ITT Shows that were nothing short of a masterpiece

ITT Shows that were nothing short of a masterpiece

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Is this worth a watch? I've only seen clips from it.



Yes. 100%


This is on my backlog, how is it? I might watch it after I finish Monster, 20 episodes left.

It's a really great show. 12 episodes that are an hour long. I'd keep it to doing 1 episode a day or so, unless you plan on marathoning the whole thing
Only suggestion is that you avoid watching the preview at the end of episode 10 as it spoils more than it should, and that you watch 11 and 12 back to back.

when did the webm player change

I will keep that in mind, thanks!

Togame did nothing wrong

Hah, you're funny.

It look the same to me as it always has except for that the skin autohides itself. Not sure how long it's been like that though.

Shame that the sequel was pretty fucking shit, it even tried to put a bunch of new characters no one cared in it

not even meme'ing.

season 2 when

shit taste

Recently finished this. Episode 12 is pure hype.

Still pissed about the preview trolling of you know



Rewatching right now, every episode blows me away

It has some narrative problems but overall it's well animated and unique. Worth a watch but don't believe someone if they say it's god's gift to Sup Forums.

yeah its great
i used to have trouble sleeping but my doctor recommended i watch a few episodes. instantly fell asleep

never understood the hype behind this. the comedy is your typical cringy "look at us so witty" line of dialogues and the story wasnt that interesting either. am i missing something here or do you need to be monogatarifag to appreciate this shit?


The ping pong matches were more captivating than most anime's fight scenes, and the side characters were more complex than most anime's protags.

i see you on Sup Forums way too much, maybe stop going on Sup Forums before bedtime will help. blue lights arent good for your sleep.

t. Autist with a short attention span that need visual conflict like fighting for a show to keep their attention

It's even better if you've played a sport seriously before

but ping pong had 11 episodes

>mfw it hit me that smile had been humming this song

2deep4u the argument

My favourite anime is ARIA.
Hyouka is just a boring show with a shit story

I don't think Hyouka is deep. I just think it does a good job of keeping my attention due to foreshadowing in every episode, metaphorical imagery, movie-like animation, underlying themes that I can relate to and genuinely well thought out mysteries. Also there isn't much of a story which is fine for me, and should be fine for someone who likes Aria as well.

Kek. I meant episode 10, Hoshino vs Kazama. I remembered it had 13 episodes for whatever reason.

Did anybody else do the BDs besides Commie? Cause the BD fixes a lot of quality animation but commie's script has awkward lines and is crappy overall
I liked Whynot but they didn't do the BDs

after the trolling they did with the fight scene in the preview?

Did you try Bankai fansub? Or horrible subs? Bankai is out on Anime torrents.

I didn't get the ending very well i think

Can't find them on nyaa
Can you post the link to that?
also, IIRC horriblesubs only does tv releases and not bluray discs

overrated anime: the thread

Togame tunnel visions despite her beliefs changing throughout the series, remaining characters try to defy fate but nothing actually changes.


The only thing that was a little dissapointing to me was that the final fight ended up being between shichika and emonzaemon. Emonzaemon was cool and all but he was never really built up to be this godly fighter who could give shichika a run for his money. If emonzaemon was able to hold his own against shichika with both of his restraints removed (dont hurt self, protect togame), then why didnt he go and collect the swords for the queen by himself?
You'd have to register. It's also 10bit BDrip.

I didn't like the ending. The plot would have been a lot better if it didn't just dump a novel's worth of political garbage down our throats at the end of a cool sword-collecting adventure.

>Watch Demolition D's video on Katanagatari
>Get hype
>Think about the show all day at work while torrenting show
>Get home, open all episodes in VLC
>Accidentally watch the first 5 minutes of the last episode before realising I've spoilercucked myself

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is great and if I could go back in time and watch it with Sup Forums again I would do it.

I don't think Hitei-hime actually cared about the swords. That was all Togame, right there

Do movies count?

You're not allowed to like Gurren Lagann. You'll trigger the contrarians.

Only idealists and romantics will understand it the first time through. Other people might have it all click together during the ending narration, but it seems too simplistically obtuse for a lot of people to connect with. It's not unapproachable due to some hidden depth, you just have to be able to interpret the entire thing front to back and back to front with the proper thematic viewpoint (which is rather a kaleidoscope of differing ideas and ideals).

Nisio daddy-o wrote the novels monthly, it's entirely dressed up in pulpy aspects because it is a pulp work. That's why a lot of the "cringy" dialogue is commentary on writing. The same sort of reflexive exploration exists in the narrative and themes. People seem to really underestimate the importance of the fatalistic aspects of the sword plot in understanding the context of the work as a whole. At the same time, they become overly focused on aspects which are clearly just pulp.

Also, I really suggest the grueling once-a-month viewing experience for the first viewing.

what subs are they using for this?

Only true answer

The second half is boring as fuck

Good taste anons


>Episode 12

It's not a /masterpiece/, but Shokugeki no Souma was a pleasant suprise. It has ecchi, sure, but it hit me in the blind spot.

How do you fuckers even

I just cant with that pic

Yeah it was surprisingly good. I was kind of iffy after the first episode, but once it moved properly into shounen territory it got a lot better.