>reading the manga/LN version when there's an anime adaptation
Reading the manga/LN version when there's an anime adaptation
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that's a nice picture
What if the anime isn't a complete telling of the story tho
99% of the time the "complete telling" of the story goes completely off rails or is abruptly canceled. You'd know this if you read a lot of manga and LNs
I'm just bringing up the first obvious point. If anything you should respond to the Op instead of me.
It is
Do you know the source?
Because I don't
>Reading/watching the adaptation before reading/watching the source material
I almost feel bad for you.
>watching the anime when there's a 100% chance it's worse than the source material
>read source material for years
>all of a sudden I'm expected to stop because some faggy studio wants to make 30 minute commercials of it
How about you fuck off
The vast majority of manga is little more than rushed out the door doodles
Similarly LNs are nothing more than D-tier anime scripts of almost zero literally worth.
Anime brings fun to the table with things like color, animation, voice acting and consistent art.
There are like 3 anime that aren't worse than their manga counterpart.
I honestly think there's 0 but I'm saying 3 to give myself some leeway.
That looks like a lot of semen. I mean a lot
>I am too stupid to appreciate manga as a medium, so I'm sure everyone else is too
Fuck off.
That's because there are literally 0 manga that offer the same wide range of experiences that a corresponding anime would, so since it only focuses on a couple things it's way easier to execute them well. Anime still has better immersion and impact than manga or LNs for that matter could ever have.
And google thinks it is glasses. Anyone knows source?
Is cum stuffed cheeks a tag?
It should be, because that shit is my fetish.
What's there to appreciate about mass produced black and white doodles that are so badly drawn you can barely even tell what's going on, and which is made worse by all the god awful scans.
What's there to appreciate about babel-fish tier translations?
Nah. I get more into stuff when I read it than when I watch it. The only advantage anime has over manga is music.
If the anime interests me I'll pick up the manga.
Only worked for Terra Formars though, Did for Prison School but I dropped it since I got over it.
A lot of people just use the lack of relative popularity of manga in the west as hipster cred. So they don't care that the works that typically get complete adaptations tend to be of higher quality anyway.
If color, animation, and voice acting are the only way to enjoy comic books then that's pityful, you're missing out on tons of media that'll never even get adapted.
>consistent art
Not every studio willing to pick stuff up is blessed with even that.
At least with source material I can blame faults on the author, not some guy who can't put things to a screen.
Thanks Sup Forums archive
>lack of relative popularity of manga in the west as hipster cred.
People eat up shit like Tokyo Ghoul all the time here, manga isn't exactly obscure
The only problem with watching the anime is that I have to wait a week inbetween episodes of Berserk.
For me it's more that anime requires a budget so they take less risks. You don't generally see stuff like YKK or Dorohedoro being animated and if you did it would cover 1/4 of the story and cut a bunch of characters.
Couldn't find it after searching my ass off. Thanks.
I only watch anime adaptations that cover the whole plot from the source material, my autism stops me from enjoying a show if there's still unadapted material.
YKK got some OVAs. You're right about them not covering much though.
I don't really bother following most manga series, I just read everything and then revisit the manga months later when there's more.
That said, I appreciate the source material more than the adaptation in 90% of cases, the 10% being Keyshit VNs and similar crap.
>comic books
Good joke, but comic books actually have good art and colors
>voice acting
>color art
>real time direction
All have significant effects on viewer immersion and enjoyment for obvious reasons. Manga is much more one-dimensional; it's a thousand times easier to make a perfect manga than a perfect anime. The experience of the anime is still usually better overall.
Manga is literally Japanese comic books, I don't see the point in your shitposts
No, manga are literally doodles that are rushed out the door every single week through what amounts to sweat shop labor.
99% of manga looks like absolute trash because of this. They sell Manga insanely cheap to make up for this.
Manga is completely lifeless and on top of that you're reading shitty scans and even shittier translations.
Manga is made specifically for the lowest common denominator.
Anime is made for people who actually care about things like art, direction, immersion, etc. this is why anime is sold at a premium.
Since you're adamant that your opinion is fact then I guess you can believe what you want.
Just don't surprised if people disagree.
>This entire fucking thread
Please paste the name on here
Only mainstream anime like Naruto and One Piece can be compared to manga. Everything else is just expansive commercial of source material. That is why there is never s2. You are supposed to buy manga.
Let's talk about anime that have covered the entire manga/LN. From the top of my head (excluding infinite shonen):
>FMA: Brotherhood
>Cross Game
>Hellsing OVAs
>Ping Pong
sauce for image?
>implying he reads/watches the source material at all
souce on this nigga
My God you have your head so far up your ass your inside out at this point.
See Manga is low effort doodles made for the lowest common denominator.
There is more emotion in 1 episode of Re:Zero than in the entire WN
This bait is so good I thought you were serious for a moment.
Did Akagi/Kaiji cover their full mangas?
>Manga is low effort doodles made for the lowest common denominator.
>There is more emotion in 1 episode of Re:Zero than in the entire WN
There it is.
I thought I was an autist among autists. I don't understand how people can watch anime adaptations without having read the manga/LN.
No, both of them are still ongoing in manga form. The Kaiji anime covered the first two out of five parts (5th one is ongoing). Parts 3 and 4 have been completely scanlated.
>Lowest common denominator
Now that's some absurdist shitposting
>Manga is low effort doodles made for the lowest common denominator.
Not an argument.
I'm not the guy who's baiting in this thread. If you thought that post was bait then you're delusional
Nothing but doodles!
>Manga is low effort doodles made for the lowest common denominator.
As opposed to anime of the same calibur?
Epic outlier Sup Forumsro!
Monthly series make up a tiny % of the industry.
There are certainly lots of shitty cash in rush jobs in the anime industry, but overall anime is a much, much higher quality product.
I feel you, user.
Most manga adaptations downgrade the art so it's easier to animate.
Most manga are monthly serials you idiot pleb.
>Monthly series make up a tiny % of the industry.
Well, now I know you are retarded.
>gets blown the fuck out
>starts making shit up
lol sorry you can't accept the fact manga is bottom of the barrel garbage that's literally sold for cents
>reading LNs
why would to do this to yourself
No argument necessary
Most manga is shit
Most anime is shit
You're still retarded
>but overall anime is a much, much higher quality product
OP by itself has sold more volumes than the entire monthly magazine industry ever put together
95% of the money goes to weekly maga
This desu
Why would I want to read poorly written garbage when I can watch the anime and spare myself from terrible prose and translations?
Yeah but at least anime has color, animation, music, voice acting, actual direction, pacing, etc.
Manga are literally doodles.
>voice acting
A very good reason to read manga and skip anime, unless you enjoy listening to mongoloids whining or shouting.
Exactly once have I ever seen those improve the original. Usually they turn it to shit.
Please tell me you're not serious. Please tell me that you're not an ignorant asshole.
Color, animation, music, etc are automatic improvements for 99.99% of manga.
Otoh there are probably no more than two or three manga that didn't go off rails or get canceled. They all end like garbage
Tell us OP, how many manga have you actually read? And just skimming or seeing a few images here and there doesn't count.
No, it's not an improvement. They are different mediums.
That is irrelevant to this exchange.
Yes it is a direct improvement.
Manga is black and white and badly drawn due to monetary reasons. That's it.
Most manga are so badly drawn you can't even tell what's going on in the panels once the action kicks off. If you think this is intended and part of the manga "medium" then you are a delusional hipster idiot
>not reading the anime
It is directly relevant.
Oh well I guess if you just say it it must be true
Color doesn't match, animation done poorly by Korean slaves, music ruins scenes, any number of things can and will ruin the anime. Except in exactly one case as I said.
>badly drawn due to monetary reasons.
Then I guess at least manga has an excuse
Nice ad hominem. Not my fault you are not able to read a manga and you find it confusing.
>Most manga are so badly drawn you can't even tell what's going on in the panels once the action kicks off.
So what does that say about the anime adaptation that has even worse art?
Nobody said bad adaptations didn't exist. The vast majority of them are good and provide a huge improvement over the source material.
Gate. Where the opposite applies.
You can stop pretending now
sounds like a personal problem
How can such a gigantic hook fish so many fishes?
It's supossed to have only ONE edgy point
>Replying to such low quality bait.
I feel like you're arguing solely for the reason of winning. Nobody cares about your shit opinion. No one is going to stop reading manga because of an autist like you.
Manga is cheaply made
Manga is black and white
Manga is badly drawn
Manga is sold for cents
Manga is made for the lowest common denominator
None of those are opinions
Here you go, baby boy
You sound like the type of guy that needs someone to read books to you with funny voices or you get bored.
The voiceacting in my head is better than any Japanese dude squeaking into a mic. Black and white is fine. Some of it is drawn fantastically.
Furthermore because the budget isn't as high you can get some creative stories instead of: Premise x highschool + walking tropes = show
>4 out of 5 apply equally if not more to anime
>lack of relative popularity of manga
relative to anime, manga isn't popular