How the fuck did this degeneracy became so widespread? Was it baby boomers that enabled it...

How the fuck did this degeneracy became so widespread? Was it baby boomers that enabled it? It feels that we are in the end times. It feels that the society will collapse. But when?

Anyone else that hates this?

We forgot about God user. We have to turn back to his light if we want to survive the darkness of our age.

It started with the "flower generation". These ideas were also pushed hard by the media and spread. It's too late to save things. We just have to let it burn and start over again.

Who watches these retarded clickbait videos of literal whos? Women?

ye i know this but is it even possible to go back at this point? it feels that things are irreversible

9/10 comments praising him are women

>We just have to let it burn
how quickly will it be? because i cant wait any longer

It's Christians that are pushing a lot of this stuff though. So it's really deeper than that. It's also Christianity that gave us a lot of these values.

>forgiving people
>being tolerant of different kinds of people
>lighter punishments (not torturing people to death as much)
Christianity, which is a jewish invention made us weak. Look at any Western country and you will see that Christians are the ones pushing multi kulti the most, because "we are all children of god". Christcucks know this so the only way they can respond is with silly untrue memes.

It will go very very slowly. Our societies are full of institutions that will hold this mess together for a long time. Look at the Roman Empire for example...

The 19th Amendment was a huge mistake

These good christians adopted all these black kids.


If any Catholic doesn't see that the Pope is fucking up your religion you are beyond help.

This is a big reason why Rome fell. Imagine were we would be if Rome didn't fall.... They were very close to an industrial revolution.

That five year old is more mature than Donald Trump

Some of gen z has fallen yet we'll keep the rest of them redpilled

Like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Now that I think of it. How can a Christan be anti Semite? They literally adhere to a Semite religion.

Pagans are fucking faggot attention seekers

We didn't forget God, he's everywhere. We forgot our own spirit and its power. The false religions of today suffocate mans true spiritual nature.

>full of institutions that will hold this mess together for a long time
fucking hell on earth

>pope francis
pick one

Modern paganism is probably nothing like paganism in the past, but with that knowledge lost its not worth trying to bastardize a new version of it.

this probably is the biggest reason for all this mess in the western world

Yes tumblrite liberal white women love faggotry for some reason


THATS (((((((HOLLYWOOD))))))) 4 U

Hope springs eternal, user
Degeneracy has consequences, let those who sow its seeds reap its harvest.

Holy hell I feel bad for those two kids


Jesus won.
Get over it.

Decent Christians got rid of those crypto-Jews centuries ago.

Not really shocking that the 1920's saw the greatest rise in degeneracy, not the mention the fucking depression only 9 years after the amendment was ratified and then another fucking world war

Of course it's possible

The number of gays hasn't increased, in case your wondering. The number of gays open out it has.

Won what? A large amount of followers that ignore what he says ad focuses on two versus in the Bible? Pronouncing spiritual salvation by saying the bastard version of his Roman name in confessed belief and virtually no conceivable difference in behavior from others in civil society?

>What is reconquista
>What was the Christian movement of seven centuries of war for taking back their land, culture and religion back

Plenty more where that came from

>Mfw my brother is a fag

Why are you so angry? Are you going to blame Jesus now for the state of the world?

Muslims can rate others but the others cant rate muslims.

Really gets your noggin joggin

>Mfw brother says he likes to kiss boys. Never considered cooties on this scale

>I start a thread about gay degeneracy
>within seconds it turns into a Christian hating thread
why are faggots so butthurt both literally and figuratively?

High time we put away all religions, and destroyed all the gods.
We will be better off without them.

No anger here. It's just hypothetical to say Jesus won when his followers today don't listen to him and suck donkey balls.

I don't see a problem here as long as the fag doesn't start trying to influence his brother to "join his team". Sad truth is that fags can't help the way they are. Most of them, the real ones, (not meme gay or prison gay) are like that from birth. I can't hate them for something they are born with. And as fellow white people they have a right to live amongst us.

>lol love the sinner not the sin
>lol forgive and forget
It's a cuck ideology.

I disagree with destroying all systems . Humans have a psychological need for symbolism. If you get rid of all religions something else will rise in it's place. Christianity has hope to be reformed as proven with roman influence on it. People litterally don't realize what a degenerate bunch Christans were before it was married to Roman Philosophy.

>that fucking video

We should all put away degeneracy and follow the example of his holiness.

I don't see what's wrong with this? I haven't watched the video, but unless the gay person goes into detail about sucking cock, it's not like the kid is getting scarred. Kids learn about love at a young age, without having to learn about sex. There are enough gay people in the media anyways that you are ignorant if you think kids aren't learning about that shit extremely early

Well theyre like that from a young age, usually. No genetic cause can be isolated for The Gay.

Sexual preference implies sex. The only discussion needed at a young age is anatomy difference and proper names. Thoth forbid anything bad happen to a 5 year old, but if you arm them with proper terms and knowledge of anatomy they can stand as witness against accusers.

Nah brah. It's a higher morality than your mcfaggotry.

>There are enough gay people in the media anyways
So? The depiction and attempt at normalization of this mentally deviant perversion in the Jew-run media doesn't justify indoctrinating your little brother with the idea that it's normal to be a deviant queer who sticks his cock in the fecal matter stained anus of other males. Most of the faggiots in the media should be hanged from lamp posts anyway

On paper Christianity comes close to that proper balance between Justice and mercy, the issue is that many of it's followers today lose the balance in their own method of practicing it. Edging to far one way or another.

Forgiveness is a key principle in helping the mind reset it's sense of conscience desicion making. Guilt and regret have ramifications on advancing the mind. Forgiveness allows for one to not forget the "transgression" to learn from it, but also allows the individual to symbolically move on in their mind. It's a powerful psychological tool.

If man ever develops a way to resurrect the dead and make all humans immortal then such a principle would be required unless you want endless undying war.

learn latin

we shall rebuild it

Notice how the little kid saw a movie that said gay is good.

>Decent Christians got rid of those crypto-Jews centuries ago
Do you even know that puritans spoke in hebrew during parliamentary sittings you cretin?

lean not on your own understanding but trust in the lord your god
read your bible anons for this sickness is of sin

Question: Do you think it is somehow possible to take back their right to vote nowadays?

It's crazy the level of indoctrination occurs about an implied sexual practice before the kid is given the information about reproduction, genes, and principle of survival of the fittest. Going gay is one step closer to genetic suicide.

nah thats fucking bullshit. they are literally everywhere nowadays. there weren't so many traps back then as well

>gay ((((love))))

the opposite actually

oy vey (((hollywood))) is top tier quality

they've strayed from the light of god
even the man with a legion of demons and slept with corpses was saved with god's light

That kids seems like his brain is melting down. I don't even give a fuck about gays, but I still get a uncanny valley type reaction when I see two gay dudes fagging it up in public.

I have better examples of leaders in mind

do i smell jew?

Nope it is sodomites and those that have not kept the whole counsel of the LORD that have allowed Christianity to become perverted. Basically entryism by (((them))) and there allies. Getting uncucked is gonna take decades just like getting cucked took decades.

>this is ogbudishu , he was forced by kids his own age to rape and kill his own mother, hes part of our family now.

Provide proofs of your claims please.

okay let's start with the religion of progressivism and all its followers

Hollyjews do it for the money. Lot of gay non Jews with power in Hollywood that Jews don't mind sucking up to as they set up their Network of influence.
>For thee not for me
The biggest players in Hollywood are likely pedos and teach gay to minors as a method of normalizing their behavior. This increases their potential victim pool.

Jews are a symptom of a problem. This is how they act to secure success:
1) get into industry
2) grow influence in industry
3) slowly hire more Jews
4) new Jews follow steps 1-3
5) Jews then push out non Jews from industry
6) Jews effectively control the whole thing

When you think about it, it's a smart strategy that's too good. This is one of the reasons why Russia had issues with Jews in late 1800s, leading up to the Jewish expulsion. That expulsion leading Jews to do the same thing in mass throughout Europe. In aftermath of ww1 Jews cemented control in many parts of central Europe, causing a lot of resentment from people that would end up proping up Hitler.

Look at ancient Egypt. No record that Jews were ever slaves there outside their own version of the account. Ramses 2 had countless military conquests in the lavant with no mention of the Jews that had escaped. However Ramses 3 (100 years difference) had repeatedly been on the defensive from invading Sea People at near the fall of the Bronze Age as well as facing economical collapse on the inside as tradesman and scribes became rare. A good chance that these sea people were the people of the lavant displaced by Hebrew Invaders. The Jews were also likely the middle class work force (not slaves) that left Egypt causing financial collapse of Egypt. Cascading to fall of the bronze age. Low and behold, golden age of Hebrews begins at the fall of the bronze age and Solomon's Temple is build less than 100 years later.

They're all dead though.

>love means love

He says it, but he doesn't mean it. This little nigga just went full 1488 when his bro told him the truth.