The censored version

Pretty obvious what it was supposed to look like

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Jesus Christ Ben

looks like Ben almost sneezed

That plant on the left is a nice touch.


Thanks user, I didn't notice that

Its finally happened, we've redpilled Ben Garrison so much we don't even need to edit his comics anymore

Weinstein is ugly and Ben drew him that way. What's the problem?

wtf is up with that woman's face? Is Ben seriously trying to draw anime now?

>Weinstein is ugly

Oy vey cool it with your Eurocentric beauty standards

All those actresses denouncing Weinstein; still playing a starring role and saying their lines.

The latest move is for actresses to come forward and say Harvey attacked them but they bravely fought it off and left. Nothing like a one sided story.

Priorities boys, first we deal with the Jew and can we can sort women out later

Time to focus our energy on fixing Matt Furie and that faggot Horsey now.

Explain to me please, 899 & 699 guys.

I can't understand what's going on. There are not enough labels.

Allegedly, Weinstein trapped a woman in the hallway of a restaurant -which was closed to the public- and masturbated in front of her until he ejaculated into a potted plant.

This. We need to start making edits of Horsey's comics

I see, thank you. However, the plant in the cartoon doesn't seem like it is a specific reference to that incident though.

It may just be there since most office has a decoration plant. The withering leafs could just mean he is evil and kills life around him or something.

Good eye!

Oh Canada! Day of the rake when? This video proves how Cucked Canada is. Make sure to thumb this shit down.

I'm pretty sure it is.
It was one of the bigger stories regarding Weinstein due to the humoristic nature.

1. he drew a plant (out of all things) due to the evil nature of Weinstein, showing the leafs are withering due to Weinstein's negative energy
2. he drew a plant that's withered away because Weinstein ejaculated in it.

I'm gonna go with 2. Again, it was one of the bigger stories regarding Weinstein.
Also, there are these "stinky" lines coming from it, if you look closely.
Cum is known to not smell great.

I mean, I could be wrong, but it's unlikely.

remember the time when garrison got banned by moot and whined about it on cripplechan?
i do

Adding to this, here is a Ben Garrison tweet pointing out the plant. I'm 100% sure it's a reference to the ejaculate-in-plant incident :

Quite frankly, it's the women that need dealt with first. They give the Jews their strength.

Perhaps you're retarded. The plant is the best part, you fucking nigger.

Neat. I believe it now.

I just doubt it a bit, ok? It didn't follow the narrative closely so it just doesn't seem special to me.


Horsey draws hot women, can we meme him until he just draws full-blown pornography?

Zyklon Ben does it again.

Buttnut edited a bunch of horsey comics, r/horsey is still up

I doubt the artist would make it too obvious by drawing cum dripping off the leaves. Come on.

pretty sure this is the uncensored edit

>women use their sexuality to become famous
>act like they are victims 20 years later when it becomes trendy

Will be interesting to see how casting changes in the next few years. Ugly but talented? Hot and untalented still? Who knows?

>that brunette
Not a blue-eyed blonde shiksa gentile supreme. Fucking Aryan girls is how fat Hollywood kikes get revenge

We need to make Horsey switch to porn.

>implying you wouldn't Democratic Base

You just know Harvey Swinestain fucked a well known actress with an Oscar, to one up Clinton's cigar in Monica.
Tfw it was JLaw.

The Jews know that when you weaken women you weaken the next generation of men. We need to both tear down the Jew, put women in their place and rebuild our families.

no hooked nose, no star of satan = 2/11

where's the original ???

the cum plant is hilarious

Reminder that Sup Forums focuses on Jacob Rothschild, Sheldon Adelson, George Soros, Netanyahoo, and other elite male Jews, but it's their kike wives, mothers, daughters and sisters we should fear most.

Jewish men are cucks to their matriarchy, that's why they become obsessed with fucking gentile white women. The NWO will be run by Jewish womyn, that's how they'll justify global genocide of Anglo and Aryan men, which is already occurring through pills, processed food, vaccines, birth control runoff in the water tables, and the projection of feminine boys and "intellectual" men in entertainment.

Jewish bitches truly think they are princesses. Not the Disney kind. The murderous dictator type. And it'll be shiksa traitors like Ivanka who overcompensate most of all.

>cuck/pol/ defending roasties

they hate their mothers for a reason, also ivanka is the snake around Trumps heart

So go- I mean guys, are the male jews, dare I say it /ourguys/?


wot u fuken say ya white dog? i'll fucken boomerang kick ya fucking head in ya land thieving carnt !!

well when you're drawing someone who looks like a stereotypical jew...

Yeah his Weinstein caricatures are unusually good and savage, clearly he stepped up his art game fuelled by his burning hatred of kikes.

He actually said in an InfoWars interview that in response to our trolling, and all the ensuing drama, he stopped caring about people calling him racist. He's drawn Soros like a Der Sturmer character ever since.

Didn't Soros aid the Nazis? Soros is disgusting and deserves to be drawn that way.

>implying the bitches didn't happily get on their knees and suck their way to fame.

>Ben Garrison
>Too obvious
LOL, have you never seen his comics before? He labels near everything.

IIRC he was like an errand boy, delivering deportation notes from the nazies to his fellow kikes, he was like 14 at that time.

if only some random, drunk arrow cross member shot him back then, the world would have been spared of so much evil.

>daily reminder that Weinstein did nothing worng
>daily reminder that no police reports have been filed
>daily reminder that the women that had sex with him didn't want to be exposed for being yuge sluts that traded sex for favours so they made up shitty accusations
Seriously the allegations against him have less evidence than the ones against Cosby yet people somehow fall for them.

>Inferring these women weren't willing participants

Ben Garrison still has more red pills to take.

>dem teef

His parents (both kikes) sent him to live with some non-kike friends so he wouldn't die.
Little soros then sold them out for basically $100, and sold out the xtians housing him