Raws never
Shingeki no kyojin 84
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What would have happened if Erwin had lived instead of Armin? Would Eren resent Manlet? Would he become even more mentally fucked up than before?
Best husbandos died so unfairly, may they rest in peace.
>Would Eren resent Manlet? Would he become even more mentally fucked up than before?
Yes and the story would be much more interesting as a result. All we got out of this is a useless shifter and no character growth at all, just a sad Levi and Hanji who already suffered more than enough already. EM are the ones who would've benefited from the loss of a close friend.
Dayum son this is pretty hot
So manly compared to Shitmin.
I don't want Annie to ever come out of her crystal after this chapter.
This, at least she's safe from Isayama's shitty writing as long as she's in there.
Here was a man willing to stain his hat with blood.
>Chapter 83:
>Armin: Eren you must survive and see the ocean for us! I'm glad I met you. I love you. Thank you for being a friend!
Chapter 84:
I fucking hate Isayama
LM soon.
>I forgive you
Armin didn't want it. He had no idea what was going on. If you wanna blame some one on the serum blame Erwin or Eren.
Post Bert
Who will be Levi's Judas?
literally the face of SNK fandom
Armin a shit, a shame he had to survive through such an asspull. There goes his heroic death.
Bort a shit.
Sad to see based commander go.
I hope Armin get corrupted and betray EM
I just wanted him to be happy, why did Isayama have to hate him so much? ;_;
Top delusion.
Bert isn't going where Marco did.
Goddammit I thought I was done crying.
I can't let him go Sup Forums, do I sudoku?
We're all equals there, user.
Would you wash and brush her hair?
No, Eren just wanted to save his friend. Levi made the decision.
;_; Goodbye Leggy Blonde
Why would he?
Bert wouldn't want you to do that
It won't never happen.
I meant post Bert's head getting crushed by Armin
Of course. Mama Hanji deserves to be pampered.
What a good mama.
RA > EAr
Does Eren have a page like this? I imagine it must be similar.
>Some anons believe Hange's still got a crush on Keith
But what's the point of living knowing the one thing you cared about won't ever come back?
She is not going to let any other man into her hair.
Why would he take care of Moblit's baby? Is he a cuck?
He could have been great. Fuck Isayama, Bert deserved to at least get some more time before he bit the dust. He got nothing, not even a flashback.
Hange lost the baby during the mission, user. she also lost an eye
Take comfort in the fact that Armin's titan is ugly, and it will never match Bert's in terms of visual impact.
She's just tsun.
>not even a flashback.
And Armin got even more. Fuck isayama and his self insert.
Nah, she'll have a little Moblit Jr to remember him by.
It's shitty he didn't get a flashback during his death but I think he'll be featured in a RAZ flashback down the line. He might be gone but I don't think we saw the last of him yet.
I bet Armin will somehow inherit Bert's colossal form too so he won't lose his mascot. I can't believe CT got killed off at 3/4 of the series, this is fucking ridiculous.
I like that their relationship , that's how true friendship works, they fight and tease each other and care about each other and very roundabout way. It feels real to me.
Mo junior is ok, user.
So did Eren really try to diminish Erwin's accomplishments?
It's just not the same, he's gone. I wish I could like him the same way I liked Frieda but I can't see myself accepting it like this.
Eren and Jean's interactions seem the most genuine in the manga.
The narration fuckin lied to us.
I really don't give a shit about Bert. Erwin was too good for this manga though RIP.
Who the fuck is even left on the warrior's side? Humanity has so many advantages now it's ridiculous.
Can you post some panel of Eren not losing his temper with one of Jean's comments?
I wouldn't even mind all the Armin flashbacks if Isayama treated Bert like a proper character. Everyone getting reduced screentime for more Armin hurts me though. And I didn't even hate Armin.
Nobody unless Isayama wants to spend the next arc introducing new characters on the warriors side.
Doggy, Monkey, and Piggy
Rate my ship
He already did. That nightmarish being from episode one is now dead. Now there's this little wimp with laughable hair, expression and teeth, that likely won't surpass 16m.
I'm genuinely shocked that Bert died so easily while Reiner has been spared so many times.
Raw isn't even out yet so calm down. You'll probably see some Bert flashbacks next chapter, anyway. You should fucking know the pacing of this manga by now.
Goddamn butthurt Bortfags.
A thousand years later in the future maybe.
Remaining two/10
Maybe Isayama thought it's funny somehow, I will never understand this. Especially after all the God interviews and understanding the CT's importance and all. I know I'm being bitter but this is too much.
How can we be sure user?
Levi a shit/10
>You'll probably see some Bert flashbacks next chapter, anyway.
I'm pretty sure it's not happening. If Isayama didn't want to give him some slight redemption before his death, he won't want to do it later. And it's not the same giving a flashback later, since many people were already happy for his death.
They are like those old people that get together after losing their real husbandos.
BRA flashbacks never.
Didn't Ymir call RBA small fry?
She seemed terrified of the people in charge of Bert and Reiner.
Is that why she was so huggy with Mikasa, maternal hormones?
It would be insane if there was no flashback for him but as frustrating as I found Bertfags I understand why you're upset and don't blame you.
It isn't even being bitter. This titan appearence is just this shitty. It isn't even the scary things Isayama drew before.
Not a chance. Isayama has shown he doesn't give a shit about BRA. I expect more ocean flashbacks however.
That'd be extremely cute
He cares about Reiner.
Is sad that Bert resolution to fight was so "I am bad guy now", him and Reiner not even wanting to talk is frustrating.
>Does nothing but job.
>Kills his best friend as a birthday gift.
I don't think so.
By continuing on in their honor. Keep him in your heart like a treasure. Giving up means you have given up on him.
What would happen if Eren spread Mikasa's cheeks? Also spoilers where?