Demonize the Germans

>Demonize the Germans
>While whitewashing the Turks
What did Japs mean by this?

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But those helmets look like the helmets from the Allies..

It's Kettle hat/Eisenhut

Looks like sand nigger shit. Dude has a diaper on his head.

Germany didn't exist in that sense in this time period. Austria however did fight the turkroaches

That's not WW2

stop watching animu


Turks are white and European.


For this reason turks should start killing other shit skins in mass because clearly cucked euros wont be doing it.

AHHHHH JAPAN makes me cringe so much , is that literally a blonde turk?

japs love turks

First of all, "turk" is not an ethnicity.
Second of all, most of them have semetic and/or mongoloid background.
Not even talking about the fact that they are muslim


>implying turkey isn't filled with blonde and blue eyed people everywhere

anime is so generic and repetitive

What's surprising?
Japan has a huge hard on for strong empires and military prowesses.
Ottoman empire (during its early stages) steam rolled both asian and europeans empires and kingdoms and cucked all the inhabitans by forcing them to send their children to fight in their wars.
From their cultural perspective they see the Ottomans as Chads.

Turk is an ethnicity which refers to the people of Turkey.
Most of them have Turkish blood, which is European.

Japs are naive as fuck because they never leave Japan.

t. kazan rape seed

Tatars are white and European aswell.

>Kingdom of Urado is one of the fictional countries in Shoukoku no Altair universe. It's most likely based on real-life Wallachia (one of Romania's principalities) and Hungary.
Wtf, don't lump us together with some filthy gypos. We actually fought against the muslim hordes, unlike Wallachia, which became a cuckold vassal state.
>Due to its isolation policy, Urado is known for its especially strict immigration procedures.
This does sounds like us.
>The king is Zsigmond III
>A Hungarian name
>But his appearance is based on Vlad Tepes
wut. This is offensive on multiple levels.
Hope the Norks will nuke Japan.

Anime draws everyone but shitskins the same way regardless of race. There is literally no way to tell a white from an asian just by how they are drawn.

>Implying Ottomans where not Aryan alien offspring sent to civilize shitskin Earthlings
Lmao @ ur life.

Bayezid was 75% Greek and 25% Central Asian

Osman, Orhan I were pure Turkmens
Murad I was half

I was not being serious.What about Murad IV?

Truly, author is one helluva troll
also you became cuckold vassal to both austrians and turks my fellow hun

Here's jap depiction of Bayezid btw

>turkish education
The Kingdom of Hungary never became a vassal state, it only got a Habsburg as a king. This doesn't mean it was incorporated to the Habsburg Empire, Hungary was relatively independent until the end of the anti-Turkish Wars.
Transylvania did become a vassal state, but it still had more independence than Wallachia. They even went to war against the Ottomans and the Habsburgs.
The middle of the Kingdom, did become part of the Ottoman Empire, I can't deny that.
Lets not mention the Szapolyai Kingdom, that guy was a spineless cuck.
Thanks for the baths, btw.
But fuck you for burning our castles.

and here is the Orhan

So the guy in OP picture is supposed to be Mehmed I?

>Thanks for the baths, btw.
>But fuck you for burning our castles.
hygiene ain't free, european uncleaness must cleansed with fire and blood.
Habsburg aka HASGAY is not my emperor, he is incestous and probably cuck as well. :DDD
Turban and Crescent not Crown and Cross ok.
Allahu Akbar.

>turkroaches as the good guys
>protagonist is some European kidnapped as a baby and brainwashed
lmao, wtf japan

He is Mahmut Pasha [spoiler]Angelovic[/spoiler] from genuine Turkic clan named Tughril

Well, it is an anime where the main characters are turkish. You're supposed to root for the turks, and dislike the invading Balt-Rhein forces. It's so simple and the enemy characters are demonised like so because it is aimed at teenage boys (shonen demographic).

The author has a major in Turkish/Ottoman history if I recall correctly, so even though some things may be simple, turks like you ought to notice the (occasional) historical accuracy and the painstaking detail to things on the turk/ottoman side.

What are you watching? Normie-tier high school slice of a life? That shit is trash

Abdul The Damned! (oh what street cred)

Why did he take a South Slavic surname,but is from a Turkic clan?

porn mustache...might have killed kardashian's relatives

and this is Zehir Zaganos pasha who poisons his enemies in his spare time

Join our dance with your cannons, large and small,
With the large ones and the small ones,
On the Turk and Heathen
Fire and make them flee!

the series sets in alternative universe but its heavily influenced by irl people from Mehmed II conqueror's era
for example MC is based off from Mahmut Pasha Angelovic who was serbian convert

Zaganos Pasha, who were also serbian/greek convert

Halil pasha who is MC's mentor, he was based off from the Çandarlı Halil Pasha (Turk)

However instead of being a convert, Mahmut is from Turkic Falconer clan

Makes sense now,Angelovic was also probably Greek though.

*blocks your path*

first episodes might seem boring but this one includes 4d chess, politics, battles and espionage though, i reccomend you to watch it

he is in too!

I've noticed there's a handful of Turkaboos here, typically women in their mid to late 30s. I don't know what caused an interest in Turkey, maybe all the kebab stands here.

Doesn't seem to be a trend with girls my age, though. The last girl I dated would frequently bring up how much she hated Islam of her own accord whenever we talked about world events.

huh, well i think its because there was huge pro-turkish campaign happened in 90s in japan
also the fact that both countries saved each other citizens in incidents (Ertuğrul frigate and Evacuation of Japanese citizens from Iran) contributed a lot too.
at least thats what my japanese teacher told me...

anyway translator of the manga told me SnA is quite popular in japan, is that true?

made me kek, make this a meme.
>Zsigmond III.

So the author is some sort of a Turkaboo?

>implying that turks aren't white
GTFO D&C shill, turks are white Europeans

Arr rook saem i guess

I don't know how is it over in Japan, but even though we have a bit of a negative history with the turks, women in the balkans in their 30s and 40s adore Turkish soap dramas. I guess there's just something that draws in older women into this stuff.
And just like some people get interested about the Japanese culture after seeing anime/manga/novels, the same probably happens with Japanese women. They start out with soap dramas, but they eventually start looking in other places, as the dramas have piqued their interest.
You can probably draw parallels with westerners liking anime, and japanese women liking turkish stuff, as:
>both mainly focus foreign lands, with a culture vastly different than their own
>different languages
>different rituals
>different foods
I mean, people just eventually get tired of seeing the same old shit. There's a reason people are drawn to distant things.

Both sound like reasonable enough explanations, although to my knowledge Turkish soap operas don't air here. It's Korean ones that are popular.

And no, this is the first I've ever heard of this series. If it's popular, that's news to me.

yes and iirc she became huge turkaboo because of the soap operas and decided to major turkish history in tokyo university.
read the manga, it's so pretty.

>there was huge pro-turkish campaign happened in 90s in japan

Could you please elaborate?

I believe she studied Central-Asian history.

Haaaaahaha cant make this shit up

>Turkish soap operas don't air here.

germany is ruining the west. every one knows that

turkey was stuck in some stupid geopolitical maneuvering by america. this starts years ago. america had the nato give turkey missiles. turkey then realizes that russia isnt happy and tries to give them back. that moment soros led protest erupt and the west starts talking about it. then after the following election kurds which had invaded start doing shit to drive more turks into germany or any where else. from this point on turkey is basically a kurdish state even with erdogan at the wheel. his word means nothing. no laws he makes matter. most of turkeys military is kurdish by this point. kurds shoot down the russian plane to try to start a war so they can officially steal the country . also the failed coup was american sponsored and they captured hundreds of nato soldiers

dont get me wrong the roaches are roaches but the kurds are worse. the kurds are the only group in the region to be kicked out of lots of countries other than the jews

Yea, the art is nice. Vaguely remind me of Yoshitaka Amano

Japan is reading its citizens for enrichment.

i dunno about the details but my japanese teacher told me that some japanese cult initiated huge campaign in both turkey and japan to gather followers from both ends of the world

he really was though


Murad had Latin wife iirc but not sure about his mother

There are plenty of high ranking officers in Balt-Rhein force who are against war though.

Well.alright.Thanks for the shitposting session lads.