What anime girls would be better if they were a boy?
What anime girls would be better if they were a boy?
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You posted this thread yesterday
Trapfags are known to be attentionwhores
I never knew how much I wanted flat hotaru
Oh fuck you faggots, you genderbend guys to girls all day and love every second of it, but a genderswapped girl to a trap and now it's a real crime.
The crime is posting the same thread every day
OP's fishing for genderswapped girls to traps is all because that's kinda hard to tag and people don't feel a need to make a tag for that.
Especially when there's a clear difference between regular genderswapping and the kind he wants.
And there you go.
There's not a lot of doujins on that but there's quite a lot of Shimakaze artwork on the booru's at least
OP needs to go to Gelbooru or exhentai then. This place doesn't need even more shitty daily template threads.
Definitely seems popular with the Kantai Collection crowd. Probably because of sharing even a little of their fanbase with that one about the sword boys?
>This place doesn't need even more shitty daily template threads.
Even if it is my fetish
I have no idea how the thousand "would you a milf, would you a tomboy, would you a fetish" threads still are allowed to exist.
Because as long as it's a fetish people care about they'll stop bitching about it and indulge in it. That's why milfs, tomboys, etc get to fly.
Traps just happen to be the most polarizing thing you can post here.
OP isn't a tripfag though.
>It's another traplovers shitty thread episode
>It's one with the same image as tomorrow
Fuck off to /trash/
Why don't you all fuck off back to
Take your other shitty ecchi fetish threads with you, then
>Traps just happen to be the most polarizing thing you can post here.
When did this happen? Did this board turn into gay normalfags while I was gone?
If you've been gone a good 3-4 years, yeah.
It really has only gotten worse than most people would say in fucking 2009. Faggots like not only showed up maybe only a few years ago, but they'll insist that since they're the majority their shit should fly.
This is their Sup Forums now.
This place should've died at least 4 years ago. I hate the rotting zombie state it exists as.
One way or the other, I'd still say that people like OP are not helping matters by creating perpetually recurring threads like this.
Can't disagree with that.
But the problem lies with posting original content instead of the same image over and over again.
And if he wants image dumps of this stuff he needs to be asking /d/ or...hell I don't know what board you'd want for trapification genderswapping but SFW images.
what? Sup Forums has been gay since the beginning.
You read those posts backwards
Not liking traps makes you a gay normalfag
Sup Forums jas been gay fo years, but trap threads were at minimun for the past 2 years or so. Before that yes there were a lot of gay threads.
I just don't want this threads to be back because we already have entire boards for them. Anyways nobody cares since this board generates 0 actual anime/manga discussion.
>Anyways nobody cares since this board generates 0 actual anime/manga discussion.
Probably because there's nothing that good this season
Nobody ever discusses shit on Sup Forums nowadays.
90% of the time is waifu threads, bait threads, lewd threads or Flavor of the Month/Season threads (wich consist in a mix of the other three).
Fuck off back to you samefagging piece of shit trapfag.
Tumblr and archives made it easier for cancerous trapfags from /lgbt/ and /soc/ to start roleplaying on Sup Forums and discussing their hormone treatments.
i want a tenchi reboot where tenchi is a girl and all the girls are traps or futa
Why though
because boners
Play Aggra Ruter, can't remember the rest of the name.
Same artist, possibly same universe. You can date a futa. As a guy. She's only interest in futa x male and is something of a hothead.
Subaru should have been a girl. Would have made it 10/10
Fuck off
Not that one.