Is this show the ultimate pleb filter?

Is this show the ultimate pleb filter?
>plebs hate it because Tatsuya is a Gary Stu
>meanwhile patricians love it because of its complex and nuanced magic system and sociopolitical themes

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All hail onii-sama.

I like it. Holly movie when?

Is this a new pasta in the making?

I just think Tatsuya and Miyuki are cute together.

I couldn't decide if the magic was cool or if the characters made me want to claw my own eyes out, and ended up just being confused at the end.

Like when you're jerking off and get a phone call from your dad right before you finish

mayumi to win

Why cant her boobs be this big consistently?


an overpowered main character is just about one of the worst things an anime can have.

I just like to ship Miyuki with her oniisama since Ayase x Kyosuke failed.

"Overpowered" is subjective, and it doesn't make a show bad, per se.

Best Mahouka.

It's fun and there's alot of cute girls, I like it, waiting on the movie

It's great, much better than a pussy mc that needs someone else to protect him

Wrong on every level.


I just watch it for all the bullshit onii-sama pulls out of his ass. It's comedy gold.

You've got it backwards
>Plebs hate it for the overly complex magic and political theme
>Patricians love it because Tatsuya and Miyuki are incestuous yandere Mary Sues.

Anyone have the Misaki Raildex crossover one?

People like this show gor the incest undertone, nice bait anyway


no it's not. OP is an objective thing relative only to the villains of the show

if goku was in the second season of gurren lagann he'd be an underpowered weakling, if goku was in naruto/bleach/one piece/fairy tale, he'd be an OP as fuck walking DEM that would ruin the story with his presence

unless the show is somehow balanced around the protagonist being absurdly OP, like one punch man.

>It's great, much better than a pussy mc that needs someone else to protect him

that's pretty shit too, but replacing something shit with something that's slightly better isn't the goal

What happens if I love it for both of those reasons?

Sure this show is those things you said.

We need more MC's like him, not afraid of women and is really OP

That's because he can't feel lust or love, not because he's actually good with women.


Inconsiderate, truly worst girl.

How can Miyuki even compare? She's so dull and average in comparison to Mayummy.

she's really cute, she just wants to be onii-sama's love just like the other girls

oppai loli

>>plebs hate it because Tatsuya is a Gary Stu
You do realize it was one of the most popular series when it aired right?

>>meanwhile patricians love it because of its complex and nuanced magic system
I have to agree that the magic system is fucking great but...

>and sociopolitical themes
This is where the series becomes awful.
>Muh China
>Muh Japan superiority

But seriously the China thing is just annoying, the author just has them there to get BTFO and they're always garbage.

She ruins the series, not only is her character awful and just doesn't match the tone of the series but it also shows how bad the author is describing how beautiful and perfect she supposedly is every single time she appears.

Not to mention her design is super boring and generic and every single girl looks prettier than her.

>complex and nuanced magic system and sociopolitical themes
Very funny user.

No she's just an entitled mean slut who thinks she's a cop but sucks at magic and needs to be saved.



shes still cute and wants to be onii-sama's slut

this is best

She cant. Mayumi wins at everything. Even the Tatsuya-bowl.

>she will never sit next to you in a small booth






i believe he was referring to the master clans/yotsuba conflicts when he mentioned that, not jobber china

Miyuki is the least sexualized girl in the cards because she is a refined lady and also because onii-sama wouldn't like that. The rest are more than happy to do any slutty and suggestive positions, even Mari who already has a boyfriend.

She sees in Tatsuya the aniue that she can't have because of this slut

Well China needs all the insulting it can get these days.

t. Someone from an island China bullies

>t. Someone from an island China bullies
So - all of them?

They complement each other so nicely.

Yeap. Mahouka and Hyouka are the best pleb filters of the 2000 teens.

>You do realize it was one of the most popular series when it aired right?

Oh yeah it was super popular. Constant threads with 20 replies.
The only times I saw a Mahouka hit bump limit was when some spic made the red card memes but that was short lived. Thing is, most people in the threads after the meme didn't like it either so they became quite cancerous too.

>meanwhile patricians love it because of its complex and nuanced magic system
Brandon Sanderson pls go

I bet Brandy Sandy would love this series. He's a man of good taste.

Put on your abaya you slut.

Problem, m80?

pls stop the bully

That's Shizuku.

Are these from one of the manga adaptations or from the manga spin-off?

Also someone once said that whenever Tatsuya described what he found attractive in a girl, he was subconsciously describing criteria that Erica fit? Does anyone have any of those passages handy?

She wants any guy that's an alpha male. She'd fuck Juumonji in a heartbeat.

Except for the fact that Shizuku has a different eye color and played a completely different sport.

But Juumonji is reserved for Mayumi for when onii-sama btfo her. If anything she'll jump at Masaki since he will be available or NTR Mizuki

They are from the Visitor's Arc manga. This scene was in the light novel too in Volume 9. Erika and Miki look for the parasites, Erika dresses in skimpy shorts in the fall, gets cold, Miki lends her his jacket, Tatsuya comes to save them on his bike, Erika wants to ride, jumps on with Tatsuya leaving Miki in the dust and taking his jacket.

No, meant that Shizuku is the least sexualized girl in the card game.

I rolled it, let me look for it.

It's been well over a year since I read those volumes, thanks. Hell I didn't know any of the other volumes got manga adaptations except up till the Recollection Volume.

>Rolled 3 times for this whore.
>6 Angies that are 4*

I hate this game.


Lina seems desperate.

She is Honoka's boyfriend. There's nothing to sexualize there.
She can pull the osananajimi card, and given the beta Miki is he'll spill spaghetti and cheat on Mizuki without even realizing it.

It has its moments, I'll admit. The world and plot was kinda cool but the characters were absolutely dedicated to dragging me out of the story.

Miyuki is plenty sexualized user.

>Oh yeah it was super popular.
Yeah did you see how good the BD sales were and how everyone on every single anime site in the west was watching it. Or how it was one of the best selling LNs?

>Constant threads with 20 replies.
Oh nevermind
>Thinking Sup Forums matters at all

Found the retard

They are both sluts.

Not so much in cards, for each event she usually has a more a more reserved pose and clothing compared to the others. Mizuki, Mayumi and Honoka are whored out regularly, even poor A-chan is sometimes lewded.

Erika annoys every male in her radius, she either settles for Leo or nothing.

Two Mayumi 7*s and I get this fucker.

Ayana is also pretty sexualized.

Honoka's 7* card has her boobs is pretty much in the bouncing motion.

Nee-sans are meant to be sexualized, specially Ayana, she is gorgeous. Mayaka too