>(((They))) reintroduce the Black Death plague to Europe
>white genocide in Europe complete
What can we do to stop this?
>(((They))) reintroduce the Black Death plague to Europe
>white genocide in Europe complete
What can we do to stop this?
>Black Death
>pictures shows the effects of necrosis, not plague
A large number of white europeans are immune to the bubonic plague though, it'd just kill niggers.
>Black Death plague outbreak in Africa confirmed
who cares ?
>(((They))) reintroduce the Black Death plague to Europe
we have treatment for it and it's spread will be severely crippled by modern hygiene standards and general awareness
>Modern Hygiene
I thoroughly expect a death toll in the 50k+
This is true, but they could have been breed out over the centuries by (((multiculturalism)))
So there is a God after all
No they're still around, i read an interesting article about these weirdos once. Apparently if they catch HIV nothing happens. I guess if you're white enough nigger faggot diseases can't hurt you.
Lots of diseases are already coming back in to Europe with the Africans.
Given the barbaric use of antibiotics we should soon have a super resistant version of the plague bacteria who will wipe out most humans.
So I just had a dinner with someone returning from a several week stay in Madagascar and now my hands are falling off, should I see a doctor?
is not the pulmoral version of the plague?
much edgy
>a nigger disease
maximum kek achieved
Pretty sure it's called the Black Plague because it causes necrosis bro
>modern hygiene standards and general awareness
who cares about afrika anyway.. let them sort their shit out on their own, they wuz kanz somehow anyway
Pic related.
>an antibiotic resistant bubonic plague outbreak
Fuck, how is it going to get off the island? We need this thing to hit places like Nigeria
hey.. maybe even zombies with all that gmo crap everywhere
So how long until they spread it all over the fucking place like they did ebola?
No sores. 1/10
It will be just like the ebola thing
I want this to spread across the world over
from wikipedia
>Pneumonic plague was the second most commonly seen form during the Black Death, with a mortality rate of ninety to ninety-five percent. Symptoms included fever, cough, and blood-tinged sputum. As the disease progressed, sputum became free flowing and bright red and death occurred within 2 days.
champion hospital
plague outbreaks don't happen in civilized parts of the world and we can treat it anyway
it would be as dangerous as the flu
peasants BTFO
j/k niggers are too stupid to farm
its just gonna be like ebola, nothin's gonna happend
but if it does
>live in one of the southern most city in the world
>will be the last to die
This. Bubonic plague won't gain traction in the 1st world because there isn't a high rat population.
> Blacks killing each other in Africa
> Black savages "fleeing" into western countries are pretty much a "Black death plague"
> Actual Black death plague angry at having it's good image ruined
> Blacks being killed by something "Black" again
can't make that shit up
There may not be a high rat population, but those few rats have a lot of power
You know, there's a lot of misunderstanding about rats. The rodendus vermikitis as they're called in Latin. It turns out our long tailed friend wasn't after all responsible for the dreaded bubonic plague as alleged through history. Yes, sir. It was caused by an animal called the bubon. That's right, and the threat by the way is still with us. So if anyone does see a bubon, contact your local authorities
t. Whiskers Ratburg
There is a rat population, and those rats are called Jews.
>forgetting about the millions of kikes
Bubons are not native to europe and were eradicated in 1789
It's a shame these outbreaks never take hold. If Africa was more densly populated it'd be nice if a plague would wipe them all out and leave the continent free for white people to colonize and make livable.
How could I be so blind?
Is there a fundme page to send it to the Middle East? I have $20 on it.
The plague has three different forms, all caused by the same bacterial infection. Bubonic, which is an infection of the lymph nodes; Pneumonic, which is an infection of the lungs; and Septic, which is an infection of the blood. Bubonic plague can easily lead to necrosis, and rotting flesh. The other forms kill you very quickly. It's a horrifying disease that literally turns you into a walking corpse. Pneumonic plague is 100% fatal if not treated quickly with antibiotics.
Now, just imagine the plague begins sweeping through Africa, and you have doctors going over there "being heroes" administering antibiotics trying to save dirty nigs that contracted the disease because they are too stupid to practice rudimentary hygiene in the first place. There is a good chance that in Africa's immense population, the Yersinia Pestis bacterium could mutate, leading to an antibiotic resistance or downright immunity. This would cause a new plague that could potentially wipe out a 1/3rd of the population again. Scary stuff. All because we need to save shitty fucking Africa where they sleep with their farm animals and don't wash themselves.
Isnt Black Plague curable with common availible antibiotics?
In Europe, faggot
>Because of open boards
Who has "open boarders"? Also, where in Africa? How many cases? Contrary to popular belief, Africa is a big ass place.
We still have lots of bugs.
People wonder how the Muslims and Africans got mosquitos over to the US to spread west nile virus and zika virus. They probably didn't.
Mosquitos spread diseases by stinging the infected then stinging the uninfected. Believe it or not, you can even catch AIDS from a mosquito.
It's the same thing with the medieval black plague. The fleas aquired it from the infected the Muslims brought over in their failed conquest of Mongolia where it originated. Muslims knew it too, because they catapulted plague-dead bodies over city walls. That's how they stole Turkey; literally over the dead bodies of millions of murdered Christians.
All you need is bugs, and the 1st-world nations have plenty.
Why post pictures of frostbite in reference to teh black plauge?
You realize the Black Death plague was beneficial to Europe in the long-run, right?
please wipe out africa
please wipe out africa
please wipe out africa
Yeah, when (((they))) weren't eager to replace the entire population with browns and blacks and create a hybridized nation
Is it time meme plague-chan into existence
Cool your jets Nurgle.
The problem with actual happenings is that the Sup Forumsack will post excitement while his body resonates with fear that he'll be among the unfortunate ones.
>Implying the plague won't affect browns and blacks more
This is why Americans are called dumb.
For western Europe the decrease in the labor pool drove up wages and created the middle class.
For eastern Europe it made it easier for Islamic animals to steal Turkey and other places.
black death doesnt even look like that.
its already been cured too, stop being stupid
Plague kills pretty quickly, and humans arent even its natural host. When the human dies, the bacteria dies after. If any mutation were to occur it would happen in other animals before happening in humans because we cant stay alive long enough for that to happen.
Is there a bubonic chan yet?
What happened to the ebola outbreak?
>Be god
>Realizes your niggers were a mistake
>Send AIDS, Ebola, famine, and now the literal bubonic plague to Africa to clean them up
>Sigh in exasperation as your retarded kids keep saving them
The plague has been alive and well in the USA, Europe and Central Asia since at least the 1300s. It was never eradicated. It never fully went away. It is present, right now, in almost every country in Europe. Maybe some of the weird, tiny country-cities don't have it. The rest of them, if they have squirrels? They also have plague.
> madagascar is now overrun with plague
why did nobody tell me this
How will they know they have necrosis when their hands look exactly the same. Sad times for black fingers
this is seriously scaring me
>You can even get AIDS from a mosquito
This is false
Yes, but the mortality rate is pretty high for a curable disease. You have to catch and treat it very quickly. And it's not very often that a nurse's response is going to be "oh you have bubonic plauge!" so people still die from it, now and then.
It's actually not that easy to catch, thanks to modern hygiene. Your country and mine both, right now, probably have millions of animals carrying fleas with bubonic plague. When was the last time you heard of a case? Across the USA and Europe, though, a few still happen every year.
>this is seriously scaring me
That's because you're an idiot who is easily taken in by reactionary, alarmist nonsense. The plague poses no threat to the first world. It doesn't even pose much of a threat to the third world.
it will be good for africa
No, it's called bubonic plague because the lymph nodes swell and give men boobs.
Read a book nigger.
>create none stop flow of afican migrants into europe
>make countries offer free health care and welfare
>infect africans with no health care with plague
>mass exodus of plague stricken africans flee to europe
>Black Death 2.0
I hate kikes
the bubonic plague is endemic to a lot of places. also those pics are of frostburn victims not the plague. antibiotics kill plague bacteria very easily. this is like getting worked up about ebola or whatever.
You hate learning, too, it would appear.
You cannot catch bubonic plague from a human being infected with it, you fucking idiot. For your conspiracy theory to be valid? The evil Jewish people would have to be inviting a mass migration of squirrels--not humans.
Reminder that Europe had 60% of the population die of the plague but still survived and began the Renaissance.
At this point, Europe does need a genocide to kill the cucks and collapse the society so they can rise again.
Bad news. Pneumonic plague?
Europe standby for refugee influx
What is rodents or other carrier animals eating your decomposing body and helping it spread further? Like europe didn't have its own "squirrels" already...
>how is it going to get off the island?
Just like during the XIVth century ? Ships bringing the disease
just kill them refugees and we are SET!
Right? Because we don't bury our dead and instead leave them in the streets to be devoured by the rats that then come into our flea-infested homes.
Except the part where those things aren't true and you're also a fucking idiot.
The Black Plague is extremely treatable with modern antibiotics my dude. It killed 1/3 of Europe because they didn't know about medicine and instead would treat their patients with fucking mercury.
Human to human transmission isn't possible.
A contaminated flea has to bite you to get the disease
Lol this would make a great comic
>The Black Plague is extremely treatable with modern antibiotics my dude
Resistant strains not so much
Most of those pics on the right look like serious cases of frostbite
>plague outbreak in Africa
Bro, this happens like clockwork every year. Look it up.
In Europe, Asia, Africa and the USA.
Be white. We have a statistically greater chance of being resistant to plague and HIV because of our history with it. SE Asians have the same genotype
No they arn't. There is only a small handful who actually are.
Using the bubonic plaugue as a genocide technique in the modern world would be extremely inefficient. Sure it's deadly but it requires a blood to blood transfer from a host hence why we do our best to keep pests under control like fleas and rats. Spanish flu 2.0. Has way more potential. The big one that hits us hard has to travel by airborne means, no exceptions.
Treatable? Look at the success rate.
Nigga you don't know what you're talking about.
I wanted to add that, but you should have answered to the user I was talking to.
You're right. The rest of the world has free access to antibiotics so the likelihood that it becomes resistant is much greater
>Black Death plague
Yeah, it's called "niggers"
That's why we keep some strains of antibiotics off limits. Also, why are you faggots still allowing your farmers to use antibiotics? You're part of the reason why this shit exists in the first place.
I was about to say the same thing. Then I did a little thing called "educating myself and not being a fag". Pretty tripping it causes gangrene. Maybe why it's called Black Death. Also, you're a fag
>frost bite
This thread needs more bait post fish we all know Africans are nasty
You are American. The plague is present, right now, in about a third of our states. It spreads very slowly, and very poorly, due to modern hygiene practices, and causes only a handful of cases, every year.
But we have it, right now. And it doesn't spread.
Did you read the same books I did??
wat, cattles can't get bubonic plague
unless we give antibiotics to fleas ?