Post VAs you want to see not only get a career-ending injury, but get the kind of injury that would affect them for the rest of their lives.
Post VAs you want to see not only get a career-ending injury...
>be VA
>get a boyfriend
>get stabbed by autist
>ruin career
That's all that needs to happen
Why are you a terrible person filled with hate?
Hanakanas are for cute not cruel
I don't wish such malevolence upon anyone!
All of them.
The age of Hanakana is long gone. Now we're stuck with Ai Kayano taking most of the roles. A shame, Hanakana was so much better.
n-no bully Hanakana
The fuck is wrong with you?
Yes, I know where I am. But seriously, the fuck is wrong with you?
I guess rape would count as affecting her for the rest of her life, wouldn't it.
You're about 2 years too late, KanaHana isn't hot stuff anymore.
You have no reason to be this much of an edgy faggot now.
I hope Miyu Matsuki's enraged spirit crawls out of your monitor Sadako-style and starts haunting your house Poltergeist-style (complete with your house being sucked into another dimension).
You act as if they killed your cartoon wife
You're seiyufuu career ended by torn hymen
Rape by Goro while cosplaying one of her characters would do it for me.
Matsuki Miyu doesn't give a shit about this Kana.