This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Does it.
>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>Still cares about everybody.
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't self insert as Kenshiru and fuck cute girls, therefore it's shit.
OP's description of a character who succeeds at everything and never falters is the definition of a self insert
Emiya Shirou is a complex character with mental issues that he has to overcome or come to terms with
First post best post
That's why they made City Hunters
So, literally a faggot?
at least ken got to smash yuria
raoh got cucked so hard he got a power up from it
I can't self insert as someone that doesn't have mental health issues, faggot.
>>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Still cares about everybody.
Caring about everyone except your love ones is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.This are the type of people who screams ''REFUGEES WELCOME TO EUROPE'' You cant hide a pussy leftist tree hugging mindset with all that muscle Kenshiro.
Lets take a look at HF Shirou
>Can save the whole world by killing the monster that is his sweetheart Sakura.
Sacrificed the whole safety of the world by saving Sakura and telling the whole world to fuck off
>Can finally achieve his dream being a hero of Justice after all this years
Sacrificed and gave up his dream for his sweet heart like a true Man and a future husband would do. A husband in real life would gives up a dream job in order to take care of their child or wife.
Comparing this meme faggot to Shirou is a big insult
My nigga
>character who succeeds at everything
Let's see. He spared the life of his adopted brother, because he was against killing. His adopted brother destroyed the lives of so many innocent people, and manipulated his friend into taking away his wife. He constantly fails to save people around him and watches as brave men die. Yet with every loss he gains new strength to rise up and brutally murder those who hurt him. He eventually becomes a symbol of freedom and hope for those who are oppressed by evil. He is not someone who you would like to self insert as, he is someone who you want to be like. A larger than life icon, a savior who inspires everyone to be like him.
Meanwhile emiya is just a whiny emo who doesn't have what it takes to be a hero of justice.
I said based on OP's description my illiterate friend, I don't read or watch shonenshit so I don't know the events of it
>Not punching the train until it explodes, thus saving everyone.
What a loser.
>I can't self-insert as Kenshin
Then why the fuck are you even reading FotNS? That's like the entire thing right there.
>Showing how new you are.
Only fatefags do this.
One thing that bothered me about Ken and the heroes in Hokuto is that they would shed tears or give an antagonist a noble sendoff when said antagonist was a murdering, heartless son of a bitch that tore families apart (often literally) or inflicted cruel tortures or destroyed entire cities ALL BECAUSE THEY HAD A SAD BACKSTORY
It's funny how FOTNS has more violence and tragedy in it than fate, yet it along with jojo and death note are looked down upon because they are labeled as shonen.
kenshiro will never be this GAR
>FOTNS has more violence and tragedy in it than fate
weak bait the MC in Hokuto no Ken doesnt even die
Well, it was written in a different time, and it is about a different time. But manly warriors have a tradition of respecting their strong enemies, even if those enemies were really bad at the end of their life. Also, most of the despicable villains like jagi,yuda and souther got what they deserved. While others like raoh and shin were not that evil to begin with.
That's a little bitch who got BTFOd by his whiny past self. Why are you posting him in a thread about manly men?
You clearly have not read or seen HNK. It is a bloody tragedy. Almost everyone dies (even little kids and elders), the fights are some of the most goriest out there and most of the story is really sad and tragic.
What does F/pg have to offer? Nothing. It might as well be overly pretentious shonenshit.
>You clearly have not read or seen HNK
are you retarded? kenshiro doesn't die, i read the manga years ago
>It is a bloody tragedy
HeavensFeel route is even more bloody tragedy ending in the MCs death
>Nothing. It might as well be overly pretentious shonenshit
t. secondary
Does he have survivors guilt? Does he have a 16 year old girlfriend that happens to be King Arthur? What about a best friend who uses him like a tool?
>He only Watched UBW which Archer was a big faggot and a whiner.
>He never played the VN
He is a gary stu, so he is shit.
well , the difference lies in whether your are more interested in larger-than-life idealistic idols or a character that could be very well one of the human beings you meet everyday in real life, which has to deal with the mental fragility of the average human
Come on user, that scene wasn't even in the game!
Fate route was the best route
>Emiya Shirou is a complex character
read the vn, etc
I've read the VN and he's a one dimensional misogynistic cunt.
>succeeds at everything
Ken is a highly flawed fellow who fails as often as he succeeds, namely due to his batman syndrome.
>i can only kill as a last measure and even than I will try to find another way first.
Ken isn't for your autistic ideals.
He is for boys and young men to idolize and become, to know that truth and justice will win, and even if bad things happen you must try to do what's right.
You can self insert like a motherfucker into this, you're just too cynical and jaded.
t. secondary
Has anyone ever beaten this guy or given him a run for his money? I just watch clips or webms of this character and he's always humilating and killing goons without so much as moving.
The entire point of Tsukihime and F/SN are the characters, though. The "vampire loose in the city" and "the holy grail war" are the backdrops for the characters to interact. Sure, you have the "final boss", but even that is misleading. F/SN's final scenes are just ways for Shirou to affirm his convictions or deny them in favor of something he loves. The story isn't, in the end, about beating Gil, kicking Kotomine's ass, or beating Angry Mainyu: All the World's Evil. It's about the events that occurred and how everyone is going to live as they're changed by them, and what kind of person Shirou is going to be.
Same with Tsukihime. Roa is just a way for Arc and Ciel to face who they are and move on. SHIKI makes you have to face Akiha's true nature, or the culmination of what you've learned about Hisui and Kohaku. Everything is just what you learn from interacting with the main cast. The backstory itself is almost entirely caught up in the character interactions of the Far Side path of Tsukihime. You can't advance without learning about and understanding the entire tragic story of the Tohno household, more so than Ciel or Arc make you understand about Elesia's past or Arcueid's fall from grace.
Raoh, Souther and Kaioh to name a few.
>Death Note
Death Note is looked down on because it goes to serious shit halfway through and isn't nearly as smart as it acts.
>fatefags defending their shitty excuse of a story
>fatefags shitting on HNK, because they can't relate to concepts of honor, justice and manliness
I knew that fatefags are pathetic, but holy shit, that's a new level of amusement for me.
He feels guilty about not killing his adopted brother. He has a wife. He has many manly friends who are willing to sacrifice themselves for him.
>manimefag butthurt because fate series deconstructs his shonenshit concepts
I tried to read the VN and the first route is borin me to death. I have other, more important things to do, instead of readin this shit.
>crossboarding manime retard thinking he's any better than Fate newfags
>He's still goin'
He almost does several times
If you don't like it, don't force yourself
It's not everyone's cup of tea
But honestly, people that try to read everything at once are wrong. Treat it like a book and read at your own pace
His wife is also the Last Nanto General
crossboarders who watch real anime are more valuable to this board than the lolishitters who watch 10 weekly airing shows and post how they want to lick some cunny.
>nobody called out this bait
How far has Sup Forums fallen?
>hurr secondary
Really not an argument there, fatefags.
>real anime
>a lot
Jesus Christ, do you watch a single anime every month, or what?
No you haven't
the argument is in the image retard, only a secondary would say it, have my (you)
>I don't like anime and I'm proud!
Fuck off.
Then what's real anime?
I need some examples.
>you have to self insert to enjoy Hokuto no Ken
What happened to being able to enjoy badassery and honor as concepts while not being a big tough guy yourself? I know several girls that like HnK a lot
Self-insert doesn't mean you have to be like him. Weak guys self-inserting into strong ones is a basic aspect of power fantasy.
But I don't self insert
91 days and orange
>crossboarding manime watcher
>somehow an insult
I bet your favorite show is K-on.
Girls like HnK because they like big musclebound guys. That's a very different thing.
>Girls like HnK because they like big musclebound guys
Not necessarily
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Does it.
>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>Still cares about everybody.
>he hasn't seen FotNS
You should get off this board if you haven't even bothered with the classics. I hate shounen shit and watched it so no excuses faggot.
Oh, nevermind.
Back to >>>tv with you, memer
Are you seriously implying that fucking HnK of all things is better than K-On!?
How do I get ripped like Kenshiro?
>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Does it.
>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>Still cares about everybody.
Yeah, everyone needs to watch DBZ too.
When I was growing up, I wanted to be like captain harlock, kenshiro and Jonathan joestar by placing value on things like chilvary, respect, friendship, traditions, family, honor and ambition. Meanwhile today's teens will want to be emo mages when they grow up.
>calling the other guy a crossboarder
You forgot your "like this and subscribe if you're one of the 2% who agree."
Are you trying to tell me you didn't watch it growing up?
I think you mean teens from ten years ago
I don't even know what today's teens will want
Stop eating noodles and get out of the house.
Jonathan Joestar is not Emiya done right
>Back to >>>tv with you, memer
> chilvary, respect, friendship, traditions, family, honor and ambition
So tell me how those values managed to wind you up spending your life a board full of angry virgin NEETs jacking off to cartoons?
I watched a few hours in French once without understanding a word, but that's about it.
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>>He cares about everyone.
>>He wants to save everyone.
>>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>>Does it.
>>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>>Still cares about everybody.
That's what I do in the evenings when i am at home, in my bedroom. I have liked anime all my life, and this is a amusing place. I'm a anime fan in my private life and a theater class teacher/fencing instructor/actor in my public life.
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>>He cares about everyone.
>>He wants to save everyone.
>>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>>Does it.
>>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>>Still cares about everybody.
This is a worksafe board, user, he sends them to the Shadow Realm.
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Does it.
>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>Still cares about everybody.
Next you'll tell me you haven't seen Sailor Moon.
As an adult, I have. As a kid, again, only some disjointed snippets when my sisters were watching it, so I could pretend I didn't actually like it. And unlike Sailor Moon, DB has never seemed appealing enough for adult me to give it a go.
DB is a children's anime, i'll give you that. Though it may be old, FotNS is worth a watch. Maybe you won't watch all 100+ episodes and might be turned off by 1980s animation, but give it a shot.
Im just gonna leave this here
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>>He cares about everyone.
>>He wants to save everyone.
>>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>>Does it.
>>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>>Still cares about everybody.
I knew it was wrong, retards, here
considering he had a kid and ken didn't who really was the cuck here
This guy is Emiya Shirou done right.
>He cares about everyone.
>He wants to save everyone.
>Has to kill all the evil people in the world to save everyone.
>Does it.
>Does not turn into a complete fucking emo while doing that.
>Still cares about everybody.