Why is he so perfect?

Why is he so perfect?

FUCK I meant "she". Why is SHE so perfect?

because she is a murderer

She's very cute

Find a flaw.

You can't

Very loving, great waifu material.

I see nothing wrong, do you?

Her sister is infinitely better.

delete this.

I love Nepgear.

I wouldn't mind her being a trap desu

There is literally nothing wrong with her. It's impossible you fags.

Not much personality other than cute mob-blob sister.


Who /Vert/ here?

A Perfection!

Literally nobody. I bet you truly don't either.

She /Nepgear/ though.

op is a complete fuck up



She is based on a portable console that was literally impossible to be portable without going bankrupt buying double A batteries. Boy I sure loved never being able to play my Game Gear anywhere away from the house.

But Nepgear is the ugliest Nep

literally Tsukneko's masterpiece

Go to sleep OP.


Vert x IF was more entertaining than with Nepgear.

Fuck you. 'He' would've been better.

She murders people

Even small children

She did it with good intentions