Who's the biggest hack?

Who's the biggest hack?

The one with the most memes.


left, even trigger couldn't salvage her shit


right fucking here

Okada destroyed the Fate series and Urobuchi made the Fate series even better.

The Fate series was always garbage.

While I haven't watched everything he's done, I don't believe any Butch anime I've seen has let me down yet.

While I haven't watched everything she's done, almost every Okada anime I've seen has left me angry and disappointed. Honestly, just hearing the name kind of makes me want to punch something.

They're only hacks because they're the only ones you can name.

Fuck off.

How could someone say anything but Okada? She's nearly consistently shit, butcher has several very good series.

>duhrr popular means hack

No, he isn't a hack though.

Read the VN

And before you start lying that you played the VN ,I know you did not.

Fate is the worst kind of chuuni garbage. Only the Ilya spinoffs are good. Otherwise it's only worth taking a look at for the porn, which isn't even that good.

>Hentai VN

Yeah, I don't think that shit is any better than the chuuni battleshonen garbage with generic monologues we got in the anime.

Butcher is the best writer in the industry, so Okada.

Okada is somewhat more subtle than Urobuchi's grimderp fetish. It's shit in the end but one is a more one dimensional kind of shit.

Both are overrated and over promoted as fucking shit but at least Urobuchi is moderately competent when he actually writes shit while Okada is the opposite. Do the math.

Most aggressively promoted/praised by fanboys= best. Competent? Mostly. Best, highly debatable. Most memetic? That describes both of them really.

>Urobuchi writes something decent
>"Holy shit such fucking genius, flawless and masterfully thoughtful writing"
>Anybody else writes something decent
>"Well at least he didn't completely shit the bed...."

You all know it's true. Urobuchi is basically just there for fanboys to praise excessively so it looks fucking ridiculous seeing reactions to his stuff versus any other writer right now.

>Read the VN

Dude, watch Thunderbolt Fantasy right now it's AOTS.

>reading is hard

Kill yourself.

> complaining about hentai VN

Wow it's like you're fucking new or something

You don't like to even read the H-scenes, they comprise like

You're projecting. Other writers are certainly praised when they pen meaningful works. We anime fans are lazy and disloyal as hell, but we are also quite meritocratic.

>Wow it's like you're fucking new or something
Said the one who takes the bait that easily. I agree with you, tho.

>muh VN

So, being a good successful writer equals to being a hack in your mind?

I wish Psycho-Pass 2 still had the Butcher, I still can't believe how it ended up being so much worse than the first season.

Not that user, but the VN is dogshit. Nasu can't write for shit.

Easily butcher

>bawwwww off topic puppet shit should be allowed because he is writing it

Cancerous fans too


Forced. Drama.

Thunderbolt Fantasy's classified as an anime by basically everyone, user. Wikipedia, who is usually super strict about this shit classifies it as one.

He's a shit posting faggot, but you're not doing yourself any favors by replying to him.

>Thunderbolt Fantasy is a Japanese-Taiwanese glove puppetry television series

>Glove puppets are anime

I would've probably read Fate had Illiya got a route.

nice thread

It's a puppet show with a soul of an Anime

Read the categories and infobox


What happened to Kiznaiver. Did she fuck it up that bad

Looks like the info there doesnt match the one in the article, time to edit.

Yes, you should edit it to refer to it as an anime. That's what the sources do.


Fucking Mayoiga

At least butcher has made some good things such as Saya no Uta.


Trigger couldn't salvage that quads neither

I don't like Zero, but at no point I felt like "I hate watching this, pls release me" while watching it (or other butcharstuff) which is a feeling often invoked by Okada.


What would a joint show between them be like?

Based butcher saving Taiwanese puppetry


>Okada destroyed the Fate series

She did the script for the 2006 series.


The directing and visuals were nice, but most of the characters and melodrama were too annoying to care about imo


Left for melodrama story.
and Right for dark, fucked up, twisted story.

Both of them are good on their own way.

Sup Forums only liked Urobuchi until he started writing just the first three eps of shows just so Aniplex and Kadokawa could put his name on the marquee.

That's why Madoka S2 should not happen unless he's back on board for sure.

Definitely Okada.


>not shipping them

>It's people
I just described 3/4ths of Urobuchi's work.

>It's about society fault
I just described almost half of Okada's work.

The DEEN show isn't even that bad. Like yeah it's bad but it's just another mediocre anime adaptation of the time.

Lots of other anime adaptations came out far worse, at least the DEEN anime gets the gist of the route across with only minor fuck ups.

Butcher, easily. Only edgyfags like him.

Something tells me this is shopped. His skin is too bright.

>Implying Gatoh is a hack
I'll fucking murder you.

Now try it again in English.


Yeah, just take a look at her Gundam.


Okada, not even a contest.

>Okada is somewhat more subtle
Okada writting is literally all exposition.

Urobutcher made Kamen Rider interesting with fruity samurais.

Okada can't even make a good Gundam series with a good concept.

Both are hacks. Along with Reki, Kamachi.exe, Izuru, Hirasaka and Fushimi.

Aldnoah/Zero exists so Urobuchi is automatically worse.

Okada isn't much of a hack, she really is a one-trick pony and will never do anything else unless you force her by making her work on adaptation or preexisting franchises. Same goes with Gen.

Actual examples of hack writers would be Okouchi, Yamakan or even Tomino.

>Okada can't even make a good Gundam series with a good concept.
Who would make a good series with such a trash franchise ?

Okada by far. Urobuchi is one of the most interesting anime writers.

When the time comes for butcher Gundam and an Imaishi/butcher anime, the truth will be revealed.

Do people unironically think Iron blooded orphans was bad?

>Read the VN
This is Sup Forums Anime and Manga. GTFO

This thread is the "Am I baiting right?" starter pack.

They're both hacks but just for different reasons.

Toss up between this guy...

...and this lazy bastard

Shut the fuck up. Defending fucking porn game. Only zero was watchable.

Hah, that's the reason I picked up Aldnoah.

Butcher is legit.

I liked SnU and disliked every single Okada show, so Okada it is.


The one that almost kill the anime industry

What if they collaborated?

Some of the right one's works made me sad.
Most, if not all, of left one's works made me sad forcefully. Hate to say the term but all of her works have forced drama.


They both look the same. Can't tell gooks apart.

Don't care if he was in his twenties when he wrote this. Stilt pisses me off

Mayoiga was complete shit apart from select characters