>consensual rape
Consensual rape
Other urls found in this thread:
Rape can't be consensual
>Rape can't be consensual
It can become consensual if she enjoys it
Pick one.
Not that you'd know anything about that
It's consensual if the raped person is willing, but the rapist doesn't care about that.
If she gives consent, but you don't notice, are you a rapist?
If she consents and enjoys it, it's not rape but regular sex, you blistering idiot.
You still engaged in sex without the consent and continued regardless, so yeah
Shes the one who seduced him and initiated the rape
So its reverse rape
Kinda. It's one of those grey zones.
Himekishi classmate
>without the consent
She consents and enjoys it. Are you stealing if you take something that is being freely given to you?
because it's not rape, even if you think it is
if a cat thinks it's a dog, it's still a cat
How can a cat be rape
But like that post said, you're never made aware of that. So the rapist would still think it's rape.
A rapist isn't a rapist because he thinks he's one. A rapist is a rapist because other people think he's one.
It doesn't matter if you believe you're the king of the world. If you can't convince others it's just a fantasy in your head.
>A rapist isn't a rapist because he thinks he's one
what bizarro world have i stepped in
as long as you haven't been convicted, you're just a normal person, no matter what has happened
what show was that?
He went berserk because of a rune deficiency, but she was entirely capable of stopping him at any time. It's consensual because she let it happen, but Haruto was raped because he wasn't in his right mind.
>It's consensual because she let it happen
are you for real
>Haruto was raped because he wasn't in his right mind.
just end yourself
Is it considered rape if you're willing in the beginning but regret it midway/or after?
rapists detected
Only in our time and age.
It's not a crime until you get caught.
>Haruto starts going berserk when the sun is still out
>Saki doesn't call anybody for help or try to snap him out of it
>Nighttime, Haruto finally goes berserk and loses all reasoning
>Saki initially tries to stop him, but realizes this is how she can get ahead of Shoko
>Willingly takes the D, only feels bad about it later because Haruto did
Saki was in the wrong
Rape isn't about willingness, it's about consent.
>you're just a normal person, no matter what has happened
No. You're a rapist who hasn't been convicted.
what if she refused initially but consented partway through because she was enjoying it
like if you started raping her and then stopped and she asked you to keep going
I'm not a rapist until proven otherwise.
>consent through force
Actually, why are you trying to come up with scenarios to justify rape?
Then the rape transitions into consensual sex.
Did they ever get that school festival on the moon?
This is my fetish. Especially if the woman is one of those ice cold bitches that hates men. Fuck her until she swears eternal loyalty to your cock.
>tfw you'll never see the shitstorm that could've been if it hadn't been spoiled by chinks beforehand
I think in an audio book, we never saw it.
That's just the regular rape->ahegao porn and because it's so plentiful you have shit taste.
Thread got 5000+ posts without being stickied if I'm remembering right.
>Haruto didn't die a virgin
Did you delete the wrong post?
Is it still 2013?
nah i filtered the original one wrong and then i replied to the wrong post with the wrong text and just decided to forget about it
thanks for reminding me that I'm a retard user
he died a rapist
>Die an amnesiac
>Your rapist gets to live forever
He had a hard life
To be fair they were both victims.
Yeah, just imagine if we hadn't know like a week in advance and it would've been a complete surprise.
Because roasties crave it.
This entire show is just guilty crown in space
>flatter than an 11 year old japanese girl
The problem with that is it's invariably a fat old man or a gansta who treats the girl like shit. I'm talking like normal dude forces her and treats her gently and mindbreaks her into a gentle and loving waifu.
Is it rape if your propose to her later?
>Doesn't try to get him off
>holds his hand
>leg locks him
Depends on the religion.
With hair like this, she's never wrong!
I tried watching this for the rape scene and was overwhelmed by the convoluted bullshit they had to put in. It's like the Kingdom Hearts of anime.
So what you're saying is that Haruto was in the wrong for getting raped?
Does Haruto use Loreal? I didn't think so.
no he was wrong for not going back for seconds
>if a man thinks they're a woman, they're still a man
>>consensual rape
Only if you tell them to stop and they don't.
>Sup Forums - Rape Experts
I have to admit I was surprised.
I figured Saki would be a black underwear kind of gal.
She's pure.
She was an idol.