UH... Guys... What are we going to do to stop climate change?
Man made or not.... It's happening.
UH... Guys... What are we going to do to stop climate change?
Man made or not.... It's happening.
if all the ice on earth melts Africa will drown. It's fine.
Some of us are already working on mitigating the effects of climate change.
right about the time it gets to hot for whites in the northern hemisphere Antarctica will be thawed out enough to colonize into a new ethnostate
Absolutely nothing, trying to stop the climate from changing is a akin to trying to stop the earths rotation. Also the earth is not a static biosphere, it has changed throughout it's history on countless occasions from one extreme to another.
like a final solution?
Where do you think they'll move when that happens?
kys. then you won't have to worry about it.
We change ourselves boi
Countries like yours that are dumb enough to open the door? Otherwise, I'd imagine that Atlantis is gonna get a lot more crowded with bloated niggers.
Would you like to try and stop the tide, too? Or perhaps the rise of the sun in the morning each day.
just make a big freezer in every city and leave the door open
Like breeding more heat- and drought-resistant varieties of crops, identifying genes in wild-type cousins which might confer said resistance, etc.
The deep state can control the weather. Nothing we can do about it now
you would have to stop breeding livestock.
is literally fucking nothing, fuck off
At first i wanted to fight for a better climate. I supported the movments. I helped debunk climate gate hoaxses in politics. I fought for a better future.
Then i realised i was fighting for cleaner air that would be inhaled by the worst SJW marxists class. The universities teach climatechange but you must also take a huge dose of postmodernists propaganda to help the cause.
I realised then that pursuing the goal of a better future would just be evil.
Id rather we all die then allowe postmodernists a clean future.
Reducing the demand would do it.
Less people would do the trick.
In the 70s when (((scientists))) were predicting the next ice age, we were actually being protected by the ash cloud from the 6 gorrilion lampshades, which protected us from excessive solar radiation.
All we have to do is stick another 6 gorrlion into the oven, which should be easy because the average Jew is made out of a particle that can combust fully into ash with only a wood-fueled fire in only 2 minutes. Temperatures will gradually decrease over the next 30 years. We simply have to maintain temperatures 6 gorrilion at a time.
>Man made or not.... It's happening.
Well no shit! You mean temperatures keep changing? Wow! The (((science))) must be settled!
Who gives a fuck
>In 2015, 1.38 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States, a 2 percent increase from 1.36 million in 2014. India was the leading country of origin for recent immigrants, with 179,800 arriving in 2015, followed by 143,200 from China, 139,400 from Mexico, 47,500 from the Philippines, and 46,800 from Canada. In 2013, India and China overtook Mexico as the top origin countries for recent arrivals.
what are we going to do about all the plastic in the oceans? because we might actually be able to do something about that considering it isnt natural unlike climate change
So you're aware that we're a vastly larger and superior landmass to yourself, then? Capable of coping with an infectious disease that is larger than you could ever hope to even bear in the collapse, let alone continue functioning through? Sure showed me, Sven.
Fuckin you do it, fag. Solar powered robots aren't clever, and they wouldn't have too much issue operating on the open ocean, so just strap a microfilm filter on it to catch all those tiny particles and find some jew to bankroll you.
this would actually help. alot.
>It's happening.
No, it isn't. It's a manufactured crisis created by interpreting faked data sets produced by NOAA. See this dataset audit: youtube.com
darkies famously cant swim sir
there is a good reason that pools are closed for the blacks
Genocide all Chinese. China makes up nearly 30% of the CO2 emissions.
Seriously, why don't liberals go to China and force them to stop what they are doing? Let the Chinese government arrest them and throw them in some Chinese jail for starting trouble.
If liberals are serious about stopping climate change they have to start pushing for the genocide of the Chinese.
yes pls
I don't want to drown and we'd definitely be the first to go
On second thought.... BURN SOME TIRES QUICK!!!
This is why I rarely participate in these threads. Maybe it's a good thing since I end up less distracted.
It costs 6 cents to produce 20 cubic meters of CFC, and laws only forbid putting it in products, just pumping it out into the atmosphere is perfectly legal.
Quit waiting for the world to burn, help light the fire.
>US: Rank 179
>Sweden: Rank 195
>continues to prove my point
You're one of those "new" swedes, aren't you?
we'd either be the first to go full atlantis or we will be the only country left on earth, walled in by 4 mile high dykes
Africa would be the least affected.
Did you read the title of the wikipedia page? Yes, the US is bigger in landmass but you have more people living per square kilometer.
Why should we do anything to stop it man made or not?
nothing, because it takes more energy to change climate even a little than we can produce in a year
Are you still not getting it? We can take it, you can't. That's the honest brutal truth of it. If you don't do something, Sweden WILL cease to exist in your life time. It probably already happened, and we're just waiting for someone to call it officially. My country just needs a good cleaning and we'll be just fine.
My conspiracy theory is Elon musk is designing a space ship to get the fuck out of here before climate change really takes effect.
The ice age is coming. Better to live closer to the equator.
Buy suntan lotion
A warmer planet is a greener planet b/c its wetter
Most bio diversity is along the equator
Effects of humans on climate are unproven
More prove of falsification
Go think of some other topic to do mental gymnastics over
Larger countries take in more immigrants, that's why for example Russia has such a large muslim population and why the USA are >60% white (HAHHAAHAHAHAAHHA).
One of the reasons we import so many immigrants is because Sweden has a large landmass but a smallpopulation, we can fit them and not collapse.
Musk is only person trying (even if he's a hack)
Cars and Industry are the two most lauded emitters, but they're in the minority.
Air Travel is the killer, but the Rich won't give up their private jets, they'd rather watch the world burn.
>and not collapse
>climate change
fake news, lurk moar.
Is that why you guys banned unfavorable news to prevent civil discord? Or was that just a zog move entirely unrelated to the browning of your country? Do you think you even have enough natives left to last a single full generation like Germany? Or do you go brown in less time.
Pussy ass nigga
YOu have been brainwashed by East Anglia University. What do I do to fight climate change - everyday I walk outside and I spray fluorocarbons and aerosol into the air to combat the chem trails. Hope that adds to your worries.
>this is the power of American education