Has this guy lost it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do not question the wisdom of varg
He's always been pretty retarded though
Varg is a welfare queen and an absolute faggot.
He is painfully pussy whipped by his wife.
>muh my wife's theories
Varg, we watch the channel because of you, not because of your Yoko Ono-behaving wife.
> Has this guy lost it?
Is that even up for debate?
dirty lies and slander by cia niggers
>2012-2016 Sup Forums on varg: funny and autistic old gramps
>releases video where he calls swarthy europeans literal niggerspawns
>nu-Sup Forums: wtf i hate varg now!!!!
He's right though.
Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden
>has he lost it
What, that fucking failure of a man who lives of his gibs and the tiny amount of satisfaction a microdick can get from screwing a literal inbred retard? What the fuck was there to lose?
This guy is literally shitposting IRL
>those fucking kicks
>Varg is a welfare queen
I think he lost it when he killed that dude
Not a fan of extreme Christianity, but this guy must be a literal spawn of Satan.
I can't imagine a normal person being so excessively entitled and paranoid at anything related to Christianity.
hard lol and frat
Niggers like him make zealots like me. I hope you're all at least familiar with the scripture.
He's a sinner, plain and simple, and he's at a point in life where he still has too much hubris to admit his guilt. That's why he reacts with such hatered and agression to christians, because they remind him of his sin.
Varg was a deranged retard before he murdered Euronymous.
i like varg. he did nothing wrong.
damn, really makes you think.
Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare Heil welfare
Varg looks at Christianity the way most people here look at Jews. It's a personal preference thing I guess.
t. wormfood
I know most posting in these varg hate threads are either shills or trolls but I'm waiting to see at least one person post a counter argument to the points he make
Says the fuck with the plebbit flag on. It's like asking for a well thought out rebuttal to Frank's brand of psychotic bullshit, or even going in to a thread with moarpheus. It's just not worth the hassle because their "fans" actually mange to be dumber than themselves, and if you spend all your time trying to convince the pigeons in the park to be less shitty, you're only gonna disappoint yourself.
Check out all of Varg's videos and most of the comments are just blind followers kissing each other's asses
Varg is literally too red pilled for Sup Forums. Really makes you realize that this board is an entire waste of time and should never be considered as more than entertainment.
Especially since the election it went completely downhill.
He is right on this though.
The greed, capitalism fuels in every (((consumer))), is destructive to our livelihood and will inevitably lead to our extinction.
No. You have lost.
*Heems you*
>he fell for the universalist meme
Niggers aren't included in "all" because they're not people, idiot. You will distinctly note that your little boy up there says absolutely NOTHING against the horde, by the way.
This guy is such a fucking sperg hahahahaha
Not an argument but nice try
Not an argument.
It was self-defense.
Ad hominem attacks are futile.
Varg is like specialist of everything. He goes there telling how professional farmers should do their job.
oh come on, he's great and you know it.
t. Varg
varg plz go
No he's ridiculous and divisive, he promotes conflict within Europeans based on whether they're Christian or from the north of south ends of Europe. He has some good messages, like the Golden One does, but like the Golden One they're both extremely self obsessed and hilariously fucking cringey
>Conflict between europeans is bad.
Hi EU, nullified some national tradition lately?
I don't disagree with Varg, especially on Christianity. I just don't like his "solution". I'm not even against tribalism, I just think that he's underestimating how bad things could get after a societal breakdown. He made a video on how he could throw rocks really hard to stop intruders which shows how naive he is.
>Varg is literally too red pilled for Sup Forums.
t.Varg fangirl
His IQ is like 90, maybe lower. He never did anything with his life but making shitty music and being in jail.
>conflict between Europeans isn't bad, especially when there is a horde of mudslimes that have breached the gates
>Would you prefer a Germany with white christians or black and arab muslims and white atheist lefty nu-males?
He's a big guy
>conflict between europeans isn't bad
So if someone from your neighbour country comes to kill you it's a huge service for society?
Para ti
>white christians
Oxymoron, Christians aren't white
You back the fuck up you Goddamned heathen.
Who the fuck warms up car? Just hop in and drive slowly atb. Farmers are greedy and if anything he sais is true they'd fucking implement it! But yeah western jewroupe farmers tend to overtilt the soil, everything else he says in nonsense. Proper plant rotation and calcium fertilization increases soil capacity to decompose plant leftovers. On my fields corn straw is gone after 2 years max. Rotation goes corn, barley, rape, wheat. This means that there is huge biopotential in soil. You don't want anything growing beside the main crop because plants consume and radiate water and nutrients which are for the crop not weeds. No the soil does not dry up when in this state, it dries a bit and then a protective layer is constituded because the area of radiation is reduced greatly, also oozing through natural capillaries stopped (they regrow with time). A complete imbecile.
>be varg
>burn down centuries old church like a nigger
>take nigger behavior to the next level and murder a guy
>legally change my last name to sound like viking because it sounds cooler
>live on welfare
>sit around in my van all day making larp videos
Yeah, fuck this edgy faggot and anyone who takes him seriously.
>babby can't handle the truth
Sorry, seed of Abraham but you're effectively a jewish rat
>He doesn't know the scripture specifically names the synagogue of satan
>he can't into 2nd grade reading comprehension
>he's spending an eternity in hell
Oh well, people like you wouldn't really be welcomed anyway.
>skyrim the youtube channel
>He doesn't know the scripture
"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed" (Galatians 3:29)
You're not white.
He isn't wrong
Farmers don't do this everywhere ..
do they ..?
He lost it a long ass time ago.
He never had it in the first place. Not even almost.
Why can't we all just get along guys
Because this faggot keeps attacking your one path to eternal happiness and peace, while perfectly displaying that he's the exact type of person who belongs in hell. Not because of his actions, but because of his ridiculous insistence that he's done nothing wrong.
Never watched him before, but had the time this morning.
Like that he says about Christianity not being true to the fact that Jesus was attempting to reform Judaism rather than start a new religion.
One of the few people I've heard believe that other than myself.
Makes you unpopular to both sides though.... Maybe I should get some land and fuck off to there
According to himself he is not on welfare, but he recommends being on welfare. Because he's not a bluepilled fuck like you who tries to ''save the west''. By working and paying taxes, you're are literally being cuckolded, as you keep supporting the system that is paying for niggers and nigger children.
Stop shaming people for being on welfare. I think one should either be self-employed, entrepreneur or NEET. Being a wageslave, you support the system.
Yep, he is. One does not have to agree with Varg all the time but he is redpilled to the core and smart as hell.
Nah, some farmers (not all granted) around where I live let wild plants grow during the autumn, or even plant them (better have those than weeds), some even plant winter wheat from time to time. However most Maize farmers will just leave the dirt tilled over the winter and bombard it with roundup in the spring to prevent anything but their maize from growing.
Not only do these cunts use up all the ground water (which effectively is killing off some of our tree varieties which don't have very deep roots), but the freshwater around here is the most toxic green sludge in the summer. Full of nitrates. Animals would rather come and use our tiny, oft dried out ponds to drink rather than go to the always full lake next door due to the sheer poisonous nature of that muck.
Between climate change and the farmers though, most water sources around here have stayed progressively more and more dried up even in the winter over the years, so many animals have either died off or migrated rather than drink the lakewater contaminated by the farmers.
Crops ain't a pretty business in a modern society.
Why does Varg get Sup Forums so flustered? Is it because he actually sticks to his principles while Sup Forums only makes memes and pretends to be "redpilled"? Or is it because Sup Forums is filled with flustered DEUS VULT christfags who can't stand anyone even slightly disagreeing with their kike cult?
>Commie apologist
>Loves leftist's
>Escapes relity of modern situation and whaits till the new Ice age cometh.
Trully /ourguy/
Leftypol aproved, Comrads! Put the righties in the gulag with rest of fascist scum
>126k subscribers
>Jew detected
You ash people don't even try it anymore. ^^
>It was self-defense.
Showing up to a guys house in the middle of the night and stabbing him 27 times is not self-defense.
Mate the Burga Kangz are hating him, because muh Jemus!
Also OP is a Desertrapist.
I am just here to shitpost, that's all.
Varg is too redpilled and christfags can't help but show their true allegiance; to Christ, not Europeans.
>defense traditional leftists because they realize capitalism is shit
>''WOW HE /OURGUY/'' t. Nazbol
wtf Twitter suspended my account for " bot " activities and now says I need a cell number to reactive it. Are liberals seriously going around mass reporting right wing views for being Russian bots? Jesus.
Yeah I'm sure you care a lot about Euronymous. Shut the fuck up faggot. Maybe you should be stabbed 27 times in self-defence.
No, they do it regardless wether you are SJW or a Sup Forumsbot.
He killed a Beta, because he wanted to kidnap, and kill him in the woods that week.
Varg is my snownigga!
I think God will forgive him - he may be wrong about God, but he does the Lords work with race
He is against capitalism and right-wing kosher nationalists cuck who tolerate it.
Neo-boomers are the enemy of Odin and will hang with rest of porkies on the day of Revolution.
well he's right about soil fungi
>Maybe you should be stabbed 27 times in self-defence.
He probably will, he lives in Canadistan!
It's been a lot of moisture and floods here too this summer and autumn, so a lot of farmers were afraid their would lose all their potatoes.
I'm not sure how it went for them eventually. It's floods around the clock here basically one after another, due to heavy rainfall
kek, I suspect this is rather accurate actually when you say it. He knows his sagas and stuff, I grant him that though
This, Varg's insanely divisive with his retardation. Only a tiny fraction of his 'followers' actually agree with him completely. Almost everyone agrees he's fucking retarded half the time.
But that tiny fraction that fully agree with him are downright insane and borderline cult-like. They view him as a literal Messiah archetype and blindly believe everything he says.
Seriously, go to a comment section on one of his more bizzare videos. It's downright creepy. These people are absolute morons, not 'they disagree with me so they're stupid' but in the sense that they fanatically venerate the guy and all try to suck his cock the hardest. If it wasn't over the internet he'd be a literal cult leader.
I like him, but the memes dude.
I can literally imagine him driving through his village, and going to farmers telling him how to do their work, while out off loud car speakers he plays HEIL ODIN!
He is cool though, he gives good info, is dank and pretty much,
just surfs the Kali Yuga.
Maybe his fans are just trolls trying to keep his insanity running as long as possible?
>so you have been a farmer here for 40 years
>multiple generations ey?
>let me tell you about your soil and growing potatoes
>yes I just started with some hobby growing on my own property here, been doing it for 2 years
Euronymous was a communist fagot who deserved what he got.
I'd say he lost it when he was burning down churches and attempting to bomb buildings before stabbing someone for disagreeing with him, then going to jail and eventually living off french welfare in the countryside.
That's just me though.
See, being a racist Christian requires you to venture into a whole other level of autism. Not just implying that black people are bad, but that they are inherently cursed by some malevolent being that just decided to do that. At least Pagans don't deny that other people are fucking human holy shit.
"White power muh 14/88"
-Yahweh Yesus Ibn Al Christ