13 year old girl calls out Youtube feminist bullshit
13 year old girl calls out Youtube feminist bullshit
Clearly her dad knows the hacker 4chinz and edits her videos
Is that where you came from?
Yeah cause a 13 year old knows how to video edit
So many woke 8 year olds these days.
I don't care. A 13yo red pilled girl is priceless
She getting kind of old.
Her brother does the writing/editing.
it looks like she is living in garage when you look at the doors behind her
Stupid. Children are incapable of higher level thinking so this is obviously staged by her parents who want to cash in on the "alt-right pedophile" audience.
swearing. disgusting.
I already know that women are retarded, why would I need a girl to tell me?
>Yeah cause a 13 year old knows how to video edit
Kids into technology very early these days, also, any retard with a copy of Vegas or iMovie can edit shit.
Her parents or relatives may be responsible for production and even script, but doesn't change the fact her speech ability is insane for her age. She's better than 80% or more youtubers, politicians, artists and public speakers I've seen.
wow, smart little girl.
cringe as fuck seeing this big foreheaded kid swearing.
Why does she have to swear so much? Kids these days, trying to be edgy, when they just come off as vulgar.
thats a trap
Shut the fuck up, click the video, and subscribe. You losers aren't paid to think.
this shit is stupid. we need to go back to the rule of "children need to be seen and not heard." the only thing children should be doing is chores, sitting where their parents can see them, obeying everything their parents tell them, being modest, and accepting physical punishment. children need to be put in their rightful place.
Are the gold rumors true?
Looks like something pizza related. Plus parents put her up to it. Pretty obvious senpai
Are you kidding me? When I was 13 I was already using slackware and that was in the early 2000s
Pasted from
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
OP is a Turk under that trollflag BTW
You folk need to understand that females mature and peak much sooner than their male counterparts. She has probably already reached her peak intelligence and it's all downhill from here.
I thought Corbis got banned from Youtube like 2 years ago?
Can't tell if that is a boy or a girl.
She ain't 13. She got that andy milonakis disease I don't remember the name
That literally describes every thread on Sup Forums
Read it again:
>Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts
>(with no extra content or input of your own)
Growth hormone deficiency that's the name
>editing videos is not a very hard thing. nigger
she's an odd looking little creature. she's the female version (physically) of review brah.
They do not even compare.
user....... I.....
close. her brother edits her shit and writes scripts. he's the real /ourguy/ here
dude imagine using genetic engineering to cause that disease once you hit 24.
young and hot forever.
To whoever plans to post the shadman version your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>They do not even compare.
super skinny
super white
super weak
super creepy eyes
yeah you're right Boris
No that's Lorde.
How tf has shadman not been posted yet
American education
This gril reminds me a lot of Ellie from The Last Of Us, including the incessant swearing
>omg /ourgirl/ said nigger Lulz xD Kekistan.
>that Golf Wang shirt
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with 13 year olds.
Fuck off pedo
And little girls need be sucking dick.
that's because your country is insanely insignificant
I tried but it won't let me.
Age of consent is 13 in Japan. She's legal for you buddy.
imagine using that on little girls my man
Even the dragon dildo quote
i hope he does a followup when she turns 18
nigga when we talking about traditional values we didn't mean THAT traditional
But user we’re all little girls here and I’m sure some of us are able to edit videos.
this. anyone who says 13 year olds are too stupid to do shit with tech are fucking luddites
>thread about a young girl
>nobody asks for nudes or contact information
What happened Sup Forums? You guys used to be cool.
I got you.
C'mon, nigga.
here we fucking go
Wasn't she the one that said "send me all the dildo's" "gay penetration is pretty hot" and "send me those dragondicks"?
That mouthy child deserves some beating. Of course, administered by her parents.
thats pretty awful
Are you old? Because that's the only way I could imagine you thinking video editing required extensive skill.
This girl is either genius level smart for her age or someone scripts her vids. Weird shit anyway, really. But she's entertaining.
fucking shadman
It’s kind of scary how articulate she is. It’s almost like an old soul in a young body.
Her brother is maybe 2 years older. You can see him in other video. That doesn't explain shit.
worlds youngest scripted tranny
>shilling not even a minute in
Is shad /ourguy/?
>that shitty editing
>that high quality voice recording
Not sure if magapede father or just garage sale bought yeti for an impressionable kid.
>13 year old grill being posted on Sup Forums
This is going to end well. Be nice to the loli, assholes.
she's very good at cyber
>doesnt know corbis
gb2 reddit/
>letting your little girl attentionwhore on youtube
She's hilarious in character.
She's actually quite normal in some of the other videos (as in "normal kid" not sjw-addled thot). The music making ones are probably the future for her, if she decides to bother with this bullshit when she gets tits.
It's her brother who markets her, isn't it? Nice to see siblings getting along.
Way better than Milo.
Notice all the meme flags. Anyone who genuinely thinks a 13 year old does this shit on their own is beyond retarded
Corbis is smart as fuck, reviewbrah is just some autist. Also she's young. She has potential to become hot.
I operated DOS at the age of 10 to start games and even adjust all values to 999 in Duke Nuke'em 3D. Bad troll is bad.
I have no idea what game this is from but I like it. Them feets and butthole, top form.
That's a 13 year old? She looks fucking 5.
You're a fucking moron mate. Watch her vid of her making tracks.
Her older brother helped her with her first vids 2 years ago when she was 11, but the kids got a forehead bigger than africa, you think she's too dumb to fucking video edit?
You dumb cunt
our girl, thats a pink little commie faggot.
and no he's full of commie shit
You're thinking of Sup Forums
That's what normal 13 year old look like m8, not the ones on telly. Albeit Corbis is a bit of a beanpole. She was ill, wasn't she? Like, proper ill, for a while. She seems a bit perkier now.
I could fucking kill her in 1 punch.
Dude, chill out, that is award-winning actress Anya Taylor-Joy. Do they not have movies in Russia? She is still pure at least, not having been corrupted by Harvey Weinstein.
this kid is lit af
>bawwwww leftists are subhumans for politicizing their children with their ideology
>right wingers politicizing their children are /based/ and /ourguys/ fellow MAGApedes, we need more ledpills XdXDXD
Kill yourselves subhumans
Y'all are new as fuck
>13 year old girl
>seems smarter than me
No fucking way this is happening. It's fake and gay.