>Legal weed everywhere
>$15 dollar minimum wage (Ontario best province)
>Guaranteed income free gibbs 4 all (Ontario best province)
>Gender neutral birth certificates
Why haven't you moved to Ontario yet lads?
Legal weed everywhere
Other urls found in this thread:
Superior Asians buying all your property and forcing you white cucks into over crowded areas.
You are right, Canada is amazing.
Weew lad
Following a tax credit model, the Ontario Basic Income Pilot will ensure that participants receive up to:$16,989per year for a single person, less 50% of any earned income.$24,027per year for a couple, less 50% of any earned income.Oct 5, 2017
This is why I don't move to your cucked hell hole of a province
fucked up the embed heres the link youtube.com
You mean under-crowded, whites move out of the cities into suburbs.
Bro my kids enjoy singing that song way more than o Canada in the morning at school. We are trying to petition dropping o Canada and just singing the Ontario song only in the morning. Singing 2 songs is retarded.
The song's fine, it's the very clear propaganda imagery being used with it that's concerning.
probably for all the reasons you just listed, faggot
Lmao will never happen. Just like no one will ever get arrested for misgendering someone or hate speech or criticizing Islam. Just like no one in UK gets arrested for not having a tv license lmao
So you're inviting me?
Ye nigger the world is only getting more MULTICULTURAL wtf can we do to stop it. Lmao nothing.
I have all of that here. Well aside from the white people, which is admittedly a problem. But I'll just smoke weed and not care about that.
Highest debs to income ratios in the World. 70% living pay cheque to pay cheque. Inflation/cost of living is rampant. Private sector jobs are few and far between. Massive Welfare State. Bubble real estate market. Yeah this place is awesome!
Thank God I'm not poor lmao
weed is for niggers, you fucking kike puppet.
SÅ‚odki Jezu, I thought the Niemcy were fucking KUKT, but it looks like the Leafs take the kurwa cake
Fuck off with Ontario. Justin is destroying Canada day by day, and soon you'll have mass killer being apologized and let go because "THEY'RE MINORITIES, THEY DIN DU NUFFIN"
The thing that makes me laugh the hardest about these new propaganda videos is how they try to splice pro-homosexuality messages with pro-islam. Do these idiots not understand that to cater to one group, you have to insult the other? That innocent cute little hidjab wearing girl probably has a father(unless he was killed in a terrorist attack back home) who would love nothing more than to glass those 2 twink fags. The daughter probably isnt too keen on them either, but since she's raised to understand shes a sub-servant whore, she probably wont make too much noise until she gets to university, at which point she'll be indoctrinated into a philosophy that has her hate those 2 queers(but not because they're faggots, but rather their disgusting white male cis privilege)
Its such a fucked up province with Wynne in charge. Only the extreme fringes of both sides get attention, with anyone in the center being treated like a monster. Harram to let women in mosques, which is tolerated by wynne(by evidence of her self segregating when she did her campaign stop, clad in shawls), and also evil to oppose teaching 6 year olds about anal sex!
You think so? I think theres enough public push for this by activist judges and lawyers that they are just waiting for the perfect case to set it up as precedent. Remember in scottland theres a guy in prison for, as a TOTAL FUCKING JOKE, teaching his girlfriends dog to do a nazi salute. And they're going through with the charges, even after public outcry by the common sense people.
I believe the same shit is gonna happen here with tranny defense. For the next 3 or 4 years you can use common sense, but the moment someone goes a bit too far(while still being reasonable) they'll have the book thrown at them, and then we'll see continual stepping forward on it, till the idea of mis-using a pronoun really is treated as harshly as being abrasive towards a cop.
Wh do non Ontarians get so triggered by Ontario Lol?
Lol one guy. Who cares lmao
>Superior Asians
Subhuman southern chink thinks he is a real superior Asian, aka: north eastern Asian. SAD
>be TO user
>wake up to head over to the weed store to get a new vape pen and some edibles so i can finally relax on my one day off
>nb4 muh degeneracy fuck off fag
>step outside my door
>streets are overflowing with gooks, niggerz, chinks, poos, and literal chimpanzees shucking and jiving in the middle of the street
>just another day in the city
>orthodox kike family with like 7 tay sachs sproglets
>overhear faggots, trannnys and other sickos talking about "undetectable viral loads" and "HIV isn't a death sentence anymore"
good luck finding a decent job outside of the GTA unless you are a farmer + plus everything north of say bradford is a frozen wasteland for most of the year
The one guy is what establishes precedent. Once the law is ratified and tested in court, all of a sudden calling a person a towel head is akin to calling someone a nigger(which in Canada is a hate crime... And you can bet those instances will also get stepped forward so maybe even calling someone a "thug" would net the same results as "nigger" would today)
You should go back to school kid, you must be 18+ in order to post
Laws like this are sleepers. After a few years suddenly anons all over will start getting vanned for memeing irresponsibly.
Because it's a house of cards built on a spiraling debt cycle that will be the doom of our entire nation