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He was never supposed to be elected. The jewluminati never suspected white women would resist the men vs women propaganda, and vote for Trump instead of Hillary. But now that he's in office, his job is to lay low and not out himself as a blatant globalist traitor and conman.
wow no one fucking cares except you, go eat a live shotgun round
I can't wait until he gets his speaking fees like the rest of the former presidents.
really made me think
gotta wait 7 more years though
actually the entire country cares, you petulant child.
awww...gonna cry snowflake?
no im not, nigger. drink bleach and cut your stomach open to let it leak out you fucking kike sympathizers
The reason the costs are so high because of security, maybe if dumb fucks wouldnt go threatening everybody it would cost less
>literally so triggered by Trump that you post a b8 thread on Sup Forums
>calling other people snowflakes
Kek, also you're not even using the term correctly. Is that the ultra high city peopoe IQ in action?
>Liberals suddenly care about taxpayers episode
The golf trips is just an excuse for lefties to use to say he's a bad president etc.
He'll save us more money in the end.
You onto something ...
You guys defend him like you are in a cult.
He is cancelling trade deals , he is building walls that costs billions and he is lowering tax for the rich people. How is he going to make America richer?
shills gonna shill
Trump is God.
>not even using the term correctly
>muh safespace word
You mean the one popularized by a homo writer to describe literally you?
Deficit is up 3% this year, and Trump hasn't even passed his tax cuts yet.
Debt is up 4% since last year, and we're only 3 quarters in.
Debt ceiling gets raised again in 2 more months :3
instead of showing how much it costs to protect the president whether he's golfing or not, why don't they actually show what is spent on the golfing? cause i bet it's literally nothing, that's why
also sage for literally fake news
Literally no one here actually gives a fuck about that kike puppet except r/the_donald immigrants
Still less than Obama and his shit trips to Hawaii.
White men like to golf, and Trump is the ultimate white man, I'll tell you what he doesn't spend tax money on liquor the man doesn't drink.
Nup. Just libshit pettiness..much of what they are doing is payback. Everything he is accused of obama or clinton were called out for by the right. Much of the stunts and rhetoric started on the right as well. eg Palin and the obama in the gunsight thing so millions of people post death threats and trump beheadings etc as payback. And to show they have control. Theyre just louder because they are tyrannical with media etc. And mental. But unoriginal.
I voted foe him and support him but he really did this too himself with his Obama comments but ultimately he doesn't care which work for him.