Expanding brain thread
Expanding brain thread
These aren't that good brazil guy.
The Sup Forums flags one was kind of okay.
I have top grades in ba. of arts and I still no it's a sham.
last one should be faked on venus
Move nazbol to the lowest level and it's spot on.
Stupid cukc!
Best one so far
literally this
The only good thing NazBol has ever created are 6/10 slightly funny memes.
Fucking Kek.
I am not embarrassed to say I always put the cruise at 88 when I drive on the interstate. There are always other (((cars))) driving in the fast lane slowing me up.
I like this more, desu. Someone make it happen.
fucking plen
>Mfw English course with a (((teacher))) who's a Marx fanatic and complains about drumpf every lecture for hours
Jews want to fuck me
Cruising 88 mph listening to Gas Gas Gas I hope.
Yes, 100000000000 times this
This one always makes me kek
Ya Ali
Can you explain what are the other flags that aren't your own?
Second seems to be the US flag, and the third is Portugal, I think. Don't know about the fourth.
This one would be cleverer if you left the text in order but switched the 3rd and 4th brains.
The bottom one wouldn't actually be impossible if they turned the mouse into some short of flash storage/mouse hybrid with like say bluetooth for transmitting the data and windows support for using the paste function as sort of a data transfer.
Your dog doesn't bark at niggers? Might as well put it down
like this
changed it a little
although I have feeling this has been done before
or this looks a little better
First one is provisional flag of the United States of Brazil (first republic).
Second one is the brazilian empire.
And last one is the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.
Braindead retard
current flag
republican flag
Empire of Brazil flag
Kingdom of Brazil
What is difference between this and how black people think about whites?
Wow, all the brain power behind /pol and all you can do is come up with the same arguement blacks make.
>Do not know the old flags of the own country
i see the joke went over my head
I'm patenting it
Someone post the "there were a good and bad side on WW II"
is the last panel supposed to be some MGTOW shit?
this is one of the two best ways to do this meme
implement some pattern and completely break it with the last one
the other one is repeating the first statement for different reasons
>tfw male takes female privilege
Le ebin edgy noods i agrement xD