C90 starts next week Sup Forums, are you excited?
C90 starts next week Sup Forums, are you excited?
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Man, Hinata looks really old
If I was a talented artist I'd draw porn of the leaked Pokemon 7th gen starters brutally fucking some chicks
Like shit so brutal it'd make the original Faithful Tepid look tame.
And Nintendo couldn't do shit about it without confirming those starters a real.
>liking fanart
Can't wait.
Real fucking exited for this.
I understand, I still feel the same way about fanfiction.
>milf hinata
muh dick
That's why she turns into a loli in it.
Fuck yeah. First time going to Comiket (And Japan in general), so I'm really excited.
Man, this give me real complicated feelings
Years ago, Tosh and Hisasi are both my top H-artists. Now, having Hisasi draw a doujin of Tosh's legit stuff just feels really weird.
Care to get this for the brethren?
I understand what you're saying, but you won't hear me complaining about it.
no, this group is ass and always draws disgusting blowjob faces that go full horse + disgusting pussy/ass
one hurricane 4 to see psykos get raped by saitama
On the one hand, don't really give much of a shit about Souma.
Started reading it a bit ago, but really losing interest with how the last month or so of chapters have literally just been the same thing repeated over and over. Also never much cared for Erina in the short time I've read it.
On the other hand, fucking Hisasi is great.
>On the other hand, fucking Hisasi is great.
Isn't that good enough reason?
That artist should do more anal
Kinda, good amount of doujin's I'm looking forward too.
But at the same time, there's an even bigger amount of tanks I'm waiting for that that have been released in the past year that I'm still waiting on.
I wish someone would pick a doujin up for me but I dont know if we're done asking
Can't wait for all the Hero Academia shit
can ya get one hurricane 4?
Academia is fujoshit
Has this man ever drawm a doujin were Sakura isn't the main focus or doesn't have the most panel time?
I would think Sakura is his waifu, but the way presents her makes me doubt it.
Now that's what I call a hot milf.
>Character known for their small chest
>Give them cowtits
Yeah. Been living in Japan for several months now, went to C89 already and I'll go check out some stuff on C90 too.
Can't wait for those sweet vanilla tears.
I need more OCHAKO
yeah he did a p4 one
Does he even have something for c90? He haven't put anything new on pixiv for months.
Raita's offering. Combo of best girl and worst girl gives me strange feelings.
But there are two best girls in this picture.
Misa is a good girl and she is Asai's true wife.
kek you missed a nipple
Hey man there is nothing wrong with liking vanilla.
this desu
>Hey man there is nothing wrong with eating shit.
don't perpetuate the hate brother, why can't we all join hands and sing Kumbayah around the campfire that is C90?
But there is some really good vanilla doujins. NTR isnt just for me
>worst girl
you clearly posted best and second best
>liking NTR
>saying OTHER people like eating shit
I hope somebody buys the Totoko gangrape doujin this time.
I surprised it took so long to happen
my mini me craves for new neromashin, and there will be 2 works from him, cant be happier about next comiket
seriously anyone expecting vanilla from that guy is beyond retarded
This is the third or fourth I've seen on pixiv. But nobody seems to ever buy them.
That Criticrista porn looks cute.
>LINDA's new shit literally never gets fucking ripped
why live?
Can't wait for the degenerate shit like fatalpulse
>want to cop a shit load of stuff but not going and buying second hand doujins is like asking for cum dust all over your copy at an extortionate price
having kids, changes you
More like being a shitty artist changes you.
Really looking forward to Absolute Whiteness Magical Girl 9.0-2.0
Truly the Anno of his generation
This guys such a god. The way he portrays Sakura as such a cock loving slut to contrast with how much a bitch she is in the main series
really works.
I also like that he wasn't a blind fanboy and did actually acknowledge canon and kept Sakura as Naruto's whore but not his wife or anything.
I think the Naru / Saku + Sarada plots have run it's course. Here's hoping he does stuff with the other girls now.
It's how she looks in the manga.
She didn't age well. Especially not on Kishimoto's art.
She probably looks younger with his Assistant's art, but people don't like it.
Pierrot draws her younger too.
Kishimoto draws bags under her eyes.
Post your favorite artist so I can laugh at you faggot.
As we gave a shit about these bitches. lol get real loser
On it
My favorite artist at least knows the proportions of the characters he draws.
I already asked my Japanese friends to grab me a whole bunch of my waifu's doujins.
Pretty excited.
>There are people out there who unironically think Misa is good
i'm ready to blow my load and cash
damn, LINDA's lawyers works really fast
gotta keep them weebs locked down son
Girls NTRing other girls is the best though, Misa is the best.
>"your favorite artist is shit, user"
>"show us your favorite artist"
>gets distant and defensive
>DMCA for a fucking preview image
It's not like I wanted to fap to LINDA works that aren't 4 years old anyway
Its literally the same plot even with different girls. Sunaharas nothing more than a salty narsaku faggot.
Wait, that was DMCA?
Not being able to keep to the proportions of a character means you're a shit artist.
Couldn't give a fuck what kind of plots he comes up with. I just want more panels of any of the other girls.
I just remembered that Chie doujin of his, absolutely disgusting.
>starting a Comiket thread with Naruto out of all things
Fuck you.
How are you just living there, are you ALT? Some kind of businessman?
Somewhat soon I'll have to return to my home country, but then I'll just apply for new two years stay and use it to find a permanent job.
What are those little burgers in the background?
They're clearly pretty patties.
Lurk more.
Oh thank god, I thought Hisasi went full non-H.
Does LINDA have a twitter or pixiv or something to see what I'm missing?
Looking forward to the new Pooters doujin
>774 doing more Mami humilliation
gureeto. I guess his lolibaba doujins will remain on that LO mag then
>C90 starts next week Sup Forums, are you excited?
Not if it means another shitty naruto doujin like that. Jesus can't japs make a decent Naruto doujin anymore.
First one wasn't even translated.
Ha ha! Time for C2!
As for music,
BlackY's AsterhYthm 2
Diverse System's AD:HOUSE 2
FELT's new album sounds better than their recent stuff from the crossfade but we'll have to see how that turns out.
>we'll never know what CC's real name was
fuck my life
It's a choice, he's shown he's perfectly capable of drawing flat characters.
I actually remember at least one good Sakura doujin of his without the disgustingly oversized tits, and it was pretty good. Too bad he completely went to shit.
Saboten Campus?
The fact he's releasing two different books at the same time kinda has me worried. He's known for doing trilogies, I worry that if he releases a Tenten-Ino set and a Shizune-Tsunade set at C91 and C92 that he might retire.
finally - his nikubenki stuff is my fetish
I don't know if it's "campus" but it had "Saboten" in it.
I just really want Ishikei to make this into a book
Does Koume Keito have anything planned for this one?
Does anyone have the translated PV pages?
>Hiding the bigger set of titties