stole a word and tried to turn it into theirs, only using the other meaning if someone they didn't like said it. Gave them an excuse for violence.

Niggers being niggers

because they understand they are intellectually inferior beings and don't appreciate being called out for it


blacks are trained from birth to get triggered by nigger even though its not different from any other insult or derogatory remark. its one of the ways they can always keep their race relevant no matter what as if they are the only race who has had such a term placed on them

Funny out this simple word give someone total validity to sucker punch someone and drive his brain in the pavement without repercussion and to total adulation of every on enter on YouTube...



Because facts don't matter when all you haft to do is go Black Power! or BLM! and chant it like an idiot. Nigger culture is by definition retarded. Feels bad for all the intelligent conservative black anons, they know it's true. But on the bright side now even whity has uncle toms. Equality is just a race to the fucking bottom.

the word nigger makes me so happy for some reason, it brings me great joy


because they know that, no matter they're achievment, no matter what good, they'll always be one thing: nigger.


The Negro is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, criminal, basketball player, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Nigger and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly chimps out: “I’ve been found out.”

Because white people have told them they are even more enabled to act like degenerates when they hear this word.

Columbus Day? Nigger Day
Christmas? Nigger Day
Martin Luther King Day? Nigger Day.

Niggers just like the opportunity to chimp the fuck out. That's why it triggers them.

Black user here.
You know the drill.

You're asking why a word that describes and ignorant person triggers and ignorant person....
Are you a nigger too? Put two and two together.

As for a non-ignorant black person, it has no effect. It is kind of annoying though when an often times ignorant edgy uncultured faggot uses it ad nauseum in a pathetic attempt to channel the institutional racism/slavery that they'd never have the balls to commit because they're fat pussies.

You'd understand the interplay between the ignorant white niggers who throw bantz at ignorant black niggers if your IQ wasn't that of a nigger yourself.

No one sane wants to be a Wigger

Let me tell you something most americans (or english speaking people) don't know

Negro comes from french words "Nez" (Nose) and "Gros" (Big) which basically means "Big Nose"

Aujourd'hui, j'ai appris quelque chose sur Sup Forums

Nigger is a conjunction of Negroe and Ignorant

Negroe + Ignorant = Nigger

with the NFL drama recently it would have been a great opportunity to call them Kneelgroes or Kneegroes

"Nigger" - Everyone

Sanity, go to public school in the inner cities with the kikes pets your going to have a bad time.

It's not that the word nigger is offensive. It's that the word nigger reminds them of what they are. It won't take long until negro, black and african become as offensive to them as nigger.

Black fragility


True, all Whites in my school were Wiggers. Started High School in 2003 when 50 Shekels and Gay-Unit became popular.

because they are a race whose entire set of faculties are set inward and about themselves, and somewhere, at some time, each and every one of them comes to the realization that they are in fact niggers, and that people are justified in calling them as such. But it remains their deepest moment of shame.
Then someone calls them a nigger and the shame and the anger and the self loathing all boil up at once.
>the jew is immunized against...
but with nogs.

At least you tried. Unlike Sweden.


Don't you know darkies don't like being called "niggers" no more?

It's because as a people they've accomplished almost nothing possible compared to virtually any other race. White and Asians are generally immune because we have some social consciousness that tells us that the good balances out a lot of the bad when it comes to what our races produce. With niggers the only thing they can do is play on the guilt of white people. I think it's a survival mechanism as much as anything. For their egos if nothing else.

This. High self esteem makes people proof to any insult.

Because the truth hurts

1.learn spannish
2.call them negra
4. profit

pavlov's dog