Is there any new Yuru Yuri things coming up? An OVA? A Game? Anything?
Is there any new Yuru Yuri things coming up? An OVA? A Game? Anything?
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Ohmuro-ke soon
The next chapter of Secret Flowers being translated I guess?
Akari is a lewd girl
She's very naughty.
Yeah. We've got a game coming up this December.
All right, I'm sorry.
This show got three seasons already
i want more
>season 3 wasn't by doga because they were too busy with hamster shit
Season 3 doesn't count.
three seasons and ova's is much more than most series get user. Be happy Yuru Yuri got as long of a run as it got.
reminder this is an edit
it's also
from reddit
>Crayon Sinchan
>most series
It should have ended at the OVA if it was going to end on such a low note. The manga is still going.
Crayon Sinchan and Doraemon are kid anime that air during the day and has a much bigger audience (at least in japan) than Yuru Yuri will ever have. There is more money to be made making episode 15 million of Doraemon than episode 37 of yuru yuri.
But on the bright side, since the manga is still running there will probably be another OVA sometime in the future, but season 4 is unlikely.
my nephew sleeps like Akari with his eyes slightly open. It is creepy as fuck.
Punch him.
Not hard but just give him a sudden jolt and act like nothing happened
But that's mean
Is Akari a racist?
Yes she is. Tsurime people have feelings too you know!
She's already Asian though
I want to hug Yui!
Not soon enough.
Ohmuros are prime breeding stock.
I want to fug Yui!
Get out
Spurdo is the pinnacle of humor though.
what are some yurus
This. Spurdo works with everything
best yuru
Is this yuri?
My wife Akari is so cute.
mostly teasing but three girls have actual crushes
this is mostly comedy for the two seasons and then pure slice of life for the third season
she's not yours to have
don't sexualize akariI!!
Shat are you going to do about it, nerd
>Chine will never PISS on you
>niggas saying S3 sucked just because pic related became best girl
TYO killed any interest in Yuruyuri so I doubt it. Just enjoy what ya got and know that it was more than most yuri-tinged SoL get
Akari loves the dick inside her ass.
i sometimes wonder why I bother bumping these threads up so they don't die
cause we love the yuris!
i love you
This thread needs more bullying.
go away bully
To lewd or to daughteru, that is the question.
Why not both?
I really hate studio changes. Ruined Minami-ke for me and now it ruined YrYr.
This just in: A Yuru Yuri thread survived for over twelve (12) hours on Sup Forums!
stop looking!
Hey don't lump me in with the lewd poser, I'm just posting true love
who /hotwaterbottle/ here?
Am I supposed to self-insert when watching yryr?
Why is Akari so sexual?
There should be a birthday pancake dashi.
Best girl
Someone explain the dashi meme to me
hanako prpr
YrYr threads will never hit bump limit again until Oomuro-ke adaptation's announce
I don't have many Hanako images but here you go, I was rooting for her to touch fluffy hair