Europe is becoming more african. Deal with it, or go.
Europe is becoming more african. Deal with it, or go
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Fuck u cuck asshole
You're not the brightest person, right?
Yes I voted for trump and I have a IQ of 80
I wonder were the Europeans will go after the 1 Billion africans projectect to be born in the next century conquer Europe.
Yes, I will deal with it. Question is are you ready for that, roach.
>Deal with it
what did OP mean by this?
Umm you need to endure it, like, europe isn't yours, okay!? Colored pupils were oppressed for so long .. Ugh
Oh please, schnitzel nigger. You go. Or you can stop voting for globalists, uninvite all the niggers, turkroaches and crimigrants, cancel all your stupid Germany-initiated and economy-crippling African ETAs and the refugees (or as they are referred to in Hungary, "refusees") will stay put in their mudhuts.
>You're not the brightest person, right?
ahmed intelligence everyone
Stop sharing right wing PROPAGANDA
go where?
>Europe is becoming more african. Deal with it, or go.
Umm I'm not even german it's important to help all the immigrants to come. . it's our duty as white people
Umm, maybe commit suicide if you dont like it? Nerd..
> ID
Confirmed LARPing post
>it's our duty as white people
((((((hello fellow white people)))))
wrong memeball senpai
Reply to this post to make blacken europe
How about you go to africa if you like it so much?
Your OP is a false choice then?
This is your daily reminder that the more white women are impregnated by the BBC, that BBC will be reduced in size the more white it gets.
Really? Nobody's said it yet?
Ummm, I'm not a bigot. I want the immigrants here. It's our duty
How do I fuck brap pucci like this?
>deal with it
Oh believe me, we will.
And the world will be reminded what happens when you back a people into the corner for no reason
>Posts roastie image as bait
>argue with yourself in the first posts
>Dumb enough to not know what IDs are
This is a sad day in Kraut land. Add a little sage
Random choice memeball.
Not much like your duty, more like you don't have a choice in it, open your country for economical and societal freedom, means that you can't legally refuse their presence.
why not bring in maggots? at least they do something useful
Is it the duty of Africans to take in immigrants too can I go to somalia and bleach all their women?
too much ass
Fuck off Russian shills!
Oh, don't worry. I'll 'deal with it'.
Remember faggots, kill the traitors always first.
verpiss dich von meinem kontinent du dreckiger shitskin-hundesohn-negerpack-kanackendreck
There is a whole fetish surrounding this
I'm racist as fuck but find can't help fantasizing about Europe becoming Eurafrika
I guess it is because I'm so furious about it and feel so powerless to stop the globalists that it triggered some masochistic tendency
Fucking kikes
Forgot to call him a Schweinhund, Fritz.
The AfD will hang you traitor
Pic related proves how stupid you are. Immigration form africa IS a enrichment, especially for the average IQ of former white countries.
go where tho?
Clearly the best way to deal with Africans trying to take over Europe is for Europeans to pick up their old hobby of taking over Africa.
Look everyone! Ahmed started using bullshit claims!
Nowhere you don't want to pollute the IQ of non-white counties read this
>Germans brainwashed
What a surprise.
Why is it better here? Are you saying white countries are better?
>He doesn't know AfD is controlled opposition.
Germany is still an occupied country, kamarad.
You need to take it back yourself.
>Deal with it, or go.
Go where, you pathetic sack of shit? We're where we belong. You, FUCK OFF.
Does Ahment know youre using his internet? and how did you escape from the cuck cage, Kraut?
No. This is not your land. Remember we're all immigrants?
imagine what kind of fat pathetic disgusting man you have to be to make an image like that
or its controlled opposition
Oh look it's one of these threads again
Wow, you really don't know an end to bullshit claims, do you?
Reading meme imageposts like this always exhausts and saddens me over what the failed mental state of the author was. Like how can anyone believe niggers have any redeeming qualities across the gamut. Whats the point of living a lie like that and why do I have to live on a planet that supports the concept of enabling the invalids and retards.
fuckin jesus christ, semetic religions utterly ruined this earth.
It'll look like this dipshit.
>I guess it is because I'm so furious about it and feel so powerless to stop the globalists that it triggered some masochistic tendency
So how is looking at porn a remedy to any of that
umm, ok virgin?
Stop rightwing propaganda #resist
I met serbian chick last week. When I took her home, my mother put newspapers on the floor. She had pigtails. Under her arms.
it's pretty ovbious that youre baiting now
set up your game nigga
Why yes, obviously you must resist me calling out your bullshit.
Neo-colonization will ensure europe will never become a majority white continent ever again. The plan to displace and effectively breed the white race out of existence is already well underway. The war has already been lost for cumskins. Their women already flock to immigrant cock voluntarily.
את הבתולה
God i love seeing white girls take black cock.
>imagine actually believing this
It's not bullshit stop spreading lies you're insecure because blacks have bigger dicks than you.. Haha
>deal with it
Consider it done
We have IDs, retard.
All of you are fags for replying to this bait without saging.
תודה שסיכמת את זה
What's wrong with propaganda?
send me a gun to my adress and i'll go muslim hunging tomorrow in sarajevo
I will personally continue roki's legacy
There's a bunch of people that have animosity against black guys because their dicks are bigger than theirs. These are guys that are jealous because they don't carry that God gene that is involved of these black men out here. Keep getting jealous. Keep getting jealous while your wife/girlfriend asks for cuckolds, and wishing they could get fucked by these African warriors with these huge BBC's that can pipe them down to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting vibrated and thrusted until the orgasm just spews out. Keep saying nigger... keep saying monkey.... Come on you cuckolds, you love it. I'll be that nigger. I'll be that monkey. Yup! With a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your girl take this dick. She's imagining a huge black cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildoes? Because you got don't possess the BBC gene! That's why your upset. No BBC = ANGER! You're upset, you're mad at these African cocks, these rhino dicks. That's why you guys like saying nigger so much, I get it now.
That's a funny way to spell America
It's bad and hateful
he's right
whites aren't having enough kids and in many countries the under 5 population is already 40-50% non-white
At least learn to feather that shit man.
Maybe try select color range instead of quick selecting everything.
>Insecure beceause blacks have bigger dicks
That while Belgian dicks are the largest in Europe, possibly the world. See? If you can claim things without a source, i can too.
אני אוהב את זה אתה מפרסם אותם שוב. באמת עוזר לנו סיבה
>or go
Okay. Let's go make Africa more European.
A lot of blacks are already in belgium boosting those stats
Yes we must suppress the truth and historical proofs. If people found out how really it was other blacks/Jews/Arabs selling human tractors then it would not bode well for white guilt propaganda, fake judicial lawsuits, undeserved jobs.
Yet none of those blacks are used for said statistics. It seems like, in fact, blacks here have smaller dicks. Who'd have thought that?
this needs to end
Noce fake news site you got there. I hope you get caught for sharing hate fueling web pages
You will go to prison for 30 years
how much black dick have you seen to know it's fake news?