>"Why do you keep making fun of Somalis on Sup Forums, user? I thought we were friends."
"Why do you keep making fun of Somalis on Sup Forums, user? I thought we were friends."
I want to put your head on a stick in my front yard
tits of gtfo
>tfw have café
>tfw british laws stops me from choosing who and who doesn't get into my café
>have to actually serve 2 niggers a week
>arab rape babies
Our QUEENs r fine AF
why do you people go through threads and spam this shit? what are you trying to achieve?
You people have been so psychologically abused you are now overcompensating to overcome it. I just wish you stupid niggers would hurry up and find your happy medium.
You are not kings or queens. You are fucking welfare peasants who live at the behest of the rich fucks who harvest your votes and use you for propaganda.
intelligence is passed down through the mother
somalis have an average IQ of 70
interbreed at your own risk
of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest was these
you'll never learn plumbing
"The fuck are you talking about? I've been posting threads on Sup Forums saying Somalis and other East Africans are honourary whites."
Cherry picking.
Who is this? I'd put 10 kids in this just to piss off Sup Forums.
triggering white boys....
oh they're so good
oh they're so sweet
>try to post some kind of shitty meme intended to make people think well of Africans
>always post the most light-skinned African you can find
Not gonna lie this nigress is fine as fuck. Post name pls
be blacka da berry the sweeter da juice like muh negus kendrick said........
They want to act like children while the adults work. Even their goal to be rap stars rely on people with real jobs.
you are triggering my dick
for girls? For boys? Get the fuck out of here.
You want smart sons, you need smart fathers.
Women have never been sexually selected for smarts. Men have selected them for asses, tits, looks.
Smart men would horde the bitches they liked best and fucked them.
Men were the ones shaping the human race, not women.
For most of human history women didn't choose their mates... men chose for them.
>s*malis are beautiful
Who the fuck are you, nigger?
Eurasians lived in areas of scarce resources. Women made themselves look pretty so a guy that was smart enough to generate resources would take them, fuck them, and raise kids.
The man chose the bitch he would marry or his dad did. The patriarchy would choose.
>>"Why do you keep making fun of Somalis on Sup Forums, user? I thought we were friends."
Don't take it to heart; it's just banter. Love ya!
that nigglet window between curvy and fat
>about 2 months
I dont care about mans, at least post examples of real somalis womens.
I turned my brightness all the way up and I still can't see anything
Fucking kek
>set tinder to some african city
>get 50 matches/hour
I wish it were as easy here kek
What does that even mean? People are not berries. Neither are niggers.
tfw no qt somali gf
Somalis are the nigger's nigger aka black jews.
IQ so low it would win any limbo contest.
We are but you have to go back sorry
I'm going to stop trolling, but seriously only very high T white men go after black women. I'm a product of BLEACHING myself. More white men should go after black women. Most of them love white men.
not a somali, senpai
Their vaginas are already black even when they are even not that used. fucking ugly
0.0000001% of female niggers look like this
somali women are attractive. aside from skin don't have negroid features really.
Probably the ugliest people of earth
I am sooo triggered right now, please don't post more and don't give sauce nigger!
She's East African that's how they look. She's not mixed. I guess the ethnicity itself is mixed in a sense but that applies to lots of ethnic groups that aren't thought of as mixed.
And the truth emerges lads, mulatto misfit resents whites for never fully accepting him. Even though the niggers won't accept him either, he can at least [assuming OP is an average mulatto] stand those few IQ points above the average nigger, but is still white. Where as you'll always be dumber than whites and they'll still consider you a nigger. Oh well, I'm sure family functions were easier with an oil driller father than the usual coalburning roastie single mother.
Either way fuck off Trevor Noah
>only pretty because of her white facial features aka slim nose, oval face, relatively proportional lips and non monkey scull shape
>whites btfo
I got a Korean girl drunk once in college and she told me that's how she masturbates
Fix my Toberlones you fucking faggot