Why are Americans so entitled and think they are the only country on earth? I'm an American but the arrogant, better-than-you attitude in this country is fucking dumb.
Is this how every American feels? Why so narcissistic
Why are Americans so entitled and think they are the only country on earth? I'm an American but the arrogant, better-than-you attitude in this country is fucking dumb.
Is this how every American feels? Why so narcissistic
Thats only white women
Yeah black women don't do that at all. And Mexican girls aren't fucking me me me me me cunts either right?
We are better.
Well there's Britain. And Canada. Russia is also a country I believe (King of the Third World and Third World War). France joined Europe so it's no longer a country, but Europe is definitely a country now.
That's what you get after decades of indoctrination - people unironically believing that movies and real life are the same thing.
Of course Americans know that they're not the only country on Earth, dingus. How would we be better than everyone else if there was no one else to compare to.
I wonder what's more effective, modest dressing or expecting idiots to have self control? Hmm.
Sort of like, maybe you should stop pouring gasoline everywhere, you're going to look awful silly if someone lights a match anyway.
2nd amendment is required to be an actual human.
The rest of the world is filled with NPCs.
ok, let's write my profile.
mid 20 business owner with good moral values is looking for a woman. don't bother texting me if you aren't for free speech, less government, self reliance, loyalty, freedom and pro mens rights.
i'm a prince and i deserve the purest, holy woman on earth. also don't text me if you are higher than me. i only date cute chicks who are feminine and submissive.
i will not defend womens right to dress however they want if they dont defend my right to say the word nigger
Good thinking, lad.
We are the only country that matters
>don't text me if you are higher than me
You make a great argument. I grew up indifferent to patriotism and taking pride in being an American. But now I'm going towards the "America, fuck yeah" end of the spectrum for these reasons:
1) Western Europe cucking itself with anti-free speech laws, legalized rape and complete disregard for Europeans by elected officials.
2) Came to believe that superior cultures create superior societies. Our prosperity and standard of living is the envy of most of the world and it's the result of principles and ideals that many of us seem happy to forget, ridicule or demonize.
We're not the only country on earth, but we're the fucking best (for now, at least). That doesn't mean we as people are "better" than other people, I just believe we have adopted a culture that was once rooted in maximizing individual freedom, personal responsibility and forward thinking. On average, Chinese people perform better economically in the U.S. than whites. They benefit massively from immigrating and assimilating. They learn the language, engage in disciplined pursuits and even give their kids names like Fred. I know Yiping is whats on the birth certificate but they've shown up and made great effort to take advantage of what the West can offer those who are willing to adopt certain values which have given women, gays and animals more rights and protections than anywhere else.
I cherish what has been built in this country and it sucks seeing it dismantled by corruption, globalism, public apathy, etc. So it could appear arrogant, but it's more a fear of losing something that's pretty fucking sweet compared to historical standards. Also, with Europe's self-loathing fetish, they probably mistake self-respect for arrogance and narcissism. And we are better than 99% of Africa, Asia, SA and the ME. Boiling dogs alive, stoning teenage girls and performing female genital mutilation with sharpened aluminum cans is definitely beneath us. SO yeah, we're better than them at least. Easily.
Or, you know, other countries could just stop gicing a fuck about the US?
It'd be nice to get through an hour without a fucking leaf or eurocuck rambling on about gun control for instance.
You have your own fucking yard. Mind it.
did your ancestors come from a country that still can't figure out plumbing or something?
>I didn't wait but now you should for second rate pussy.
What damage does a baby's head do to those things? Fucking a mother of not my child always seemed gross to me based on the pounding it takes and the discharge it creates. Am I wrong? Right as rain after giving birth?
She's ABSOLUTELY right though
Extreme over-the-top hubris, arrogance and better-than-you attitude is a Germanic Protestant thing.
It's like euro fags complaining our grass is too long when theirs is on fire with Niggers shitting all over it
>implying our Slavettas don't dominate she shit out of us emotionally
What a stupid fucking whore.
>Largest Military force in the world
>One of the only countries with free speech
>Lax gun control that stops govt from oppressing us
Tell us again how we aren't the best country on the planet.
You are getting replaced by niggers and spics in your own country.
Your powerful military is controlled by kikes.
The only reason kikes don't control yours is because Hitler got rid of all of yours
I mean, fuck. Even my fucking wife thinks girls should dress more modestly. Granted, she admits to wearing short skirts and clothes that showed some cleavage, but me and her see girls going out in stuff that literally looks like it was from Ann Summers.
Ladies, it's fine to express you body confidence - I won't complain. But, it doesn't mean you need to stop looking out for yourself.
It's not that we're the "only country on earth" it's that we're the greatest country on earth. Lesser countries can say whatever they want, but in their hearts they know it's true.
>but the arrogant, better-than-you attitude in this country
...is common to most countries desu
t. best cunt-ry
Dem digits doe
>adhere to patriarchal views of sexiness meant elicit a male response in order to feel powerful
>cry about it
Many Americans are like you, spineless pussies, who have been systemically demoralized by ((them)).
Go find one to talk to about bathroom equality and get off Sup Forums
because of the jews. won't some1 please killall thejews?
I fucked a 4'10 Latina chick after she had two kids and it was still ridiculously tight, though obviously she was a small person.
>...however women with hidjabs should totally be allowed to wear them because it's totally their culture and has nothing to do with a system of ACTUAL oppression by the members of a religion who lack all self control.
>the arrogant, better-than-you attitude
from my experience everyone is a self hating faggot that treats tyrone like a god
The better than you attitude on a by personal level is annoying b/c its obviously not true. We have plenty of shitty people.
The better than you on a country level is 100% true.
'merica still is the greatest country in the world all things considered but it's a shell of its former self and is in its' declining phase. The USA that people watched on tv growing up doesn't exist anymore, just none-whites (mostly Latin-Americans) and militarized police full of agressive diversity-quota lesbians bouncing around everywhere, the americana culture is dead too.
>typical americuck posters
Lack of self control? You got raped. That's literally the result of someone taking what they want.
must live near a coast. sorry that happened to you.
It's mostly just banter.
This country is dying a slow death.
Because the average american is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than the average italian/brit/frenchie/spanish/ruskie/chink/anything else and barely knows what's happening beyond the fucking ocean and STILL keeps blabbering shit
these same chicks will come begging.. no EXPECTING men to help them when their shitty decisions lead them to have shitty experiences.
Sounds like pathetic consolation. It shouldn't be though. As a libertarian, I have great admiration for your country, and it's the only country I have admiration for. However, while still pretty much the only country above the line that separates savages from humans, you're declining, and pretty fast. Not to say that you should strive for the best, not just merely better than the rest.
Less covered in shit than the rest is still covered in shit, low expectation burger.
Just quit with this shitty argument.
>I'm not having sex again until I'm married.
No darling, you're not gonna have sex then...
Unless some Sup Forums fatcuck take you into his arms.
Because it is the only country that matters at this moment in time.
Inability to prevent getting raped is the #2 cause of rape, second only to actual rapists. If women can't accept that it takes two to rape-tango, they WILL get raped by predators instead of not raped.
If you don't wear pants, it suddenly more convenient for me