How do I quit (((porn))) Sup Forums?
How do I quit (((porn))) Sup Forums?
Just stop watching it retard, same as you quit anything.
I want to be pounded by a Turk so bad :((((
Just leave a bit of food sitting on the floor, keep the room moist and dark.
They'll show up sure enough.
google Taha Akgul and Riza Kayaalp, fagfag. You'll be glad you did
1) Read the redpills about Mindgeek
2) Purify your body and spirit for Christ
Don't think about it too much, just think about what you're creating. Plan your projects, carry them out. Work. Fapping will wither away on its own. Resist not evil. Don't destroy the old, build the new. Et cetera.
quit cold turkey
show us your flag, leaf
hahaha lul'd so hard
Just Stop.
the bible says to cut off the part of your body that sins.
Set your willy free
I'm gonna put the food in my ass oh god right in my ass.
Cheers, nigger.
Oh cool, you're the same guy shitting up all the other threads as well aren't you?
Based Kaczynski.
fart in your own mouth whenever u get horny
You're doing such a fantastic job shitting up this one I figured it must have been you, real art to it.
Whenever I get naughty no no thoughts I sit on a cat ouch sit on a cat ouch.
I started taking spironolactone and haven't felt the need to masturbate in weeks.
>You're doing such a fantastic job shitting up this one
That's because you've been talking to an Aussie the eternal shitposter.
Is there any images of the statue without text?
Variety would be nice if you have a few.
Do 5 minutes of research into what terrible people porn roasties are.
Convert to 2d only, there is no (((Them)))
It is very easy.
Run daily. Start from one kilometer.
Little by little add the distance.
Make pushups, pullups and squats.
If you want to jerk off you are not tired enouth yet. Move your ass.
Fuck, Bruce'd again.
And when he was come into the house, his disciples secretly asked him: Why could not we cast him out? [28] And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Sometimes if we form a bad habit it can be very difficult to break. You must exercise your will to overcome it. If your will is weak, then you need to pray more. Even if your will is strong, you still need to pray more.
Fasting can be from food or from things. Try fasting for a day, and always try to pray sometime during your fast. Fasting without prayer is dieting.
Going without food for a while makes your will strong. You can also fast from the internet. Just leave the net alone and go for a walk or read a book. You can live without it.
Bottom line is that you can't look at sexy images. Men are driven by their eyes. If you see an impure image, look away. God will make you stronger to resist evil.
Just stop?