Police are not even bothering prosecuting rapists and sex attackers now, too busy arresting and jailing racists and Islamophobes on facebook/twitter?
We're fucked.
Police are not even bothering prosecuting rapists and sex attackers now, too busy arresting and jailing racists and Islamophobes on facebook/twitter?
We're fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank fuck my Londoner parents sent me to Surrey at an early age.
Yes Bongs!
Don't call it a grave.
>woman makes a statement and makes use of her right of free speech
>men be like "you deserve to get raped!"
>woman actually gets raped
>"wow now they even let rapists do as they please"
Dump-Supporter logic everybody.
Around 21 violent or sexual offences were reported on the streets of Ealing every day in August 2017, new police data reveals.
Lost control in London, Govt so cucked they have even BANNED the Police from stopping and searching 'ethnics' becuase 'das racist'
Even though the majority of the crime is committed by Ethnics and the Population is mostly ethnic in these areas, you can't make this up.
>let off with a caution
Did their rape licenses expire because they were late with the payments?
>alright lad I'll let you off with a warning this time m8. Promise me to stop raping young women m8. Just get a slag from the club like everyone else.
>your women are to serve us as cattle
>alright then cheerio
The absolute state
And your people are okay with this?
Ever do jury duty and you'll see that the courts are refusing to send anyone to prison, that's if the trial even makes it to sentencing. This isn't surprising in the slightest.
>be white bong
>post merchant memes on twitter and fb
>joke about a race war
>get jailed for 4 yrs.
>be paki/pajeet/jermaine
>rape underage white girls
>get let off with a warning
Harvey Weinstein should have based himself in London
You know when you are so disgusted by somthing you begin to gag?
This is open warfare against white people. They can attack us with impunity, but we will be arrested for complaining about it
>This is open warfare against white people
Its suicide, the same is happening in Germany.
Some cunt is fucking up Europe's shit
Just to clarify, according to the article:
>cautions for rape not a police decision
>but are authorized by the CPS
>not sure what that is
>cautions ARE warnings
>and are not recorded as convictions
>however they must still admit guilt
>and are put on a sex offender registry
>and are supposedly monitored
>but no conviction or prison time
>the CPS
>>not sure what that is
Crown Prosecution Service, like your AG I think
Our prison are full, like 100% full.
But lets have open borders and no checks and pretend anyone who thinks this is bad is a bigot
The virgin bong
The chad moslem
brexit working already!
My penis accidentally into her hole. Good that police forgave me.
>>cautions for rape not a police decision
The Police are pulling their hair out, we have the best POlice, but they now have limited power when it comes to Non whites.
New stop and search rules means THEY CANNOT stop and search anyone they belive to be suspicious.
YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS IS UP, all because stats showed that Blacks were unfairly treated and targeted.
No wonder London is considered the most dangerous in the Western world.
I will NEVER go south of the River, or East London, its fucking 100% FOREIGN!
Our previous govts need to be put on trial for crimes against the nation.
CPS(Crown Prosecution Service) have priorities over rape, like not being racist. So if you say nigger that means you can legally be raped by pack of niggers.
not really. germany is no where near as cucked as the UK is. Germany at least has a self-respect towards their own culture.
Shit is tough right now, Tory are struggling to hold it together, govt has already referred to the EU as the enemy in a freudian slip
Basically we are about to blow and someone is going to get a bloody nose, the anger is rising, steadily rising and there is no pressure value.
Because we're an Island we MUST ensure everyone is cool with each other, we have to integrate non Brits, the Polish manage, the Portuguese to, Jamaicans, We4st Indians, but the our open border policy and poor housing is destroying very delicate society's.
That word 'hate crime' easy to translate to thought crime.
Well if 1984 was going to happen, it was going to happen to the UK first.
you're all next so stop laughing, or maybe you want to help?
Like ideas?
The british muppets strike again.
Having a criminal record in the UK is paramount to being sent to minimum wage hell (£18000 per year) or becoming bored out of your mind and wasting away on benefits your whole life until your criminal record runs out.
dont shit on sikh's they are bros
Please tell me these are actually satire
Because WTF
I will start making them and talk about how important it is to stop Muslims fucking underage girls on an industrious scale?
Yes, there is satire to be had here, if we can't laugh about our demise what can we do?
>Our prison are full, like 100% full.
I know and the solution is building more, not letting serious and repeat offenders off the hook.
>Blacks were unfairly treated and targeted
kek unfairly
Implying these people are anything but benefit scrounging parasites. They dont work lol, unless you count their kebab shop when they rape children.
The Indians are the worst, then the Paki and then the Nigger, all of them feel entitled to a life becuase muh Empire guilt.
Get in shape and prepare for the race war?
Maybe they shouldn't commit crimes
>minimum wage
>GBP 18000
More like 14-15K, user
>Police are not even bothering prosecuting rapists and sex attackers now,
Because if they did they might have to tell the truth about what a horrific crime problem all your dusky pets actually create.
Any way to archive this? Archive.is keeps getting fucked with by the url of these british sites and I can't even find another way to do archive the site.
>Tony Lloyd, as I recall, didn't feature in the BBC drama 'Three Girls', but wasn't it the Crown Prosecution Service (the CPS) rather than the Greater Manchester Police, who failed to process the case in 2009?
By choosing which laws to implement and which not you get sharia law by stealth.
If women do not want to be raped they should not leave home without male guardian.
sounds like the turner diaries
We cant even build a 3rd runway at LHR, we've been kicking that can down the road for 35 yrs
We need to build 2 Bristol sized Cities yesterday, FUCKING YESTERDAY.
And still, still these cunts protest in Downing St asking to let the poor refugees in, and the niggers from Africa, Bangladesh, Afghanistan.
And they come here on false passports, 1000's a week. They will never leave.
Blair killed the exit checks to cover up his UTTER failure opening our borders to places like Somalia, how did that work out?
Rape gang in Bristol of Somali men, rpaing 12 yr old kids in a fucking travelodge, that's the thanks we got for giving them refuge.
I say enough, I say GTFO!
God it makes me so mad,
Dunno mate, where is that Norwegian or Danish archiver bot when you need him?
At this point it's impossible to tell if it's malice or just plain old bureaucratic incompetence.
Im drunk, get off my case
Good joke there.
Well they only raped some chicks it's not like they posted on twitter.
Whats annoying is you can no longer walk about with a shotgun or Rambo knife.
I was born in the 70's, we were poor but happy, I used to go shooting, make dens, set traps, fishing, camping, i was in the cubs and scouts and i carried a knife EVERYWHERE, we were told to, a pocket knife. I brought my rifles into school for show and tell along with my rambo knives, black widow catapults, snares and my cherished WW2 luger.
Why you ask was i aloud?
I'm not racist, i'm telling shit how it used to be.
Bless you Denmark.
>Dump-Supporter logic everybody.
No, it's called free speech, you communist faggot.
HMRC will take the money directly from your bank as a fine, no one escapes the TV licence, no one.
Solicitor here. When rape is dealt with by way of a caution, it is almost always because a prosecution is not in the public interest. In my experience this is virtually always because both parties have severe learning difficulties, and the woman is therefore unable to give consent. Basically it's retards shagging, it's technically rape but it is in nobody's interest - not the victim, not the assailant and not the public - for a prosecution to proceed. This is actually a rare example of common sense in the criminal justice system, and it should be applauded, not criticised. (I bet this gets no (you)s.)
Fact is lads, we're done for if we dont start to do something, there are more of them that us and they hate us with a burning passion, dont fall for the 'ethnic minority meme' when they refer to non whites.
We are the ethnic minority, and we always have been.
Interesting and I would prob agree in most cases.
But that shouldn't hide the fact mostly Muslims men regard white girls as legitimate targets and will groom them and rape them at every oppertunity on an epic scale which is happening still now and will only ever get worse.
Nothing will be done to stop it becuase we dont have the room in prisons or the political will to confront the cancer that is Islam.
So we bury it and wait till it explodes.
We are almost past the point of peaceful resolutions
They aren't getting cautions for rape though, they're getting 15-20 years now. Too late for the girls though, and it is still going on, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The police still think the main problem is the "islamophobia" backlash, not the rape itself.
In America we lock sexual abusers up in jail. Well, unless they are a rich fucking Jew apparently.
no they are different kind of shitskin breeding in your LITTLE ENGLAND
>don't understand due process?
Meanwhile they threaten 15 years in jail if the state of the UK makes you want to do something about it. All our Establishment need hanging.
the kikes have the UK 100% by the cobble stones
>the kikes have the UK 100% by the cobble stones
Says someone from the only western nation to routinely circumcise non jew babies.
Really makes you think
oh. so i guess it's ok then. rapists are now on the streets but they're on a list. everything is fine.
when will britain finally just rid us of their cuckoldry and just sink into the ocean?
>no u
You're right but your country is still fucked.
Nice strawman, Achmed. Why don't you take it to Reddit?
I'll take a cut dick over living in a nation that is completely pinned down.
You arent even allowed to THINK negatively about refugees or else you go to jail for 20 years.
im not trying to insult you, its just the truth man.You guys need to smuggle some makeshift weapons and overthrow your corrupt fucking government. Its gone well passed the twilight zone point.
South london isn't all that bad.
You still have Bromley and kingston that are like 85%+ white.
It's east London that is worse, especially the stratford/ilford area which are 0-30% white.
>Its gone well passed the twilight zone point
Well we are still a majority and will be for my lifetime. You idiots actually believe ''we is all immigrants''' is a valid reason not to have a white nation. You could easily be white minority in 10 years
You are in far worse position that us m8 and that is a simple fact
Last I checked white births are on the rebound and our president released the hounds (ICE).
We ARE fighting back and making progress.
Our Amendments also save us. Particularly the 1st and 2nd.
Time to start shanking rapists.
Take your cities back, britbongs!
Oh no how horrible, these guys push drugs and shit hell they might even make more than you because they don't pay cuckbux to the government.
if you think that cameron or may were ever against the brexit, you might as well believe in fairies
You know, articles like this just reaffirm my believe that Brits should be forbidden from contaminating the gene pool any longer.
>be bong
>get raped
>take away Brits' weapons and means of defending themselves
>refuse to punish or jail rapists
It's almost like they want their population of white people to be bred out of existence