Hi pol, serious question:
Where is the world going? I've just started to not believe everything a government says, and the result is a deep and scary uncertainty about my future.
What the fuck is going on in the world?
Hi pol, serious question:
Where is the world going? I've just started to not believe everything a government says, and the result is a deep and scary uncertainty about my future.
What the fuck is going on in the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Where is the world going?
>I’ve just started to not believe everything the government says
Sup Forums is 18+
a slow, excruciating western death via identity politics
Do you believe that the world has nowhere to go but to hell?
Sadly, I'm pushing 20, but better late than never
The world wont end on a apocalyptic note in our lifetimelike Sup Forums wants.
-You see groups of civilized nations splinter into a collective of factions
-you'll see another war in Europe
-America will become more split along the rural and urban divide
-You'll see a major war in Asia
-probably see a new form of terrorism arise here soon
I'm just guessing so who knows
Sadly, none of that sounds unlikely. What a time to be alive.
What are you but coiled maggots, consuming carcasses with contorted countenances? Your precious God has given you 80 miserable years to rot on this shitball which orbits a flickering light destined to extinguish. Just about enough time to see the light, that light being the indisputable nature of the darkness which fills the universe and your hearts. There is no ocean deeper than, no philosophy truer than, and no court of law as just as my hatred for you. You may snigger at me. You may call me an edgelord. You may even realise the seriousness of my words and feel a primal, sobering fear. But you will NEVER understand what got me to this point or where exactly this point even is. It lies on no axis you operate according to the rules of. I am the spirit of the void.
We are about to witness chaos and conflicts much worse than anything that happened in the last century.
Welcome to the front lines comrade. You can never leave now.
How so? We lost hundreds of millions of people in a span of 30 years. Unless you are talking about an offensive nuclear war which no leader is stupid enough to get into.
Fuck, I can't believe it will end like this
Take heart, you may just have woke up to see the world is on fire. But I've been following Sup Forums since the primaries in the US (was Sup Forumstard before that).
Talking to family and friends from just a year ago is way different from today. People are fed up, tired of lying politicians, the lying media. The Vegas shooting brought it to the forefront, and now social media is blowing up with Hollywood rape allegations, so the normies are getting exposed to this at a rapid pace.
What is going to come of this? Who knows, but the internet and rapid spread of information is our greatest weapon. Keep talking to your friends and family, save relevant info graphs and pictures (for the love of god do research and make sure the information is TRUE first) and spread them as far as you can. We need to wake up the normies. It might be our only chance.
Oh Canada! Day of the rake when? This video proves how Cucked Canada is. Make sure to thumb this shit down.
Fuck, that is as good a plan as any
Couldn't make it past the singing, but fuck I know where it was going.
Also, we need to stop watching the JewTube.
I'm sure there are Anons in deeper circles working on more elaborate plots, but as a no-skill neet, it's the best I got.
>The Vegas shooting brought it to the forefront, and now social media is blowing up with Hollywood rape allegations, so the normies are getting exposed to this at a rapid pace.
how were people not aware of this? we were making jokes about Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider years ago
Into a hideous liberal hellhole
You gotta fight norway. We need you. You're ground zero in the war to save the white race, along with sweden and others. You guys are some of the best reserves for white genetics and they hate you for it. Become resolute in the face of adversity. Affix your bayonet and camd fight.
It's already gone to hell, this is the beginning. You know which side to join when the time comes
Well, I'll do what I can. I don't want to die by the hand of politics.
Serious tryhard answer?
There's a lot going on, but here's a short list:
> The US trying to keep the EU from becoming a competitor to their power, so we get loads of shitty happenings from that,
Not your average ameribro mind you, but the (((ruling elites))) do this shit, so they pushed Syria, Ukraine and with the help of France's then (((President Sarkozy))) Libya. The thing is that a Europe that would slowly unite and form good relations with Russia would be an incredibly dangerous counterweight to the (((neocons))) and (((liberals))) and their interventionist ways, since the EU's interests are not served by incessant wars in the middle east, and they're definitely not fond of Israel's bullshit. This is partly why Germany is investing so much into renewable fuels: They want off the oil dependency so that they can long term not have to care about the Middle East. That also precludes Uranium to a certain degree, since that shit isn't mined in the EU, at least not to a large extent. (See: en.wikipedia.org
The second is Russia rebuilding itself. The powers that be wants to stop that. Because a Russia that works is a country that is outside the current economic system and can thus afford to do things differently, and if you haven't noticed yet that the reason why we're all for democracy and free markets and shit is not that these are good, but that others are bad, you haven't been paying attention. (Seriously, find HS textbooks and look for yourself. This is the nominal education level of plebs. That's what they think.)
All of this shit is why there's so much lies in the media.
It's a valid question. A couple reasons I think likely.
1: Conditioning is strong. We are taught that our governments are just and our police effective at fighting crime and preventing citizens. It boggles belief that elite Hollywood producers in the public spotlight are getting away with buggering children backstage.
2: It's also somewhat of an open secret that this is going on. The public is made to believe it is isolated to a few bad actors (no pun intended) who eventually get caught. But the opposite is more likely.
3: Normies still love their entertainment, even though they are even vaguely aware that it is brainwashing them. Also nothing can tarnish their Idols.
That's weird, my captcha got added to my post. Disregard camd.
Norway is just as lost as Sweden when it comes to purity of race (Something I don't think is important anyway. We are suppose to change, ask Darwin), the difference is that our government is doing it's level best to keep immigrants out, and properly integrating the once we let in. Sweden did none of that
>purity of race (Something I don't think is important anyway. We are suppose to change, ask Darwin)
Oh man, you really are new here..
But that doesn't mean that opposition media always gets it right either. Sometimes they get it dangerously wrong too. Like when some news service said that Abid Raja had become the vice president of Norway. (He had become one of 5 people who helps the Stortingspresident with setting the agenda, essentially a part of the fancy secretariat with no real power, and as a well regarded attorney at law, he is eminently suited to that role.)
Or maybe a better example is when Bernanke said that open borders was non-negotiable. He was talking about the EU's internal borders. Not the external borders. People like him would allow Hungarians to napalm the refugees and pay them the fuel costs if it meant that the internal borders could stay open. His plan and dream is to create a European Union rich enough to rival the US, and he will drag it into power kicking and screaming whether it wants to or not.
He's actually kinda fashy and a very skillful politician. What he's not is pro democracy. He's kinda fashy desu. Oh, and the VW emissions scandal, etc.? That's just Obama trying to undermine European industry so that US industry have an easier time competing. Google getting its ballsed raked across hot coals along with Monsanto and more recently? That's the EU showing that they'll not take that shit lying down. Now of course, we all know (((who))) owns Monsanto and Google, and the EU does too. That's *why* those two companies are being made examples of. Of course, since most of our newspapers are owned by (((American bankers))), you can guess why the news never angle it this way. But yeah, there's a cold war between the Jews in the USA and the EU, and the Jews are losing. They're just not used to pushback. If anyone hacked the US election it's not Russia, it's the EU.
Setter pris på det utfyldene svaret. Viste ikke vi hadde en Thorium reaktor.
We're 80% Norwegian, 90% white. We're not lost yet, and according to Darwin, we're supposed to take the brownies and bake them in the oven until they're nice and crispy.
>Something I don't think is important anyway
If norway continues on it's current course(god forbid) you will find out just how important it is. At any rate, good luck. Sincerely rooting for scandinavia.
Fight the good fight. The only other thing I can say is don't get discouraged. It may seem like the world is crumbling with no end in sight, but it's actually happening much slower than you think. Like I said I've been watching this closely for almost 2 years and really not much has changed. Which in itself is disheartening, but a lot of damage has been done, it will take time to reverse.
Did you have any specific questions? I don't usually converse on poll, just a shit posting Leaf, but I have some time to kill and enjoy discussing this shit.
>But that doesn't mean that opposition media always gets it right either.
Or remember when every single news agency in the US said Hilary Clinton had a 99% chance of winning?
>deep and scary uncertainty about my future
this is our future, embrace it
I never wanted to be leaf anyways
It's going to the left, unfortunately.
Of course you didn't. Do you really think that they would tell the whole world just like that? It would be like telling the world about the ocean floor robot miners that we're making with Russia to mine gold on the ocean floor, without harming the ecological systems there.
Which means that if that shit goes through, us and the Russians will be the worlds main gold exporters. We'll be swimming in that shit.
Again, nobody talks about that shit out loud, because bad things tend to happen then.
And hell, we're kinda already experts on the subsea mining thing:
Definitely going to hell and Hollywood is the vehicle taking us there.
Yeah, I know. But that's the mainstream media opinion. But the mainstream can be right from time to time too, and it's important to keep that in mind. Hence my two examples about alternative media getting it wrong.
>the result is a deep and scary uncertainty about my future
Yeah, that's the natural state of being. What is referred to as "the system" is the thing giving you a sense of certainty and safety. When you start seeing flaws in the system it's normal to have some doubts about the future of your country, the world, its people, etc. Soon you realize that the current state of things in the world can shift dramatically, as they have before. Then you start speculating what direction that shift could take. That's when the sense of dread comes in...
It seems futile to me. If the powers that be insist on blowing up the middle east and starving Africa, people will run to where the money is. The refugees will keep coming until we stop blowing up their shit
Europe is going to get engulfed in major ethnic conflicts, a new nationalist levant will happen to fight the decadent leftism of our age.
We can already see Europe unmaking in 10 to 15 years in the future. Much higher levels of terrorism and Islam cultural dominance.
I’ll tell you wtf is happening, the BIGGEST happening and no one cares. China and Russia have begun trading oil for gold. That means the petro-dollar is officially dying. In 1970s we made pact with saudis to only sell oil in dollars, which is why America has been living better compared to he world. But the crash is near, the dollar will crash and there will be a new currency, probably crypto currency since the NSA invented bitcoin. It will be decided by the IMF who are connected to the real rulers of the world.
No, it's going to the right. And it's going there fast. All over Europe right wing parties are gaining steam. And in the US Donald "Construiro el Muiro" Trump won.
The momentum is still leftward, but the acceleration is in our direction. If you have a 4 month perspective we're in deep shit. In a 4 year perspective there's reason for optimism.
Hell in Norway the labour party is about to purge libshits. Night of long knives is about to come. (They're the largest left wing party and the party that's the second most anti-immigration. They just don't talk about it much because of their libshit contingent that's currently being purged, much to (((Dagbladet)))'s lament.)
>Definitely going to hell and Hollywood is the vehicle taking us there.
There is salvation being offered to you. Hollywood is lying to you.
To the armed forces, a 7.62mm round costs about 7kr. A 12.7 round costs about 50kr.
In other words, we can stop quite a few foreign hordes knocking on our door. Also, Russia kinda wants us to do well to, so we have our backs in the north clear. The Good Goys in the EU is losing their influence, and you can see the deep state in Germany doing their best to contain Merkel. (And they're being rather efficient at it too if I might add.)
So no, we'll be fine, so long as we don't succumb to the blackpill.
Can you translate Nord bro? What did he say?
Yeah I see now. I missed your point earlier.
This. This point does get lost in all the memes and bants. The US MIC is one of the key causes for all our problems, but we can't even attempt to take it on at this point. We must start with the institutions that prop up the politicians that back up the MIC. Whew.
I think you over estimate out army. Hell in the new budget, the army is loosing preparedness and fighting efficiency. If mainland EU falls to the rag heads, our army won't save us.
>It seems futile to me
It's never futile, even down to the last ditch. God put you here to WIN. Maybe try a media black out. Stay of news sights and pol for a couple days. Reading bad news all the time might be increasing your angst. You will be fine and norway will be fine but we have to keep our wits about us and we have to earn it. It won't happen if we just sit around and read bad news.
> I've just started to not believe everything a government says, and the result is a deep and scary uncertainty about my future.
>Just started
You have to be over 18 to post here fucktard.
I thanked him for the answer and commented that I didn't know we had a thorium reactor
Said the military in order to get more money.
The real problem with our military is that we can't give them more money until they figure out what sort of army they're trying to make, what sort of navy they're trying to make, and what sort of air force they're trying to make.
However, keep in mind that we're talking ragheads in old ferries trying to forcefully """migrate""". The coast guards' 76mm autocannons are more than adequate.
There's also fewer and fewer soldiers and more and more officers that talk about how we need more officers. There's a certain wave of retardation we must fight before we can beef up our military again.
so edgy
Don't believe everything you read.
Unless you read it from anonymous posters on the internet.
His analysis is shit tier. You're a retard if you listen to that.
"Thorium reactors are dangerous to ruling powers" - then why the fuck isn't simply any country like Iran, Venezuela or China setting them up? Oh wait, they are all under the power of the secret cabal?
In this case even Reddit would be better.
Read all of this: reddit.com
There's probably 1000+ comments on thorium explaining that. I am fairly sure they were not all posted by secret service agents.
Oh haha, geez didn't even notice you were the OP. But that's cool. I think the only thing we've gotten since the millennium has been feminism and immigrants.
And yet Sup Forums has become an interesting phenomenon, bleeding into the normiverse and influencing it. I wonder if it can actually change things. But until some sort of apocalypse, nuclear war or things just miraculously get uncucked, there's not much else to do.
Worry not, I will not take anything written on this website as gospel
>The refugees will keep coming until we stop blowing up their shit
Refugees aren't coming because we are "blowing up their shit", retard.
They are coming because they are sub-90-IQ idiots who cannot help but fail at most things in life, so their countries are dysfunctional hellholes because of their own failures. We give them free money, free living and a comfortable if spartan life, so obviously they are coming.
The quality of fellow norfags sure is low, I wouldn't mind if you died in nuclear fire or nigger rape attacks.
I respectfully disagree
Don't forget you're here forever... so get comfy
>I think you over estimate out army. Hell in the new budget, the army is loosing preparedness and fighting efficiency. If mainland EU falls to the rag heads, our army won't save us.
"mainland EU" cannot "fall to the rag heads". Are you legitimately this retarded?
Do you expect an army of Iranis to take over Europe?
Do you expect an army of Muslims to form a European state, build a conventional army, take over Europe and then invade Norway?
Sure, there are threats to Europe, but we're talking a civil society threat, the threat that immigrants make everything quite shit by degree, and make children's lives quite shit by degree. Society fails because of shit in every link of the chain.
That kind of stuff isn't something a conventional army can fight against. Norway's army is almost completely irrelevant in that context.
Dude I think you are retarded, especially if you had to be over 20 to realize what you are being told by media and/or government isn't true.
Don't forget NGOs and smugglers pushing them from Africa/ME into Europe
The governments of the world are trying to demoralize and beat down their citizens until the citizens give up and just do whatever they're told to do. Liberals already have the mentality the controllers want everyone to have. There's no consistent logic with liberals, no critical thinking, everyone will just buy the status quo stance on any topic immediately. At this point liberals are just lifeless zombies that seem to live for nothing except for spreading their PC zombie virus to others.
I think if you want a good picture of the future, look at any 80s sci fi dystopian film. Megacities, no connection to nature, humans do nothing but work and get taken advantage of.
The way to get out of this isn't necessarily violence, but self sufficiency. We have to show that we don't need these controllers in order to survive.
Then you're incapable of rational thought.
Make a list of countries where people emigrate from to Norway.
First, check off every country where Norway has a negligible military presence. I mean, I kind of doubt that people are coming to Norway from Eritrea because we are bombing Eritrean shit. It might rather be because Eritrean people are behaving extremely badly: en.wikipedia.org
But the people who are coming are also Eritrean people, so they continue to treat people badly. Anyway,
after you have checked off the 90% of countries that Norway has no military presence in, you can consider to what degree the situation in the remaining is bad because of Norway, and to what degree it's bad because of the bad behavior of people in that country.
Like Afghanistan. Imagine all the different things an Afghan person might experience that is not very pleasant.
Out of all of those things, 99%+ relate to the bad behavior of other Afghans.
You're a retard. Kill yourself please, Norway would be better for it.
witch part of "Pushing 20" did you fail to understand
>Don't forget NGOs and smugglers pushing them from Africa/ME into Europe
Sure, a link in the process of moving to Europe is NGOs and smugglers. But that link would be completely irrelevant if they didn't want to leave their countries in the first place.
When was the last time you were "pushed" to move to a different country even though your surroundings were great? Never? Oh.
We have to speak about the contributions from different causes here, and the triggering cause to leave is obviously their shit society there, compard with our good society here.
Eternally checked
It does not matter who is blowing up thier shit. They come to us because we are one of the richest countries per capita in the world. If you where a raghed running from the US army, would you go to Greece who can barely feed themselves, or would you come to Scandinavia, where we are rolling in money?
And re-checked holy shit
The powers that be are creating a neo fudal system, they're also terrified of the people. As each day goes by they get more panicked and agressive, thus they're waking people up to their ways. Of course there is still the horde of idiots that believe anything they ae told. Those in power are soon going to push their ways as hard as they ever have so it will be interesting. I'm quite happy to sit and watch the world burn on my front row seat..
I encourage you to reflect over what bad experiences someone can have in poor nations, and which of those are directly caused by Western military power, and which are caused by the poor behavior of the people there.
Reminder: Dropping a bomb over Somalia does not force one Somali to kill another.
Germany bombed the UK during WW2. Did the UK descend into chaos were families murdered each other in the street? Even war is something you choose how to handle.
You have been manipulated by people who present cause and effect, a cause and effect where any bad thing a brown person does is somehow "caused" by Westerners.
If I draw a caricature of Muhammad, then I "cause" muslims to blow up terror bombs. It's not their own free choice, they are being "caused" to behave badly.
Well, what could a Muslim do to "cause" me to blow up a terror bomb? When could my free will be removed so much that immigrants "cause" me to be violent, in the eyes of leftists?
Never at all. They have crafted a cause and effect where almost any bad thing whatsoever done by any brown person is "caused" by us, whilst any bad thing done by us is "caused" by our own inner evil/racism/whatever.
Venezuela doesn't have the capacity, and neither does Chile. And even if they did it's not a good fit for them.
China doesn't need to have them to be energy self sufficient because they mine their own Uranium.
No fucking secret cabal needed there.
It's dangerous to the US because they allow the EU to be energy self sufficient way before the Germans figure out fusion. (The Germans play the long game to a fault.) If the EU doesn't need the Saudi oil, then the US loses a major piece of leverage it has over the EU. There's no grand secret conspiracy going on here. It's simply the EU losing its shackles, and that's a bad thing for the ones that put those shackles there.
Like here is a video of Africans pouring petrol over some kids and burning them to death: liveleak.com
I am sure this was caused by neo-colonalist-imperialist-US and not the people involved being ape-like unempathic violent retards.
It's South Africa which hasn't been bombed lately but you know that those US bombs have long after effects, causing Africans worldwide to behave badly. Damn you US for causing Africans to burn children to death with petrol, it's your fault.
I think ones age plays a large role in your perspective of the current atmosphere. If your in your early 20’s things are bound to look chaotic as fuck but if you’re in your 30’s you’re seeing the pendulum finally starting to swing back and normies are actually starting to wonder wtf are we even doing. There’s many reasons for optimism but it all depends on your perspective.
You are presenting the claim that the US is sabotaging the development of thorium power worldwide.
That is a grand secret conspiracy claim.
When I ask why China doesn't build Thorium reactors, your explanation is that they have uranium, so they obivously wouldn't.
The EU also has uranium, as much as it wants.
Wow fuck this.
> I've just started to not believe everything a government says, and the result is a deep and scary uncertainty about my future.
Oh boy, if you think that's bad then wait till you get to the golf rumors part..
No it doesn't, it has very low quantities of the stuff. There's no grand conspiracies here: It's in the US' best interest to keep the EU on oil for as long as possible. Anything that really ruins that option is bad news. So you don't talk too loudly about it. I'm claiming anything particularly outrageous here.
You are looking at the situation in a context where America is a invading force all on it's own. America is supporting a local faction they "agree" with. So one side has the US army on it's side, the other does not. It is the same thing the french did to the UK when they helped the Americans to freedom. The other side has three options:
1 Get support from another superpower (See the Vietnam war)
2 Play dirty (Car bombs, human shields, terror attacks etc.)
3 Surrender.
This is nothing new. A government that is not self-serving is a very rare thing.
I don't even need to mention that even Hitler etc were entirely self serving. Especially the people surrounding them.
Who gives a fuck. Just live your life, it's not like they are out to get you.