Mass terminations have "generally boosted worker morale"
Tesla wins again!
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Can't wait until this guy's whole scheme comes tumbling down. He's such an obvious predator of the "I fucking love science" crowd it's almost painful to watch him gaslight and fleece them.
It's a little late to call him a scheister when there'll be a 100,000+ model 3s on the road by the end of next year.
Yes reusable rockets are useless and aren't a great advancement
The holocaust was a huge moral boost for Israel
>100,000+ model 3s on the road by the end of next year
Kek, they'll need millions more workers to bang out the parts by hand.
Well yea
Wouldn't you love to see Jarule Bixnood fired from your job for being a lazy cunt all day and disappearing when there's work?
This. It makes sense, because the morale of the ones who got fired doesn't count anymore.
they fired the dead weight and those who are left said "thank god those guys got fired, now I can do my job properly"
Between the media and Elon Musk, I choose Elon Musk. Fire whoever he needs to fire to get to whatever he is doing. This man ambitions are too important to lose time with PC stupidity
It was because it didn't really happened
Its the year of the Tesla motorcar
Even if it were millions it doesn't matter because he sells them at a loss.
>Electric automated cars and Electric grid
>Giant lithium factory
>Reusable rockets
>Vacuum pod transportation being adopted around the world
>Pushing to the next step on neural interfaces
>Pushing to the next step on AI
Brainlets are so jealous of Musk
The WaWa gas station down the road from me renovated and added a bunch of Tesla charging stations.
This is in a hick area. So I don't know what they're thinking.
This makes me wonder, if they had a choice between not having the holocaust and not having Israel, which would they pick?
why would you even want to work for that r3ddit hack?
they aren't though. theres no value in space exploration. go back to plebbit.
cool drop in the retarded bucket. theres not enough lithium on earth to make his model viale without government gibsmedats.
tesla is a scam artists.
>t. actuary
Elon is running the ultimate pyramid scheme, and people are eating it up. People don't realize how much money the government is throwing at him to do shit with Tesla and SpaceX.
Analyists have already projected Tesla to sell every car at a loss... Where do you think that money is going?
Before the Second World War, Zionists had already secured the nation state of Israel through the Balfour Declaration and the Havaara Agreement which saw the migration of thousands of German Jews to Tel Aviv throughout the 1930s.
I’m a tesla owner and friends with one of the top tesla mechanics in Southern California. He is very happy, loves the company, says Elon treats them very well as long as you aren’t a lazy fuck. The only problem he says is that Elon works SO FUCKING MUCH (no uncommon to see him at work in the middle of the night he says) that Elon often expects others to want to work as hard as he does. I can see how this would rub some the wrong way. The problem is with the media and the guys just personally do not like Elon musk. He doesn’t give a single fuck and often offends people because he has no filter at all. I can tell you definitively I have had many cars, and no one,I mean no one, takes better care of their customers than Tesla
Would you say the same about Archimedes if you were living in the same time of him?
Elon Musk is great, I don't care about his BIG BANG THEORY BAZINGA fans, they are pathetic. This doesn't destroy the greatness that Elon Musk is. He will be remembered on the centuries to come, thats for sure.
1\ the holocaust never happened
2\ the holocaust myth has nothing to do with israeli
3\ the holohoax is a smoke screen to deflect from any future criticism of jewish control of media/finance.
I’m a Tesla model S owner, and friends with one of the top tesla mechanics in Southern California. He is very happy, loves the company, says Elon treats them very well as long as you aren’t a lazy fuck. The only problem he says is that Elon works SO FUCKING MUCH (not uncommon to see him at work in the middle of the night he says) that Elon often expects others to want to work as hard as he does. I can see how this would rub some the wrong way. The problem is with the media and the guys just personally do not like Elon musk. He doesn’t give a single fuck and often offends people because he has no filter at all. I can tell you definitively I have had many cars, and no one,I mean no one, takes better care of their customers than Tesla
>He will be remembered on the centuries to come, thats for sure.
He will be forgotten within the decade.
Dumbest fucking shit I’ve seen all day. The man has singlehandedly changed space travel.
Why is Elon paying for Sup Forums shilling?
Not really gonna happen.
If he died today, he would have already impacted the world in a major way: Electric cars pushing for total automation.
If he lives for mora 10 years, and keeps his work ethics strong and going, I don't doubt he gets his hands on Mars, bio cyber interface to the brain, AI to the masses and whatever wacko shit he put his sights on. He is like a hero char on a warcraft 3 game. Let him do his thing, I don't get this anger. It seems like cheap jealousy by brainlets, legit do look like this.
>I'm picke rick
>Fricking solar roadways
He's changed absolutely nothing. There are zero changes in space exploration, because there is zero financial incentive to travel space and will not be for hundreds of years. You idiot. The only thing he's changed is taking a few hundred mil in goy tax money to shoot faulty rockets into space. Something a good german friend of mine managed to do, without any issue, 60 years ago.
>Reusable rockets doesn't change anything
>No financial impact
lel, le edgy anti-bazoonga 'red-pilled' brainlet
nasa did that long ago with the space shuttle. how did that turn out
right. and it will plateau hard because once the subsidies disappear, no one will buy them
>Electric cars
Toyota, Hyundai, Ford, and several internal chinese manufactures produce several orders of magnitude more electric cars than tesla. He is nothing but a meme snake oil salesman. Why are you meme flag underage "Fuck yea science" retards unironically arguing about the economics of this with a swiss poster. You don't know shit about the economy.
Name (1) financial effect of "reusable rockets", besides the fact that (a) they are not more reusable than previous technology and (b) literally no one gives a shit about space expect plebbit dorks
>Mass terminations have "generally boosted worker morale"
>our business model is so good we fire massive amounts of our staff
That shows a systemic problem in either your hiring practices or your production model. Somebody either hired too many people or they overestimated how many people they actually needed.
The other issue is that they're possibly close to bankruptcy and had to fire those people to stay close to solvency.
Nobody pulls this kind of shit unless something is very wrong.
firing the dead weight is literally the best thing you can do to make people happy
doubly so for worthless middle managers
>Musk was severely bullied throughout his childhood, and was once hospitalized when a group of boys threw him down a flight of stairs and then beat him until he lost consciousness
Kek, what a loser!
As business grows, incompetence is exponential and production is linear.
Musk found a way to dump incompetent workers
Most companies lose productive workers
No wonder morale is boosted
Firing dead weight can boost morale though, this is true. Every large organization becomes weighed down with anchors, dispiriting good hard working employees. That said this isn't such a case because Musk is a salesman, not an effective manager.
To be fair, if all of them would have been obnoxious shitters who hardly contribute I could see how it lifts worker morale.
I doubt he had 700 of those, so most likely it's just Musk's usual bullshit talk.
But they do have Israel?
>. a good german friend of mine
Until they find Jew Gold in space, no good Swiss and German will have cause to stir
Name (one): They cost less. Pretty mindblowing, right?
more like
>gibs are running out, got to cut expenses somehow
daily reminder that time is running out for TESLSHIT
Rocket launch costs have gone down between 30% and 70%, depending on how you're looking at it (his rocket costs 80 million$ a launch, most launch vehicles on the market with the same amount of payload cost 130 million$, DOD used to get cucked out with 430 million$ at the same amount of payload), and reusable rockets are slated to cut THAT down by at least another 70%, yet he's changed nothing?
The cost of rockets themselves is a drop in the ocean compared to the total cost of a space mission. Reusable rockets are a literal meme since 99% of space missions are and will be government level projects for a long time and cutting costs by 1% is not that huge innovation
>factory is almost entirely automated
>they need workers
Ok user
>comparing space shuttle with reusable booster
He grew up in S. Africa. You just know it was niggers.
Yeah what's wrong is incompetency
A struggle all companies deal with
Fuck off with your basement armchair management, you don't manage a business, you don't manage multiple businesses, and you certainly have never read shit about managing company growth.
>not enough lithium on earth
>no value in space exploration
I'm not that guy, but are you retarded?
Also, for the most part Tesla makes his money on government gibs and the Plebbit "OMG I LOVE SCIENCE" crowd who has money.
>moving the goal post
cost less relative to what. if someone sells me something i dont need for less than someone else, this isn't a pro, its still something i dont need or want. this is why your country is poor. understand economy.
this is hateful speech and i am offended
another poor not understanding why a useless thing made cheaper is still useless. the reason his rocket is "cheaper" than the alternative is because the alternative stopped being worked on 30 years ago because, get this, no one gives a shit about space.
>Elon Musk gets into Mars, is name pioneer of the human species
Jealousy is for faggots bros
>Electric cars pushing for total automation.
The German automobile industry holds 58% of all patents related to autonomous driving. Musk might be the face of it, but he's not the driving force behind it.
>employer fires one lazy cunt who has been around far too long and caused a lot damage already
>while they're at it they fire people left and right
>higher management people demoted to line supervisors
>every management level employee starts looking around for a backup plan
>whoever had one takes it to jump ship
>corporate slowly realizing that they're now bleeding talent
>finding competent replacements is difficult because the corp's reputation is now down in the shitter
I just got transferred to fill in for another guy who jumped over to another company. Going to make my own move in December.
They probably discovered they hired a bunch of people randomly, and fired all the underperformers.
This can actually boost morale.
it's kind of been a dream of mine to fire 70% of the employees at most previous companies i've worked at
has anyone else had similar inclinations?
>the solution to the lithium shortage is to mine space rocks
>this is financially viable.
jesus christ
>i'm not that guy
I can see your ID you fucking new faggot. now go back to plebbit. Was this thread linked from some musk cock sucking subreddit or is elon seriously hiring new faggots as shills to defend his trash company
I know a guy who worked for Musk directly on a personal project, not part of any of his actual companies. He spoke to him daily. I say used to as he walked away from the job (building a custom car, from base metal frame casting right up to personalization, interiors, computer systems).
He left because Musk is quite insane. He'd call the engineering bay to ask how things were going. If he was told 'X will be finished by friday' he'd immediately start demanding 'WHY NOT THURSDAY? WHY NOT WEDNESDAY?' If you didn't have a very explicit, solid physical reason (eg. it takes that long for resin to set), you were sacked. He didn't accept 'we're having trouble figuring it out and need to think about it for a couple days'.
He's a clever man who has the money to employ very smart people, but I suspect he's a Daniel Plainview. Constantly at odds with the realities of reality.
>gets beat by niggers
>still likes them
What a cuck.
>another poor not understanding why a useless thing made cheaper is still useless. the reason his rocket is "cheaper" than the alternative is because the alternative stopped being worked on 30 years ago because, get this, no one gives a shit about space.
Except the military and telecommunication industries which are pouring billions into space launches. Hardly "useless", considering both were willing to pay that much for them even at those prices.
Forgot to add that to my experience the corporate types do honestly and unironically think shit like this improves morale or at least doesn't affect it. The only thing their recent firing spree caused was panic and realization that the corp has no loyalty for anyone.
When you fire people it's usually because your buisness shrinks.
Of course it's all positive and no problems around from the mouth if the dude who owns it and still hopes of a big investment.
>He's a clever man who has the money to employ very smart people, but I suspect he's a Daniel Plainview. Constantly at odds with the realities of reality.
I think that's fair, but he's pushing the boundaries of industry and that's a good boost. He's trying stupid stuff we normally would be afraid to try and some of it is working
Real question is that why are christucucks so fearful of him?
BIL works there and is higher up.
He says it is a great place to work but Elon expects you to give it all.
Fuck off medpack nigger. I have been on this site longer than you have been sucking dicks, and I just know you started young.
Also see pic, I have your grand pappy's rifle and there ain't shit you can do about it.
Until you can have a car that can travel 500~ miles at 80-100mph without recharging, and have easily-rechargeable and replaceable fuel cells that you can switch out as easily as a AAA battery then I won't buy in to this electric car stuff. And then I would only consider one of these cars if I could rip the computer (((remote access))) and (((self-drive))) out of it and drive it manually.
He's got to be secretly redpilled after living in that hellhole for most of his life.
Yeah theres always going to be. I know an idiot who shelled out big bucks for a tesla and its about 2 years late on delivery.
any big corp will wind up with this problem. its impossible to fire the "Average" to "Subaverage" because most people are dumb as shit. the trick is to note the good few and properly promote them.
None of those things are true. Satellite launches are quite rare and no where in the domain of "billions of years". Further a reusable rocket is not the majority cost of a satellite (the only useful use of space). again moron. stop arguing with people who know about economics (swiss posters)
Dyson vacuum cleaner company is getting into the electric car game.
Musk ditched Trump, so the federal subsidies for his cars might dry up.
And they have competition in the private rocket business.
I meant Space X.
Musk's empire might evaporate.
you bought a 30 year old swiss rifle that sells here for 100CHF and i care why? like bragging about owning a .22. tell me about how "you're not that guy" you newest of new fags.
Doesn't change the fact that his company is overleveraged garbage that will go under with the slightest recession.
Kek. That's a tiny number for car production.
Competition is key, what better way to innovate? Products turn to shit sooner or later once a company eliminates all serious competition.
More like
>Thank God i can leave my shithole country i dont care that im dangerously underpaid
Several years ago they closed their offices in Rochester, MI and sent an email to employees telling them they were fired that most never even got until they arrived the next day to a note on the door. I hate these “cars” and I hate this asshole and I hate smug liberal atheist judeophile “SCIENCE!” types who worship them.
>implying you do
I was on Sup Forums before it was Sup Forums. I was on Sup Forums before the chanology cancer set in.
The fact that you have to latch on to one thing and keep insisting that I'm new shows that you just got here.
Fuck off, UN memefag, we have enouh mexicans and we were trying to get rid of them
well this isn't so weird really. I've worked places earlier with a lot of unhappy workers, and well they just bring shit down.
It's the only thing I can see as feasible here. Typically if they are unhappy with the leadership, then it's never going to be good anyways so it really is best for them to just leave rather than drag everything down
You think his fans will figure out they're being fleeced?
>"billions of years"
nigger what, do you even have reading comprehension.
This is just the rocket launches done/scheduled to be done by SpaceX this year. Some of them commercial, some of them military. Excluding the ISS related ones the cost comes out to around a billion $. Considering the competitors cost on average about 130 million $ a launch and SpaceX is only about 50% of the market right now, that comes out to 2.625 billion $ total a year.
Also, if you're going to call me a moron, do come up with some actual values comparing sattelite costs to launch costs. I'll be waiting.
>painful to watch him gaslight and fleece them.
I love it, personally. Redditors like the other people who replied to you getting tricked into thinking ev’s are better for the environment than ice cars.
Or how they believe his space-x program will actually work.
Or how they think Elon is the guy engineering any of this stuff.
They’re so dumb and he is playing them like a fiddle rofl.
They are just star trek fans who believe Musk's science fiction ponzi scheme.
Basically this.
My friend works at tesla too he said elon musk sucks tranny cock and he expects other employees to do the same
i came here from adtrw in '04, what is your point. you're still a giant faggot and it seems you never managed to learn the basics. now brag about your $100 meme rifle that you cant even buy ammo for.
Same, I'd say it's more like 90% though
No. Even if he ever does openly have to talk about financial troubles, all that would mean is that his fans throw more money at him to kick the can down the road.
My dad has actually said this about his small business. I actually believe it - you can get rid of toxic people first
This thread is obviously being shilled hard by some hardcore plebbit faggots. Musk is just a shizer.
>the trick is to note the good few and properly promote them.
this is the conventional wisdom. in one case i worked in (and this is at a fortune 500 company), there was a job someone had to do. i was really good at it and they couldn't find anyone else who was. if i were promoted, they'd have to find someone else to do it, which they couldn't.
i left for a better-paying job despite a few promises of promotion, because eventually i realized the promises were lies and they needed me exactly where i was.
after i left, that work process went to complete shit (i was able to verify the quality drop from online metrics).
Sure you did. You probably weren't even born when this site went up from the way you post. Also, I have over 800 rounds for my "meme" rifle. Looks like I touched a nerve medcuck. Mad that I got your grand daddy's rifle?
that rule applies to a far wider field though. I also get 80% of my code done in 20% of the time. I still have to invest the remaining 80% though or else it won't run without bugs.
not saying that there aren't tons of shitters who don't contribute anything, but that rule isn't that simple
>Elon fires 700 people
>gives the paycheck to Heard to try to get her to sleep with him
lol she's already milking him