What's are world coming to? White working men can't even walk down the streets without being harassed by branch monkeys.
When are we going to rise back up and take our countries? It's a sad state that we are in.
What's are world coming to? White working men can't even walk down the streets without being harassed by branch monkeys.
When are we going to rise back up and take our countries? It's a sad state that we are in.
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our**** our world*
What a shrieky nightmare voice that woman has. No wonder shes so pissed off. I'd be too if I heard that everytime I opened my mouth
Can't harass a white man, they are historically the harassers and oppressors and therefore cannot be victims of it
We are also the undisputed masters of organized violence.
So keep pushing.
is there no point at which screaming at someone becomes assault? that screeching surely causes damage after that long.
Harassment = verbal abuse + privilege. People of color can't harass because they don't have institutional power.
No, just prepared.
What a nice white supremacist
I have been reading this same post for years. The pendulum isn't going to swing back anytime soon, LARP rat. By the time wh*tes realize they are fucked, they will already be on the edge of extinction
>backing an animal into a corner.
niggers are fucking annoying. they are like these chi hua hua dogs.. barking at everything and everyone all the time
they need to be genocided
no shit. the guy should have been perfectly within his rights to tell that woman to stay away, and if she persisted, slap the shit out of her till she got the fucking message.
Because we are superior.
>tfw all these banshees can do is screech fuck white supremacy while white supremacy continues unabated
that woman will ruin her beautiful voice if she keeps stressing it that way
>splitting the atom
Umm Albert Einstein was a Jew honey
Why does shit like this never happen to me. I would have just said good go back to africa you niggers and left.
>entire manhattan project team = Einstein
Oppenheimer you fucking dunce.
you might be right...
So you name another Jew? My argument was it wasn't a white person retard, you just helped my point.
>Police does nothing
americans are pathetic
My point wasn't that it wasn't a Jew you dingle. My point is that you're a fucking retard and you don't even know who the father of the atomic bomb was.
My point is the post was fucking written by a retard who considered Jews white, and you're a fucking mongoloid too for not seeing that ass hat.
>Can't harass a white man, they are historically the harassers and oppressors
ok so when does the clock run out on that? or is the harassment of whites justified for eternity?
>father of the atomic bomb was a Jew
Just shut the fuck up you brainlet. My comment had no bearing on you and your gay little friend's argument. My entire purpose in commenting was to point out that you are not qualified to speak.
Yeah. Exactly my point. Thanks for being observant.
Say that shit to me in real life, not on the internet bitch boy, see what happens!
fucking shill
I though all the german jews were killed in the holocaust, or did they escape to america?
I'll knock you the fuck out and then suck your dick while you're unconscious you fucking faggot.
America employed the scientists.
I'd like to see you try bitch boy, I know karate.
I grew up in a bad nignog infested neighborhood and this happened to the few white folks like me all the time
There's nothing you can do except hope your parents move outta there
who the fuck are we looking at here? I can't tell who they're upset about. there are whites with them so I guess they don't mind whites so much as this particular white? who is he? Is it the tall guy with the glass on the back of his head or the guy in front of him?
I value my hearing too much to subject it to more of that shrieking, someone help me out here.
From everything I've read about this:
A group of liberals were protesting. Cops were around to make sure they weren't attacking anyone. The protesters were yelling at any white people that were walking.
This group of white guys were going to work, and the protesters started yelling at them saying "Fuck white people" and "Fuck white supremacists".
Cops were escorting the white people into the parking lot (maybe into their job), so they weren't attacked.
That's all I've read or heard about it so far.
>do this shit and crime constantly
>why do white people hate us
Why is calling white people "supreme" an insult?
Burger has many time to prevent their own destruction
But Average Burger are too comfy so didn't do shit
They had White Paradise (youtube.com
They deserve what they get
Mellow classical music played in the background as this played, truely poignant stuff
>(((white women)))
every time.
Your statement alone is contradictory. If you havae been seeing the same statement for years, then it is a foregone conclusion that white people already are realizing we are getting fucked.
You Juden are scared to death of what will happen if whitey finally decides to unite against you and the noggs. It doesn't matter what the proportion of whites are. The proportion could be 80percent nogg, and 20 percent whites. Whites would still win any race war hands down. Even if we were only 10 percent. Niggers aren't intelligent enough to fight wars, nor are they designed to survive in the elements of America. They don't know the land despite claiming to be "the first people". Numbers of sand niggers in America could also explode, but whties would still win for the same reasons. They have low intelligence, and don't know the land at all. The only people who could do the job are asians or possibly mexicans. Which is one reason why the Jews are pouring them into the USA.
The Jew realizes that if they can get rid of white men, then the world is easily conquered. Think about that. White men are the single greatest threat to a worldwide cabal formally taking over . Jews know that noggs are an easily dealt with problem at any point in time, so they keep them around and use them. Jews know that sand niggers are useful tools as well, but easily dealt with when the time is right.
The time of the Juden is coming to an end. The false Jews will go to hell and burn, and there is nothing that can be done to stop that
This is why conceal carry exists people.
especially our faggots
Very true Lee. We let ourselves be led astray by importing porch monkeys. It was our biggest mistake. It should have been dealt with right after slavery. They should have been sent back . And we should have let history teach us about the false Jews. If we would have kept america white and Christian, then we would be undefeatable. Now we are screwed.
Oh and by the way, start doing live streams on youtube in english again, you dirty based chink. I am missing your vids
Yess the Revolution has started, kill all white men and babies!!
If there was an actual race war, whites would kill every non-white in this country before breakfast.
The thing I don't get about the Jewish conspiracy meme is - if it were truly an organized Jewish conspiracy - once the west is fallen, what's to stop the rest of the world from destroying Israel? Fucking nothing
uh oh
what did he do?
amen. going running now before I get some lifting in. Anger has become a fuel.
>a bunch of LARP rats on an image board mean that the entire wh*te race is aware of it's death
Look up the six day war.
Israel took on multiple Arab nations simultaneously and defeated them all in a week and gained territory in the process. Arabs can't fight.
Jews don't want the west to collapse. They just want to make us all mongrels with no racial identity or culture we can identify with other than twerking and doing drugs. They want a populace that has nothing to rally around and nothing to revolt for.
Jews just want a nation of easily policed and controlled consumers who they can tax and make money off of. People who are too stupid and fragmented to form any meaningful revolution. It's why the left does nothing but divide, divide, divide.
Was one of the guys the sheboons are harassing Nathan Damigo?
>calls other people larp rats
non-whites really are fucking stupid
What do you expect from niggers?
Keep this shit up leftists. These fuckers have no idea how sick of their insanity every day people are getting. It's pushing me farther and farther to the right to the point where I absolutely despise liberals and their nigger puppets.
>They blew up themselves; They deserve what they get
Jews aren't Americans. They're enemies of the state.
well done burgers, well done.
living in america seems to be the real dream
*autistic screeching*
the more this happens , the better
>durr white paradise lol just like the tv commercials from America
Shut the fuck up, retard. This country has been a hellhole since at least the 60's and probably long before. Still better than whatever dictatorship was going on in your country until about 30 years ago, if that's what you mean.
So this is what niggers do w/ all that free time, not working? Literally like wild animals LOL
Looks like another triumph for fuckwad supremacy.
They ARE the state!
Numbers don't mean shit when you're going up against people with ethnic specific biological weapons you know and keep threatening them with extinction.
Don't cough, lil nigga
>When are we going to rise back up and take our countries?
Delayed gratification. As long as you don't wait to long, the pay-off is glorious.
When whitey snaps...holy shit. It'll be a hard choice to either come on here and shitpost about how amazing it is, or actually go out and join in the fun.
t. retarded *and* condescending. aren't you a precious thing.